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National Match Division Shooter Recognition


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22 hours ago, dwzuspsa said:

I have requested the Area 5 director to ask the board to change the prize table and recognition of D,C,B,A, G and AM catagories-this would change the way the prize table is handed out.  Basically th top finisher in GM thru D Class would be recognized as National Champions and go to the prize table in that order followed by the 2nd , 3rd and son  on finishers.  This would mean that USPSA would have to tighten up the Classifier System on the local level so the sand baggers could not go to larger matches just to move higher up the prize table .  I also asked them to consider disbanding the Super Squad at National Matches-they are Manufacturers Representatives and should be out among the common shooter....My goal is to bring USPSA back to the D thru a that support the sport and give them the recognition they deserve!


I think we just found Whoops troll account.

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If anyone is going to a match for the trinkets on prize table, they need to recheck their motives for competing in the first place. If you ask me, I would love to see prize tables go away completely and just hand out trophies...if a trophy is not good enough when you win, again, you need to check your motives for competing in the first place. If you want people to show up at a major match, put out a quality match design consistently and I think the diehard shooters will come. If super squad types don’t show up because there is not a prize table, they will just be showing what motivates them. The best shooters I know are humble people that grab stuff off the prize table and hand the trinket to a kid shooter or have it auctioned for charity...

Just my 2 cents...

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It's been very well established by multiple people in multiple geographic areas that doing the prize table work is considerable when running a match. So much so that organizers would rather skip it altogether. Anyone with an 8th grade ability in math can figure out the accounting of what you spend on a match versus what you potentially win and see the poor ROI.


To me, more troubling is the "return the sport to the C and D class shooters to whom it belongs, due to their greater numbers" sentiment. A new definition to 'class warfare'.



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On 7/13/2020 at 11:00 PM, dwzuspsa said:

I have requested the Area 5 director to ask the board to change the prize table and recognition of D,C,B,A, G and AM catagories-this would change the way the prize table is handed out.  Basically th top finisher in GM thru D Class would be recognized as National Champions and go to the prize table in that order followed by the 2nd , 3rd and son  on finishers.  This would mean that USPSA would have to tighten up the Classifier System on the local level so the sand baggers could not go to larger matches just to move higher up the prize table .  I also asked them to consider disbanding the Super Squad at National Matches-they are Manufacturers Representatives and should be out among the common shooter....My goal is to bring USPSA back to the D thru a that support the sport and give them the recognition they deserve!



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People that are there to just have fun want something off the prize table. People that are there to win don’t care about a prize table...but don’t want to give it away if it is there. Hence...do away with prize tables so match directors can focus their attention on producing a good match instead of wasting time kissing the south end of some sponsors. I think a lot of the shooting sports has been tainted by prize table as bait to get unmotivated shooters involved into shooting sport. The essence of competative shooting sport would be much more pure without a prize table...but I know I am just dreaming as the prize tables will never go away. But I can dream can’t I! I would be WAY more motivated to attend a match that had no prize table but did have paid resetters and free beer during the awards ceremony.



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I think paid resetters would be expensive and also take some of the fun and involvement out of the sport, but I'm not a lazy and out-of-shape person. I like resetting because it gives an opportunity to get more looks at the stage and keep my head in the game. I would go crazy with boredom just sitting there watching other people shoot and reset until it was  my turn.

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32 minutes ago, motosapiens said:

I think paid resetters would be expensive and also take some of the fun and involvement out of the sport, but I'm not a lazy and out-of-shape person. I like resetting because it gives an opportunity to get more looks at the stage and keep my head in the game. I would go crazy with boredom just sitting there watching other people shoot and reset until it was  my turn.


I completely agree with this. Staying physically involved with resetting the stage helps keep my body physically engaged. Sitting around waiting for my turn disengages me physically and it absolutely has a negative impact to my flexibility and aggressiveness.

