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Jim Watson

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About Jim Watson

  • Birthday 01/06/1945

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  • Interests
    Shooting. These days, IDPA, USPSA, and copies.
  • Real Name
    Jim Watson

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Beyond it All

Beyond it All (9/11)

  1. Back in the half second era, somebody computed that the most efficient attack would make your net score 10% points down.
  2. Do you shoot 9+1 for occasions like this or is that your native capacity? I have a 9+1 setup that used to work pretty well until they went to SSP 15 and stages got longer.
  3. We need to set that up and see if Shooting Cute saves any time. I would shoot it 3,3,3,1; loaded chamber reload 2,3,3
  4. As you see there are a lot of options. For 100 a week, I would get a 550 and would swap my .45 brass for the small primer mutant so caliber change would be only shellplate and head plate. I dislike fiddling with the primer feed. I have that capability now, but still load .45 ACP on the 1050 that I splurged on back when I was shooting mostly IDPA CDP. Editorial comment: The amount of equipment in some setups I read about just boggles my mind. These guys must be shooting a tremendous amount if they are saving any money vs econoball. I figured it took me six years to amortize that 1050.
  5. I have seen a number of shooters to do a tac load and rack the slide like the gunslinging academy taught them, ejecting a round without penalty. Eject a round to time a reload? Quicker just to pull the trigger.
  6. Rule says you may have a plastic plug. Rule says you may not have anything that only adds weight.
  7. I did not see that the cause of my high primers on a 550 was a cracked crank... until it broke in two.
  8. One of my usual ranges uses Vision Barriers and Cover in combinations to really control your approach. I can DO it but it seems nonsensical. There is a wildcat match near here that has some of the GPA provisions, most notably a mandatory reload but location not specified. I can imagine freestyle reloads but with less ammo on your person. Do a speed load too soon and it might leave you without enough ammo to finish the stage.
  9. There is another organization that does not require concealment or limit reload options. I'm an old guy, I wear a vest, I reload on schedule. Quit telling me what I am doing wrong. (I shoot the other stuff, too.)
  10. 200 gr Ibejihead + 3.6 gr Bullseye
  11. For pistol cases I dilute the Frankford (Midway) spray lube 50:50 with more alcohol and spray lightly.
  12. It takes a non-standard spring which the vendor says does not require an adaptor. But I would call them up tomorrow and ask.
  13. The "ridge" is actually a shallow SWC shoulder behind a rather pointy round nose. They do not feed as well in my autos as they look like they should, I don't recall trying them in a revolver but maybe they will Jerry M into a well chamfered cylinder. I use IBEJIHEADS' featureless 200 gr roundnose https://www.ibejiheads.com/product_info.php?cPath=3&products_id=41&osCsid=cda16c7fbe2084203006ca349c8cda72
  14. Ugh. I have shot in the chill but not in a hard freeze. I have shot the Summer Sizzler in August and the IDPA Nationals in a hurricane. But I do not prepay any more because I am through shooting in unpleasant conditions.
  15. Right. I read about 17 lb mainsprings but I got misfires with one. I have one 20 lb, the rest 19.
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