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furthest pistol shot you've attempted and made


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Not as impressive as the flying wasp, but 10yds with a friends Ruger MK2 popped the head off a fly that landed on his target.

And back in the silhouette days many years ago with XP100 7BR (yeah ok, just a tad more accurate than the average semi-auto...) but it did have iron sights (Bomar of course) and I was on my back in 'creadmore position' in the back of Tom Bolf's beautiful big block El Camino in a corn field with corn that seemed like 10' tall - farmer mowed down 3 rows so I could shoot (read: no wind). 550yds: 4 shots in about 4" the 5th took it to just over 5". Had that witnessed target a long time can't find it now. Won the 500 meter match the next weekend with 32x40. Damn turkeys.

I still do have a 220yd target 4 shots in less than 3/4" iron sights, again on my back. That was with a Wichita 7IHMSA.

All this was almost 30 freakin years ago. Still seems like yesterday - blah blah blah.

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The closest shot I announced (to my stomping buddy Bob Cheek), and made - I split a playing card edgewise with a .22 bullet at about 20 feet (on the first shot.) I was probably around 18ish. The gun was a 6" barreled S&W K22, which I still have.


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About 30 years ago I went to the range and some of my buddies were shooting indes cards for quarters wiht a Ruger Security Six (fixed sights, 38 HBWC ammo) at increasing distances. I had never fired that revolver before and they were taking my quarters. They got greedy and bumped the bet up to $1.00 a shot, then $5.00 a shot just aboutteh time I figured out I was pulling high and right. I get 'em pretty ggod tehn. Next they set six Coke cans up at 100 yards, and were betting dollars while they tried to hit teh cans with a Savage 99 in .250/3000. They wouln't let me play, so after all four of them missed a couple of times each, I thumb cocked the Ruger and began to draw a bead on the far left can. My friend Harry looked at me and said "Ain't no way!" I not only hit teh can, I hit the can on the first shot at 100 yards. There was a stunned silence, then cursing, then demands for a repeat and finally an offer of a $100.00 bet that I couldn't repeat that shot. None of my really good friends believed I could do it again. I was almost positive that hitting the can was 100% pure Mississppi luck so I declined. Everytime we get together guess what topic comes up? I am so glad I never tried another shot at those coke cans. Instead of ending in failure, all they remember is a "miracle shot."

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I wasn't making shots, but I used to play on the Knob Creek range with a Beretta .40 Elite at 300+ yards. I wouldn't say I could hit a person-sized target, but I could worry the hell out of them. I seem to recall holding what seemed to be twenty feet or so above the aiming point.


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We used to have $1 shoots at 100 yds with a 1911 and everyone shooting the same ammo, shooting at a dollar bill, winner take all, I won 2 in a row and quit!! $1 gets 1 shot if no one hits put in another $1 and shoot again ties broken closest to center.

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We used to have $1 shoots at 100 yds with a 1911 and everyone shooting the same ammo, shooting at a dollar bill, winner take all, I won 2 in a row and quit!! $1 gets 1 shot if no one hits put in another $1 and shoot again ties broken closest to center.

I like that one! What would the dollar bill be "on"?

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We used to have $1 shoots at 100 yds with a 1911 and everyone shooting the same ammo, shooting at a dollar bill, winner take all, I won 2 in a row and quit!! $1 gets 1 shot if no one hits put in another $1 and shoot again ties broken closest to center.

I like that one! What would the dollar bill be "on"?

Maybe a fence post in "Cash" TX?

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During a Ken Hackathorn class back in the day, I hit a small size pepper popper at 200 yards, with a Colt 1911 .45ACP offhand. Each student would shoot and if they hit the steel they would continue to the next round. After six rounds, I placed third behind two Master Class shooters. :sight:

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  • 3 weeks later...

While some of you done MUCH farther than me I manage to make my first 50 yard pistol shot in a local 3 gun match with a Gen 4 Glock 17 9mm. I am pretty proud of that considering I felt it was pushing my skill level a bit at the time. Only took me 3-4 shots to make it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My recently deceased buddy Bob and I used to shoot a lot together.Once in a while,when we'd run into a Doc Holiday wannabe at the range,we'd start this whole "scene" to put some manners on them.We called each other "RJ",no idea why,we just did,but it usually went like this:[Read it VERY seriously!!!!]

RJ..Yeah RJ? I'm getting bored with 25yds,let's do something different..Okay,what do you propose? Let's shoot 100yds offhand..Okay..Seeing as we're gonna shoot 100 yds,let's shoot our Gold Cups..Okay RJ..Since we're gonna shoot our Gold Cups,which are primarily intended for one handed military style shooting,we should do it one handed...Sooooo...You're proposing shooting a .45 one handed at 100 yds? Yep..Well,if we're doing that,let's shoot weak hand..Ya wanna do it weak hand,huh?? Yep...Well,if we're gonna shoot one hand,weak hand,might as well shoot them upside down..Hmmm...That should make it interesting..What are we gonna shoot at? Uh,well...See that big rock out there,just above the middle barricade? Yessir..Let's shoot at the 10 inch gray rock below it..So,there we are,me shooting lefty cause I'm right handed,him the other way cause he's a lefty,one hand,weak hand,offhand,pulling the triggers on our .45's with our pinkies,holding them upside down,averaging 3-5 hits out of ten shots on a ten inch rock at 100yds,and scaring the poo out of that rock with the rest of the shots...LOTSA fun,LOL!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Grondhog at well over 200 yards. All my buddies winging shots at it with marlin .22 rifles. I only had my FIE Texas Ranger .22 revolver. After they all had fired several rounds apiece and missed, I announced " watch this"! I quick drew and fired, after a pause the groundhog jumped up in the air and fell back dead. Of course there was stunned silence. Which allowed me to twirl the revolver and reholster.

Sometimes, no skill at all is demonstrated. I couldn't do that shot in a 1,000 tries again. But I never told that crowd of friends.

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My first shot on the MS Law Enforcement Officers Training Academy from 50 yards, the instructor had us load one round and fire, then go and check our targets. I cut the X out of the center of a B-27 silhouette target with a Smith & Wesson 5906 9mm. I told the other shooters to come check this out because I would never again be that lucky.

Edited by ScottW
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  • 2 weeks later...

Cottontail running left to right with a Stoeger Luger 22, 1 shot at 105 paces (I'm 6'6") so they were long paces. Dad witnessed it. I must confess though, I was waiting for him to stop but he was about to dive behind some brush. Also that same day I missed a bunny at 10 steps.......twice.......while it was still.

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Longest shot- 5 shot group at 100 yards with my SVI limited blaster. Hit the target 5 for 5 (granted it looked like a shotgun pattern with hits in all scoring zones)

Shot(s) I am most proud of- 5 for 5 on a Texas star with my Kel-Tec P32 at 25 yards. Not just that I hit the plates, but that the .32 ACP actually knocked the plates off the star. :surprise:

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Furthest shot - 100 yards - against a metal gong. Not too hard with 9mm CZ Shadow Target - but when we slipped the .22LR conversion... well bullet drop is something like 6 inches over the 100 yards.. Much more challenging.

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