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I'm okay with paid re-setters and beer between stages. But I am out of shape, like to ride the couch, and I am a potential alcoholic. But hey, this sport should  to cater to all of us. And if someone doesn't want to use their paid re setters, while their resetters ain't resetting, they can bring me a beer. That's what i call a win-win

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Winning a class is like winning marathon among those who didn't finish in the top 5,000 - it's called "being 5,001st," not winning... It's a mystery why anyone would care about such labels.


When I started shooting, I got a recognition at my local club as being the best C shooter for the season in the L10 division. The other guy moved up to B mid-season... 

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17 minutes ago, IVC said:

Winning a class is like winning marathon among those who didn't finish in the top 5,000 - it's called "being 5,001st," not winning... It's a mystery why anyone would care about such labels.


When I started shooting, I got a recognition at my local club as being the best C shooter for the season in the L10 division. The other guy moved up to B mid-season... 

A win is a win😂😂

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If it was up to me, ( and I know it isnt ).
I would mandate, no entry fees can go towards prizes other than trophy's If  MD's and vendors want to do the work for donated prizes so be it. And often those vendors stipulate who gets the awards.
At that point I really dont care what the prize table has or doesnt have as long as I am not forced to pay for awards I wont win.
Honestly all the complaining that goes on I have no idea why MD's even bother. People come to a match for a good match. 
Oh and cant forget the little grab bags with oil in them,, so I can post on the "What oil is best thread"... umm whatever was free at the last match.
MD's should just buy a 55 gallon drum of mobile 1 and let everyone fill up their bottles 

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5 hours ago, motosapiens said:

I think paid resetters would be expensive and also take some of the fun and involvement out of the sport,


A couple or three friends attended a higher level IDPA match that was reset by local Boy Scouts.


They said it was nice at first but soon became boring waiting for the stage resets and having nothing to do. 

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A couple or three friends attended a higher level IDPA match that was reset by local Boy Scouts.
They said it was nice at first but soon became boring waiting for the stage resets and having nothing to do. 
South Carolina sectional this year was no reset. It was unfamiliar lol. We helped on the really big stages to not get a lot jam behind us

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7 hours ago, motosapiens said:

I think paid resetters would be expensive and also take some of the fun and involvement out of the sport, but I'm not a lazy and out-of-shape person. I like resetting because it gives an opportunity to get more looks at the stage and keep my head in the game. I would go crazy with boredom just sitting there watching other people shoot and reset until it was  my turn.


I'll pay you to re-set for me.  Win-win.

Edited by SGT_Schultz
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7 hours ago, motosapiens said:

I think paid resetters would be expensive and also take some of the fun and involvement out of the sport, but I'm not a lazy and out-of-shape person. I like resetting because it gives an opportunity to get more looks at the stage and keep my head in the game. I would go crazy with boredom just sitting there watching other people shoot and reset until it was  my turn.

We used Boy Scouts at a match several years ago. It was great until they decided it was too much work to come back after day one. Their “leader” said it was because of too much lead exposure but we knew by the end of the first day they were not up to the task all weekend.

  I did withhold the donation I had agreed to however.

  And as others have said the vast majority of shooters preferred to help reset anyway.

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I'll pay you to re-set for me.  Win-win.

I will second this...I always thought that it would have been AWESOME to have a paid caddy/resetter when I was shooting 3-gun. During a 3 day match, not having to reset would have paid dividends when the scores came out.



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5 hours ago, Sarge said:

We used Boy Scouts at a match several years ago. It was great until they decided it was too much work to come back after day one. Their “leader” said it was because of too much lead exposure but we knew by the end of the first day they were not up to the task all weekend.

  I did withhold the donation I had agreed to however.

  And as others have said the vast majority of shooters preferred to help reset anyway.

I volunteer at the local GSSF match and we have the Young Marines helping. Often it's like herding cats and it would be faster for me to just reset it myself. For a large match, I would not being in any kids to help, it won't make anything faster.


I personally like resetting as it keeps me busy. If I just sat around all day waiting for my turn, I'd rather play golf so I could drink while I waited.

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