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    Lakewood Ranch, FL
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    Matt Olinchak

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Beyond it All (9/11)

  1. Henning pads and grams springs They work good until they don't, then I replace the springs.
  2. I get 24 in my tanfo mags. Been having weird similar issues to you with my CZ p10c though. Ended up using the grams 13 coil springs. Those mags only ever got 23 rounds and still do with the 13 coil spring, and feeding is way stronger.
  3. The last time I flew out of Tampa they wanted me to pick up my gun and show them it was empty. I told them no. With these type of people it helps if you open the case and the slide is locked back, or better yet, removed from the gun. You shouldn't have to do this but the understanding of TSA rules combined with airline policies varies greatly between gate agents.
  4. If the sights are aligned and on target when the bullet leaves the barrel, it's impossible to miss.
  5. Maryland is not a problem. If driving you're fine basically everywhere except NYC if you keep stuff locked and out of the passenger cabin. FOPA only protects you if you are on a direct route. No stopping for anything except gas. Not even lunch at a diner.
  6. Not needed on a full size weighted gun IMO but I like it on my CZ p10 compact for sure. Even with the 3 oz weighted battery though the difference is very subtle.
  7. If it's not on the list for USPSA it can't be used in Production or CO. I think steel is the same but I don't really know the rules for that sport
  8. maybe an admin can fix the autocorrect entry for "Limit*d Minor". It's well known around here that jokes are not allowed, I can't believe this sort of thing still exists. A fudgecicle nobody but a few crayon chewers and winder likkers want .
  9. I got a green Viridian RFX to try but the dot looks like a cloverleaf to me. I sent it back and got another one and it's the same way. The SRO looks like a perfect circle to me so I don't think it's my eyeballs. That said I do like the green, in general, but I've only shot it indoors so far.
  10. 170mm mags for A fudgecicle nobody but a few crayon chewers and winder likkers want you mean?
  11. Maybe. But also having to link multiple distinct skills together is much harder than just drilling draws or reloads or target transitions by themself. I liked shooting classifiers in practice because they are like any defined standards out there. There is a set stage and a known high score.
  12. Would they really cancel a match with over 250 registered shooters? That sounds like a good way to never have anyone come back ever.
  13. Cool. I used to shoot those too. Now I only shoot the Florida State IDPA match.
  14. What match are you shooting? I probably know you. Moved away from that area 3 years ago, live in Florida now
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