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Gun shop experts and their quotes


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I went to a local indoor range today to try my open gun with a new 90deg mount and steel grip... After about 10 minutes I took notice to an 'expert' know it all and his buddy. After hearing mr. 'expert' tell his friend that he keeps round bullets in one 'clip' and "slaps his 'hallow point clip' in" if someone messes with him, I heard him tell his friend that my gun was a 45 because it was so loud, and that thing on the front was to cool the bullet down before it went super sonic. Then something about my gun not being tactical.

At that point I laughed, flinched, and put one about 2 inches outside my 1/2" group.

I have to give the guy credit... At least he knew that bullets go faster than the sound barrier.

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My LGS finally had a Rock Island 10mm in today. A TAC Ultra FS. Sitting right next to it was the same gun in .45

Me: "Why is the 10mm $120 more than the identical gun in .45"?

LGS tool: "Cause it has a bigger hole in the end".

Me: "Uh, no it doesn't". smiley_thinking.gif

LGS tool: smiley_freak.gif

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I asked a clerk at a local gun store why the M4 style 9mm AR they had for sale was $300 more than the M4 style .223 right next to it. Both rifles from the same company. His response? "The 9mm requires more machining."

Edited by jrswanson1
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  • 2 months later...

I was at a store looking at .223 ammo and had found what I wanted as the salesman walked over to "help" me. He asked what caliber I needed and the kind of rifle, so I told him. He then asked me what distance I have it sighted in for.... thinking he was just chatting, I told him I usually use 200 yds. He proceeds to grab the box out of my hand, look at the ballistic chart (which has the bullet drop with 200 yd zero) and says "yup! these should work fine... see, they're zeroed at 200 yds."

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Well this thread has kept me entertained for numerous days during down time! Props to you Sarge for this one

Ok. First, thank you to all of you that shared on this post. I have just spent a very entertaining (albeit a bit frightening) couple of hours reading this from start to finish.

I consider myself very lucky that the private gun stores near me seem to employ people willing to tell you that they don't know and grab another employee that is more familiar with what you are asking about. Perhaps, I don't appreciate them enough. (or didn't before reading this thread)

The only story that I have to add comes from the seller's side of the counter courtesy of my girlfriend. She and I have been shooting together for many years now including Cowboy Action, and recently a bit of 3 gun. I make all our ammo and over the years, she has picked up a fair bit of reloading information from me (I'm no expert by my judgement, but I have managed to not blow us up in 10 years of loading ammo). She worked for a while at a local big box sporting goods retailer that also sold reloading supplies. She is a 5' tall, slightly built woman and often had trouble with customers not wanting to be helped with firearm purchases by her. One the one occasion that really merits telling here, she was working with only one other employee (male) in the firearm/reloading section of the store when a customer walked up to the counter directly in front of her and begins loudly calling "Hey, buddy!" to the male employee (who was working with another customer at the time). She asked the fellow politely if she could assist him. He declined and began again calling loudly to the other employee across her shoulder. After a minute or two of this, she politely (the girl is an angel) explains to the customer that the other employee is busy with another customer and she would be happy to help him with whatever he needs. He (a bit rudely) says he will just wait on the other employee.

After several minutes go by, the male employee finishes with the other customer and finally gets to the person that was calling out for him. My girlfriend and the other employee shared a quick look (they were used to this sort of thing by now, unfortunately) as he walks up beside her. She turned away from the customer and resumed stocking product that they had received that day and had yet to get put away as the male employee asks the customer what he needed help with.

"I need some help with reloading stuff." the customer tells him.

"You need her then." the employee says and turns and walks away again.

Apparently, the customer was acting both stunned and sheepish while my girlfriend got him sorted out and on his way with what he needed.

(No one else in the store did ANY reloading so my girlfriend helped where she could and would reach out to me or one of our shooting buddies when she was hit with questions she couldn't answer.)

This story was told to me by the male employee the next time I visited them in the store. He said it was all he could do not to laugh in the jerk's face when he saw the stunned look the customer gave him when he told him he should be talking to my girlfriend.


Sounds like you better get another precious metal other than brass for her! Haha that's hilarious

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  • 6 months later...

