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Bill Jordan considered a hit in the belt buckle region good enough for a fast first hit.

He got in more gunfights and killed more people than any IDPA joker ever did, including Joyce.

Exactly, self defense isn't about killing people anyway. The most realistic defense stage would be to pull your gun and scream "STOP OR I'LL SHOOT!" Stage over with no shots fired.

Barring that, the vast majority of self-defense shootings have bad guys fleeing with any kind of hit (and often with a miss!), and that's a win.

THAT SAID, this is a sport. This change is for whatever reason they want, and while I see no need for it, I'll just adapt. In fact, I'm kind of looking forward to it because I think it plays to my strengths more.

I only criticize their claim that it's more realistic for defensive purposes.

Edited by MAC702
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My problem with this whole thing is that, for your typical non-standards IDPA stage, the time spent on splits is such a small fraction of your total stage time. Even if the new scoring system changes the optimum balance between speed and accuracy while shooting at any on particular target, the guys who are going to win are still going to be the guys who can enter and exit positions faster, run faster, transition faster, reload and draw faster, etc.

Edited by FTDMFR
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Alaskapopo, Bill Jordan's won more gunfights than you too. So I put a lot more stock in what he has to say on the matter over you, Joyce, and most other people.

I am not much into hero worship or being a groupie. Jeff Cooper said a lot of stupid things too but he did contribute a lot to shooting. Same with Jordan did a lot but that does not mean everything he said was golden like the word of a God. He was just a man. Frankly I don't care who you put stock into thats your right one way or the other. I personally value critical thinking skills and like to make my own decisions.

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I am not an IDPA shooter. As long as these regular drastic rule changes keep taking place without consulting the membership I can guarantee you that neither myself nor any of the shooters I'm around regularly will ever shoot IDPA. I guess IDPA wants to die off with the baby boomer generation?

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I edited my post. I'm a little up set with the direction IDPA seem to be headed. I like shooting with all the people I have become friends with but I'm more of a gamer. Maybe IDPA is just not for me. Mods did not ask me to. I felt it was just wrong

Edited by GARD72977
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We had abandoned IDPA as a local club at the last rule book change (March?) in favor of a full schedule of our own Defensive Multi-Gun format (loosely based on the DMG rules that IDPA abandoned after Sandy Hook). We had tried to stick with mirroring the scoring rules of IDPA for consistency, but other clubs around here started dropping IDPA like the plague (or making up their own rules where they don't like IDPA's). As a result of changing interests, I have shot a whopping one IDPA match this year and drove 4 hours round trip to do so.

The only match I shot this year had stages where targets were moved around the shoot house between shooters and/or placed for each shooter based on the squad's perceived skill level of the person shooting the stage. There were 10 non-threats for every threat. The match had a 'man on man' stage with random match-ups that didn't take division or classification into account. I was shooting BUG against a Carry Optic. (Yeah, one of those divisions isn't supposed to exist.) Scoring for this match was 1 head to neutralize or 2 (with applicable points down) if they are in the body. The squads shot each stage differently under different interpretations of the made-up rules, so ultimately, no scores were published because there wasn't a way to reconcile the differences.

Did I enjoy myself? Absolutely! But, it wasn't IDPA and like many clubs has given up pretending to be. This club has maintained a lot of shooters, while others shooting by the official rules were dying to single digit participation in our area. Is the club creating problems for shooters that drop in from other areas by going off the reservation? Yes. But, when the rules radically change 3 times in 3 years it becomes difficult for casual shooters to keep track of or even care. When 5 people at HQ decide to change something that screws up reams of a club's printed score sheets, affects the scoring software and the mental stability of its Match Directors, they risk having their sport mutilated by those doing the work in order to keep the bill paying, local shooter happy.

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At World's they had their usual gear survey. But they also asked if you were a CHL holder? I'll be interested to see the results. I bet a majority of contestants do not carry for self defense.

I don't think the percentage of CHL's correlate to the number that carry for self defense. Most of the people that I know who have a permit don't carry.

