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USPSA President Out?


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1 hour ago, whan said:


I agree - looks like some form of damage control to try to cover them legally. 


On a side note, this may be the straw that ends up breaking the camel's back with regard to the membership's visibility and awareness of the political turmoil around the USPSA org. Compared to previous events around bans of certain members, or questions around financials, this is far more visible to the average USPSA member that otherwise isn't super involved


In addition, I know YML is well-liked in our regional Norcal area, which is also quite a large population of shooters (Richmond's last local had over 160 people). I expect word to spread quickly here on this topic…

The guy just recently won the biggest popularity contest in USPSA. I’d call this more than a straw. if nothing else, this will hopefully wake people up. 

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57 minutes ago, Sarge said:

I know I guy who got decertified for playing a prank totally unrelated to shooting

The thing that gets me is, the person in charge of deciding this has had plenty of incidents of poor judgement, and he’s never once been disciplined for it. 

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9 hours ago, TaterHead said:

How is it possible for the hired hand to get rid of the boss. This makes no sense to me.

 Conspiracy theorists  could say that this was intentionally written into the bylaws as a back door way of getting someone off the board.


while I wouldn’t go quite that far, the fact that this method was used to remove a sitting president is beyond absurd. 

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There are several ways for a member to be suspended or banned from USPSA and it seems that some of these are vaguely worded and open to abuse. 

A mere suspension is enough to prevent any member from running for office, and that power is in the hands of the very people that member may be trying to replace in the election.


This is a clear conflict of interest.


I think a better system would be one where other members are selected at random to serve on an arbitration committee to discuss/analyze the actions of the accused.

If they determine that there has been no violation then the suspension can be struck down (like it never happened). If guilty then the arbitration committee can determine if a partial/full suspension is warranted.

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yml,I bought some hard to find parts from him.... he had very good communication.very fair $$ ... i have no complaints, busy guy.30 years of uspsa, ya see all kinds.... live let live safety 1st.mike

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About the only thing I'm not seeing here is a suggestion we should wait and see what the man is accused of, how many witnesses there are and potentially who they are, what the board actually decided, and what YML has to say about it all.  A little too much conspiracy theory at the moment, methinks.

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I agree with your comments.

That being said, conspiracy theories thrive when there is a lack of transparency/information. Once the BOD/DNROI made the decision to effectively end YML's presidency they should have immediately drafted an announcement to that effect and made it available to the membership.


They must know what he is accused of otherwise they would not have suspended him. The election has been effectively overturned and the organization needs to explain the situation promptly.

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As an aside, I explained the situation to my wife, who has spent her career in audit including at one of the big 4 firms, and the first thing she said is that the org needs better controls. First recommendation she made was that there should be consecutive term limits for board members (IE can run again later, but not consecutively)

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1 hour ago, whan said:

As an aside, I explained the situation to my wife, who has spent her career in audit including at one of the big 4 firms, and the first thing she said is that the org needs better controls. First recommendation she made was that there should be consecutive term limits for board members (IE can run again later, but not consecutively)

there’s a few really good arguments against term limits. One of the most persuasive is that hard won expertise is lost when a person vacates the position, and at best the new officeholder is forced to learn it for themselves. Another is that you deincentivize long-term planning that stretches beyond time in office. Thankfully few of these arguments really apply to USPSA. The staggered terms of the board helps ensure organizational continuity. We are exactly the sort of body that would benefit from rotating leadership exercised with a light touch. Prohibiting consecutive terms could keep the board close to the membership.

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My understanding is that when the bylaws were distributed for comment, member feedback pointed out exactly the scenario that unfolded regarding certification. Bug or Feature? 


We've known about the rules of conduct regarding ROs. I was pleased to see it applied in the +2 incident, that was well deserved as was starting a shooter with people downrange. These alleged incidents with YML strike me more as being lower on the tier scale but I guess that's what the board hired DNROI to do. 


YML, from what I've heard, has appealed. Is there a majority of the board who will agree with him? 


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I disagree 100% 

you don’t remove a elected official by the membership … then come up with a press release when ever you get around to it. Unless this was such a huge deal to save face you need to cut ties immediately. 

the statement needs to Coincide with the discipline action
 That’s not how things are supposed to work. 

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4 minutes ago, Nathanb said:

I guess calling deltas dicks broke the don’t be a dick rule by making it so and that couldn’t stand 😂


Interesting how dicks is sometimes ok. We are going to need a ruling on when saying dick is allowed, or at least who gets to say it with no repercussions...

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14 hours ago, whan said:

In addition, I know YML is well-liked in our regional Norcal area, which is also quite a large population of shooters (Richmond's last local had over 160 people). I expect word to spread quickly here on this topic…


The way he travels I think people know him and probably like him from everywhere. I'm on the east coast and met him at matches in the area. I think most people that shoot majors here know him. Guys that just do locals may not. 


And really if this topic comes up at a local chances are the guys that don't shoot majors might ask the more experienced guys if we know him and what we think. Then you'll have local guys who don't travel who will likely here of similar experiences to mine with YML. 

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I’ve only met YML once.


What I know from that experience is that he is an intelligent and extremely competent man who worked his tail (can’t say butt, right?) off at my state match in unbearably hot conditions for days on end.  

Deeds, not words.

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23 minutes ago, Archer said:

I’ve only met YML once.


What I know from that experience is that he is an intelligent and extremely competent man who worked his tail (can’t say butt, right?) off at my state match in unbearably hot conditions for days on end.  

Deeds, not words.

Same. Saw him at majors. Enjoyed my walk thru with Metallica and other classic metal. Truly dedicated and solid dude. 

If this turns out to be termination for using bad words, then our sport officially has a “deep state” and they should stop having “elections” and just anoint the preferred guy. 


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