Here's my contribution at old thread necromancy...


On 2/16/2015 at 6:53 AM, jhgtyre said:

Overheard at a local shop last weekend.

Gun Store Clerk: Sir, I'm afraid you have misspelled a word on the ATF form...

Dude: What word?

Gun Store Clerk: Well, see, in YOUR last name the "I" is before the "A"...

I had to walk away. Fast.


Just had a customer that didn't know if they had one or two "L" in their name.  They didn't actually know what their legal name was on their birth certificate.  I had a previous customer that kept telling me, "I legally changed my middle name to just be a middle initial when I got divorced... but I don't know if it's legal or not."

How the heck do you sign a 4473 as being true if you don't know your own name?

Also one of my favorite customers are those that have "911s".

Customer - I need a new 911 (nine-eleven) for my collection.
Me - I do love me some 1911 (nineteen-eleven) too.  What would you like to see?
Customer - I dunno, which 911s (nine-elevens) are new?
Me - Well we just got in another Dan Wesson Valor...
Customer - Obvious ripoff of Smith & Wesson.
Me - (puts back the Dan Wesson, grabs a Colt) How about a Colt?
Customer - You're just paying for the name with a Colt.
Me - (puts back the Colt, grabs a Rock Island) Rock Island?
Customer - Never heard of 'em, but I like the price.  Do they make a good 911?

Etc,etc, etc...

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  • 1 month later...
I always scratch my head when I ask when they will get a particular gun in. "we never know when we will get them in". Ok so you dont order guns they just "send you what they want"?

This is how it work in the firearms industry. New or popular guns are allocated to distributors or dealers. You can sometimes backorder stuff, but most of the time its a crapshoot. You get a call from one of your distributors, hey you want a (whatever)? Sucks but thats how it works.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  • 5 weeks later...
On ‎3‎/‎19‎/‎2012 at 10:09 PM, Steven Cline said:

"At a local gun store one day an off duty police officer leans up against the cabinet full of various 1911s. He asked the clerk about some handguns, the clerk pointed at the cabinet and said, 'Check out these 1911s.' The officer commented, 'I dont want to trust my life to 100 year old technology, what else you got?'"

The clerk should have responded, "Nothing better."

I'd have been tempted to stick my nose in it with, "Bring your gun out to the next match, I'll spot you the difference between the 8 rounds in my 1911 to however many you got; I'll still whip you. And, if my 1911 malfunctions before your gun does, I'll refund your match fee... we got a deal, sparky?"

I hate the empty bravado of statements like that which the cop uttered.

I agree though..1911's have been relegated to range queens..more or less an 8 shot revolver.


will they do the job? absolutely! is 8 rounds suitable for a primary weapon in a gun fight? not in this mans opinion.


the bench

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  • 1 month later...

Built an ambidextrous AR and dropped it off to have a new muzzle break installed (lost my wrench).  When I got it back it was timed to the 2 O'clock position.  Upon informing the "gunsmith" he said "no man, that's what you want for a right handed shooter".  Didn't take into account that the rifle could possibly be for a lefty.

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/4/2009 at 8:15 AM, gmantwo said:

Said in a barber shop I was in, at 14, I'm now 47, and I still remember laughing out loud!

"You can shoot a guy in the arm with an M16 and it will kill him because the gun was designed to shoot a tumbling bullet. It turns end over end as it flies, that's why the army uses them. They're deadly."

Made my day

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  • 1 month later...

"people use comped guns in competition" so far so good,  but then followed with, "the comp reduces recoil and the venting keeps the barrel cooler."  This was while the customer was looking at a glock 17 c. 

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1 hour ago, RJH said:

"people use comped guns in competition" so far so good,  but then followed with, "the comp reduces recoil and the venting keeps the barrel cooler."  This was while the customer was looking at a glock 17 c. 


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  • 1 month later...
I once went into a small town gun shop, and asked if he had any ankle holsters for a S&W 642.
He answered me like this: "I have two sons; one's a FBI agent, and the other is a State Trooper, and no self-respecting law-enforcement officer would carry a 642. Get out of my shop.
All I could think to say in return was, "Thank God I'm not your son." [emoji4]
He seriously told you to leave his store ??
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