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USPSA purchases Steel Challenge


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Please stop the belly-aching!!!

Geez guys, just think, you have another chance to shoot!! You have an opportunity to justify a new gun, for you married guys that it :devil:

I see NO downside!

Steel is fun, different, but lots of fun.

Change, lack of communication, relocation, etc...

Who cares, just show up and shoot

+1 Shut up and shoot!

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Please stop the belly-aching!!!

Geez guys, just think, you have another chance to shoot!! You have an opportunity to justify a new gun, for you married guys that it :devil:

I see NO downside!

Steel is fun, different, but lots of fun.

Change, lack of communication, relocation, etc...

Who cares, just show up and shoot

AMEN Brother Jay

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Might be the greatest thing since sliced bread for USPSA might also be a big mistake time will tell. USPSA is still a non profit organization made up of paying members, it isn't a public forum and it damn sure is not a buyers club that is part of a larger for profit business. Since the BOD doesn't seem to answer to the members I sure hope they learn from the SC on how to run a profitable Nationals since that seems to have been something they are unable to accomplish. It would still be nice to have OUR LEADERS post the info on the USPSA website.

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Please stop the belly-aching!!!

Geez guys, just think, you have another chance to shoot!! You have an opportunity to justify a new gun, for you married guys that it :devil:

I see NO downside!

Steel is fun, different, but lots of fun.

Change, lack of communication, relocation, etc...

Who cares, just show up and shoot

I couldnt have said it better. Z you hit a homerun with that post. :bow:

For those of you excited, great lets get out there and support it.

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Please be polite. Or if not polite, at least respectful.

No bickering. Regardless of the subject matter.

Antagonistic, offensive, or quarrelsome tones are not acceptable.

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[some stuff deleted....]

It would still be nice to have OUR LEADERS post the info on the USPSA website.

Dale said something interesting on the USPSA Forums (most posts on which are months or *years* old) -- why not let USPSA rent a forum space here, instead? Seriously. How many members are hitting USPSA forums but don't know about this forum? And for those that don't, it would do 'em good. Like shooting vitamins. :)

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[some stuff deleted....]

It would still be nice to have OUR LEADERS post the info on the USPSA website.

Dale said something interesting on the USPSA Forums (most posts on which are months or *years* old) -- why not let USPSA rent a forum space here, instead? Seriously. How many members are hitting USPSA forums but don't know about this forum? And for those that don't, it would do 'em good. Like shooting vitamins. :)

Maybe the Board will buy it.

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Flex moderated some stuff a couple of pages ago. If you'd like the conversation to continue, please keep the forum guidelines in mind, no matter how hot you may get under the collar. Thank you -- we really do appreciate it when you try to make our lives easier.

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Might be the greatest thing since sliced bread for USPSA might also be a big mistake time will tell. USPSA is still a non profit organization made up of paying members, it isn't a public forum and it damn sure is not a buyers club that is part of a larger for profit business. Since the BOD doesn't seem to answer to the members I sure hope they learn from the SC on how to run a profitable Nationals since that seems to have been something they are unable to accomplish. It would still be nice to have OUR LEADERS post the info on the USPSA website.

Enough about the website already. Did you ever stop to think the somebody spilled the beans a bit early? Because...that is a strong possibility. :blink:

The membership doesn't pay all that much attention to the website anyway. The info will get posted there, in time. It will get written up in Front Sight too. And, people still won't know about it. ;)

The info is out. You got it from Dave Thomas, if you listened to the radio show. You are getting it here.

The BOD has been here and responding...in an interactive forum. The only way you are going to get better than that is to call them up or invite them over for dinner.

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Did someone say dinner? :bow:



7 PM

You name it

But I got a little bad feeling about this

On my way too, see you guys in a few :cheers:


Did I say Alan? :lol::lol:

Seriously I support you guys but can always offer input, experience and downright dumb opinions

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Seriously, with the lead ammo ban this is may academic. There may be no choice but to move the match. Well, that or not have it.

the ban is only for hunting in one isolated wildlife preserve. Has nothing to do with shooting on ANY designated range areas. Oh Well, one less thing for you guys who live in cold climates to moan about :)

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The term Non Profit Corporations been used here some. Well, many Corporations have Shell Corporations under the umbrella of the parent organization. The SC will be our first. I can well see us bringing in other shooting sports (corporations) under the umbrella of the Parent (USPSA). The NRAs done it, why not us? The larger we are the more voices we'll have during the trying times to come in our politically unsure climate. As to asking for advice on the purchase of the SC on the USPSA forum and asking for the input of the membership it seems that the BOD did the right thing in NOT asking. We just had a election and those that voted may have a right to voice those concerns. Those that didn't vote don't have a leg to stand on. I appluad the efforts that the BOD has taken to grow the shooting sports..not just the USPSA. I also applaud the BOD members that have posted here and explained their actions and reasons for voting as they did. Great job guys.

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My thoughts are pretty much the same as the other steel shooters in the thread-- I'm ok with USPSA buying it, but for petes sake, don't dink with it, it works. Yes, if there's a huge legal problem in CA, then get out, but until then a whole lot of the shooters and workers are locals. The match date did move 3 years ago to avoid conflicting with the World Shoot as well.

