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2018 Goals


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In the spirit of new years. What are everyone's aspirations for improvement and goals for the upcoming season.


With the close of my first year of USPSA. I'm making a move to limited major with a 2011 and a speed holster so a lot of gear change than what I started with. My goals are:


- 0.70 draw and first shot with new gun.

- 0.15 A zone splits

- A Class by June

- 30 minute dry fire every day

- Live fire at least once a month besides matches

- Improving my stage plans and executing them.

- at least one level 1 match a month.





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Copying from a Reddit thread (on r/competitionshooting) about this same topic:


-Create a dry fire schedule, then meet or exceed the scheduled amount of practice. 

-Create a fitness/workout plan, then meet or exceed the plan. 

-Attend my first major match. Probably will be either the Buckeye Blast or Battle in the Bluegrass

-Start ROing at matches. I did the class this year but haven’t taken the step of ROing much at matches. 

-(Maybe) Take a class of some sort. I live only 2ish hours away from Steve Anderson’s home range, so that’s the direction I’m leaning IF I go for a competition-specific class. I might do a more general handgun class instead, since I have basically no formal training on the actual fundamentals of pistol shooting. I also may put this off another year due to cost. 

-Read Practical Pistol Reloaded, Dry Fire Training Reloaded, With Winning in Mind, and Get to Work. Reread Practical Shooting: Beyond Fundamentals. Apply what I learn to my training and shooting. 

-I’d like to make at least B class this year, and try for IDPA Expert or higher. 

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1 second draw with a “perfect “ for me grip on demand.

1.5 second draw with a perfect for me grip and hit 8” plate at 25 yds on demand.

Attend my first class before June.

Do at least 1 major this season.

Call every shot!!!!!!

Transition with my legs, not my torso.

On close transitions have it sound as if it is 1 continuous string.


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1. Loose some weight.

2. Start dry firing...........again! (at least 3 times a week)

3. Practice live fire indoors monthly until the snow is gone (2.5 hr. drive 1 way, still debating cost VS. reward)

4. Live fire weekly (May, June July)

5. Shoot Canadian Nationals in August and place top 10 in division

6. Use "visual patience" always, especially those tough shots / stages.

7. Stay married!

8. Start teaching my 9 year old to shoot.

9. Did I mention stay married?

10. Have Fun!

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1.  Set up a weekly dry fire schedule instead of just winging it.

2.  Live fire once a week

3.  Some sort of match 2-4 times a month dependent on work.

4.  Better stage planning

5.  reflect on the match and re-work dry fire plan to improve deficiencies.

6.  Make "A" class in PCC



Minor goals

1.  Get my 13 year old daughter confident enough to shoot a match with her PCC.

2.  Work with my 9 year old son on handling and racking a 9mm pistol. 

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1. Stick with the same gun all year. ( this one will be the hardest..i like shinny things)

2.  Dryfire 3 times a weeks 

3.  Run 1000 miles (750 in 2017)

4. Make Master in Open.(If I do #1 this one should follow)

5. Have Fun shooting (remember this is hobby not a job)

Edited by craigsteffek
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Make "A" class,

help my 12 year old win high junior in his division at Area 6 Championship 

Improve dry fire training

Enjoy watching my 12 year old grow as a competitor

Find a way to shoot more and work less!

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Currently started a range diary and dry fire training diary as my New Year's resolution. I plan to dry fire every single day while following a planned routine to maximize my time. Shoot at least once a week, attend 2-3 matches per month between USPSA and Steel Challenge, and make A class in CO. 

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Not to be a bore but I want to make A class in steel challenge (OSR & ISR), shoot some USPSA and RO a few (like another poster said I'm NROI but haven't jumped in yet). Dryfire every day that I don't live fire (started last night) and just in general have a good time. In other words, I want to start taking this sport semi-seriously. I've run out of excuses.

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21 hours ago, StuckinMS said:


help my 12 year old win high junior in his division at Area 6 Championship 


Enjoy watching my 12 year old grow as a competitor

Find a way to shoot more and work less!

Agreed! I'm working with my 13 year old to grow as a competitor.  

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I'll throw in my $0.02 ...


1)      Make ‘Master' in USPSA Production by end of June

2)      Maintain present dry fire schedule

3)      Live fire at least once a week

4)      Start a true study of competitive shooting to advance by learning from the past

5)      Compete in 3 or 4 out-of-state Level 2 or 3 matches

6)      Attend at least one training class

7)      Maintain workout schedule

8)      Work on flexibility and movement

9)      Back on track with nutritional plan prior to 2017 surgeries

10)   Learn to focus on being 100% engaged in the moment.  (family time, workouts, shooting, work)



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- Dry fire... at least some. 

- Practice long distance accuracy more 

- Shoot 93%+ of points at all matches

- Win A6 again

- Win A4

- Win MS Section

- Win Ark Section

- Win Al Section

- Win TN section

- Win GA section

- Win LA section

- Top 16 Nats 

(All above In Limited)


- Win Carry Optics at a major

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Last year was my first year doing any kind of competition shooting I ran production in uspsa and also ran production in steel challenge. I decided to make the move to open class mainly because of more rounds and the optic. I did alright in production most of the time being in the top 50% in my class which I think is good for my first year of any type on competition shooting. My goals for 2018 are


-Setup a practice routine of dry fire and reload practice and do it at least 3 times a week

-Live fire practice once a week if possible

-make a better exercise routine with an emphasis on aerobic exercises and balance

-lose a few pounds and make a better nutrition plan

-Compete in at least one uspsa and steel challenge match a month

-Compete in all the major matches in my area and be in the top 50% or better in my division

-Make B class in open

-Run Smoke and Hope in 2.50sec or less (ran a 2.75 in production last year so a 2.50 or better in open is possible I think)

-Use the same gun all year (I tend to like variety it seems but I think that is a big negative for moving up)

-and just have fun, isn't that why we do it

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Started in November of 2017 with a new plan so not quite a New Year resolution. C shooter.


Dry fire twice a day in 30 minute or so blocks 5 days a week. (Stoeger's Dry Fire reloaded training plans).

Range time once a week.

Private training 4 hours at a time with a local GM at least twice a month.

Match once a week. Be more aggressive in matches.


Above is the process. The goals are:

< 1.1 second draw on open targets, A zone. (at 1.2 - 1.3 now)

< .20 splits on open targets, half partials A zone. (at .22 - .25 now)

< .30 transitions on open targets/half partials 1 yard apart A zone. (at .35 - .39 now)

< 2.1 second Bill/Blake drill. (at 2.35 now)

More efficient movements.


Resulting in B class by May, two year anniversary of my competition start.


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1. Dry fire 30 mins a day 5 days a week

2. Live fire 6 times a month

3. 2 second 4 aces

4. 3 second 25 yard bill drill

5. 1.6 second bill drill

6. Eat and drink better

7. Start working out 3 times a week

8. Win MO Fall Classic

9. Win Free State Sectional

10. Win Illinois Sectional

11. Shoot 90% or better at a level 3 or 4 match

12. Top 16 at national 


All goals are for limited

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Super busy with work this half of the year so...


1. Stick to a solid dry fire regimen (been reading Dry Fire Reloaded)

2. Lose some weight (been creeping up slowly over 2017..)

3. Live fire at least once every 2 weeks if I can swing it

4. Attend a local match at least once a month

5. Attend a class

6. Get my wife into competition shooting so that I can go shoot more (hardest goal of all lol)

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