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    Midland/Rochester, TX/NY
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    Neil Cassata

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  1. Never had one unscrew but I do "tighten mine" probably a little tighter than average. But with that said I like the Wilson FLGR that you and can use a bushing wrench to take the gun down with.
  2. Bought an early production, used 4.25 prior owner installed an EGW ignition set. I adjusted trigger weight to my preference. Installed a Dawson ext firing pin and new wolf FP spring. Adjusted extractor It runs like a scalded dog! Thank goodness. Runs 124 FMJ's, HAP's, RMR TC, and Bayou, Hoosier 124 coated. Been running STI Gen1 & 2 mags mostly, but the factory mags run also. Know this doesn't help you but the three I'm around , two friends, seem to run. So keep at it I'm running 1.150 OAL on Bayou and Hoosiers 1.169 FMJ's, and 1.050 on RMR TC good fortune
  3. You can also change the spring in the mag release to lessen the weight and make is easier to release. The Dawson with the tapped hole will allow you to put an extended pad/paddle on it so it doesn't require as much hand movement to release. Most clubs have a go to gunsmith. ask around and find him. He probably has a bunch of old safeties he can let you get a feel of to make your choice easier. Obviously he should be able to fit your new one also. you can shape them to fit your hands but hey will need to be re blued or at least cold blued for esthetic appeal.
  4. MoJo did a hammer pin repair for me on a 686. Came out great and haven't had a problem since. Never work you action with the side plate off and the springs installed The guy I bought the 686 from didn't know that!
  5. 17 yds - poi=poa doens't move but an inch or so 1=35 yds.
  6. 38 super plate wore out on my Dillon 550. Dillon of curse replaced under warranty
  7. Check a few thing first Is the MS strut contacting the sear spring anywhere along the hammers travel Make sure you have some pre travel and check that your half cock notch clears the sear with post travel then if those are good: go to appox 14 ozs of disconnector pressure at least. And adjust the sear leg accordingly for what weight you want without hammer follow. Sometime if you have a light hammer spring (main spring) you might go up a pound or two on it's weight also.
  8. Get the plastic spacers they work fine. Mine are 10 plus years old and still work great.
  9. Been carrying them in different versions since 1975 or so. Gov't, commander, Para Double stack, 2011 5" etc etc Currently a LW commander in 9 and a steel commander in 45. They all run and I've hammered on them in practice, drills and competitions. Don't see the problem with Duty/Carry use. I shoot my guns more than any LEO I personally know. Do I think they should be issued NO! Do I think they should be available to LEO YES! Ranger Trace is good evidence of a person who CHOOSES to use a 191/2011 This is opinion, take it for what it's worth!
  10. Jim Shoot the dog out of it. Nice shooting this past weekend Neil
  11. Striker catches the release bar on the timney. Release slide as usual then press trigger and pull slide off
  12. 3 different Ghost trigger parts trying to make a slight wall before striker release without it feeling like pushing my trigger finger in mashed potatos.
  13. Not really a glock Guy. Shot a 34 in CO uspsa for about a year and went to SIG's because I liked the trigger and grip better. Have a Gen3 17 that I've done trigger work on and the trigger is one of the nicest I've felt, better than the 34 I used in competition. It's my go bag gun FWIW. I picked up the SS DR920 Elite changed the grip to the 1911 style and immediately started liking the gun. Been through three trigger mods none acceptable. Installed a Timney trigger assy. and now I'm completely stratified with it. For me a self admitted "not a glock guy" this pistol points and shoots as easily as any handgun I own. I'm primarily a 1911/2011 guy. I've shot this enough in drills and practice to know it's a better tool than my other glocks have been. Overall QC is better, sights are better, accuracy while doing drills and off the bench is better. It's just a better pistol "FOR ME" than a glock is with a grip reduction , "1911 style", new sights etc etc. Price wise with the changes I would make with a gen5 I'd be in the same price range with out a solid small magwell and a 1911 grip. BTW it feeds and shoot well with anything from 130 PF competition loads to NATO loads. I do have a 15lb recoil spring on the way to try with the competition loads but shooting controlled pair Alpha's at 7 & 15 yds my splits are averaging .19 to 20 with the SS. My usual CO gun the average .18 to 19. So w/o a spring that settles the sights quicker I'm very comfortable that it will be in the same ball part as my current skills. Long post summary this non glock guys likes the SS DR920 elite !
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