FWIW, several years ago there were at least a few USPSA Area Steel Matches. I've got the Area 4 Steel Challenge HOA plaque on my wall ;)

Our club runs both a steel match and a USPSA match every month. The club is even a dues-paying SCSA member club. Typically the USPSA matches get more shooters, but the steel matches are much more popular with new shooters and beginners. They then migrate to the IPSC matches when they feel ready.

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After hearing how the BOD was considering eliminating Divisions due to it being a drain on the clubs and the Nationals. Then adding in the actual current drain on our members who pitch in as R.O.'s, especially at the Area & National Level, with so many Nationals (3 Pistol, 3gun, Multi Gun, now SC). And hearing how the Nationals are not profitable and seeing sponsorships diminishing at all levels.

It must be questioned at what point will a volunteer organization get maxed out?

Will it be a financial, or personnel, drain on the bedrock of our sport the Handgun Nationals?

Is the BOD setting up an inevitable burn out?

Are we going to be seeing a move towards full time professional Range Officers, and if so at what cost?

Will USPSA ultimately become the overall organization with Shells for the various discipline types, Practical Handgun, Multi-Gun, Steel Challenge, ICORE, Bianchi, Masters, Bullseye, Highpower, Smallbore, Skeet, Trap, Sporting Clays, Combat Clays, PPC, Olympic, ?Second Chance? the list could be quite lengthy?

What is the Presidents Vision behind the Plans?

To have this come out of left field, so quickly is a bit of a shock. And if the BOD didn't expect at least a minor uproar then they evidently didn't consider the reactions of the members thoroughly.

At worst case we may see a drain and a reduction of current Nationals. At best it will raise awareness of USPSA and help elevate all of our Nationals to a higher level.

It may be worth a try, our organization has recovered from bad deals in the past and I doubt if this venture would be an organization killer.

Dave Williams, L593 (In for the long haul since 1978).

Edited by pskys2
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Dave, you post a good list of questions. Many of these are concerns some of us have already had during this venture. What we are offering is another shooting sport. I believe that those clubs that are considering taking on this additional shooting sport will have considered all of the negatives/positives when they make their final decision. Since it will be a voluntary decision on their parts, and not mandated by USPSA, I would bet that they will do whatever is in their best interest. If they feel it will be a drain on their present situation they probably won't do it. On the other hand, I already have clubs wanting to host an Area 5 Steel Challenge event in 2008. Different clubs will have different considerations.

Bottom line is no one is forced to do anything, and they should consider each and every question you listed before they make their final decisions.

Thanks for constructive input.

Gary (also in for the long haul since 1978) Stevens

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After hearing how the BOD was considering eliminating Divisions due to it being a drain on the clubs and the Nationals. Then adding in the actual current drain on our members who pitch in as R.O.'s, especially at the Area & National Level, with so many Nationals (3 Pistol, 3gun, Multi Gun, now SC). And hearing how the Nationals are not profitable and seeing sponsorships diminishing at all levels.

It must be questioned at what point will a volunteer organization get maxed out?

Will it be a financial, or personnel, drain on the bedrock of our sport the Handgun Nationals?

Is the BOD setting up an inevitable burn out?

Are we going to be seeing a move towards full time professional Range Officers, and if so at what cost?

Will USPSA ultimately become the overall organization with Shells for the various discipline types, Practical Handgun, Multi-Gun, Steel Challenge, ICORE, Bianchi, Masters, Bullseye, Highpower, Smallbore, Skeet, Trap, Sporting Clays, Combat Clays, PPC, Olympic, ?Second Chance? the list could be quite lengthy?

What is the Presidents Vision behind the Plans?

To have this come out of left field, so quickly is a bit of a shock. And if the BOD didn't expect at least a minor uproar then they evidently didn't consider the reactions of the members thoroughly.

At worst case we may see a drain and a reduction of current Nationals. At best it will raise awareness of USPSA and help elevate all of our Nationals to a higher level.

It may be worth a try, our organization has recovered from bad deals in the past and I doubt if this venture would be an organization killer.

Dave Williams, L593 (In for the long haul since 1978).

I am willing to wait and see.

That having been said, this would have been one Hell of an election issue in the recent USPSA election. The candidate's positions would probably have dictated a member's vote.

In that sense, the secrecy involved, besides possibly being good for making the deal, could also be construed as convenient, or, at worst, disingenuous.

But, I'm all for giving it a chance

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OK, Time for one of my dumb questions.

A CLUB, is currently running a very successful Annua Steel Match. 7 stages, 150+ competitors, $35k in prizes.

The club has written a very user friendly scoring system (Makes EzWinScore look like amateur hour)

Same club runs a monthly match 40-70 shooters. multiple guns, side matches.

Same club also runs the same number and level of Knock-Down Steel Matches.

The club has its own classification system in place based upon performance on the stages it uses.

No $ sent out to any other organization, no interference either.

What is the up side for a club like this?

Why should they affiliate?


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