I'm not sure what that would say about this issue anyway.

More interesting though, I just looked at one of our last classifiers data. At least half the MM's (both SSP and ESP) wouldn't have made it under the new rules.

I didn't see any SS's that would have made it. I didn't look at anything above that.

Edited by robport
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I am not an IDPA shooter. As long as these regular drastic rule changes keep taking place without consulting the membership I can guarantee you that neither myself nor any of the shooters I'm around regularly will ever shoot IDPA. I guess IDPA wants to die off with the baby boomer generation?

IDPA "membership" is not really membership in terms most people think of. You don't have much say in the company which is run solely by Joyce. The only say the membership has is what she says you have or you vote with your renewal dues.

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I am not an IDPA shooter. As long as these regular drastic rule changes keep taking place without consulting the membership I can guarantee you that neither myself nor any of the shooters I'm around regularly will ever shoot IDPA. I guess IDPA wants to die off with the baby boomer generation?

IDPA "membership" is not really membership in terms most people think of. You don't have much say in the company which is run solely by Joyce. The only say the membership has is what she says you have or you vote with your renewal dues.

Interesting. IDPA looks less attractive with each passing day.
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Interesting. IDPA looks less attractive with each passing day.

Sounds like IDPA may not be the game for you. Many of us enjoy it thoroughly! Isn't it nice to have different games to please everyone?

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I am not an IDPA shooter. As long as these regular drastic rule changes keep taking place without consulting the membership I can guarantee you that neither myself nor any of the shooters I'm around regularly will ever shoot IDPA. I guess IDPA wants to die off with the baby boomer generation?

IDPA "membership" is not really membership in terms most people think of. You don't have much say in the company which is run solely by Joyce. The only say the membership has is what she says you have or you vote with your renewal dues.

Interesting. IDPA looks less attractive with each passing day.


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They call it the " real defensive shooting sport".

Don't you think that getting rounds into your attacker as fast as possible might save your life quicker than shooting a nice little centered group?

Also, are you gonna count "1-1-2-1-1" when a gang jumps you?

And are you gonna take slow required baby steps in the open just so you'll be shooting on the move.

It's currently a bad joke at best.

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They call it the " real defensive shooting sport".

Don't you think that getting rounds into your attacker as fast as possible might save your life quicker than shooting a nice little centered group?

Also, are you gonna count "1-1-2-1-1" when a gang jumps you?

And are you gonna take slow required baby steps in the open just so you'll be shooting on the move.

It's currently a bad joke at best.

I really dont think most IDPA shooters feel they are training to be called up to join an SF team...so whats your point? Where have you seen "real defensive shooting sport" on the IDPA site or literature?

"simulates self-defense scenarios and real life encounters" - key word being simulates.

It does seem they might be trying to slow the game down so more people can be competitive (One of the unique facets of this sport is that it is geared toward the new or average shooter, yet is fun, challenging and rewarding for the experienced shooter - IDPA.com). The best shooters will still win, as has already been said, repeatedly. They might should allow you to drop a classification with the new scoring system....or wipe the slate clean and make everyone reclassify. That way everyone is competing on a more level playing field with the new point system.

Perhaps they should use a scoring system more like USPSA or golf. That way your classified based on performance and your competing with those in your level. Makes more sense to me then the current classifier system which only has to be shot yearly.

Edited by CrashDodson
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They call it the " real defensive shooting sport".

Don't you think that getting rounds into your attacker as fast as possible might save your life quicker than shooting a nice little centered group?

Also, are you gonna count "1-1-2-1-1" when a gang jumps you?

And are you gonna take slow required baby steps in the open just so you'll be shooting on the move.

It's currently a bad joke at best.

I did find on the site where it says "IDPA is the governing body for defensive-style competitive shooting". As far as competitive shooting goes I think IDPA is the most "defense" oriented out of the rest. IDPA is not training, they dont claim to be....its a shooting game with "defensive" overtones...I wish people would just drop the IDPA will get you killed in the streets crap.

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