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Open vs Limited...... which is more fun?

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Got my CZ TS limited gun. Love the way it feels and shoots, but........... at 52 with crappy eyes I feel the pull of Open. That plus it just looks like a whole bunch of fun to be able to run through stages like you can with an open gun. :) I am never going to be at the top of the results in even my local matches and am quite comfortable that I do this for fun and to watch my own improvement so no concerns of how I will place in the respective divisions.

Given all that, and of course with the caveat that one person's fun is not necessarily another's, I'd appreciate any words of wisdom or insight for those of you who shoot/have shot both. I've shot a couple open guns and it seemed like a hoot, but I don't want to have a few magazines of ammo be the sole factor in my decision to jump into the abyss.

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Depends on your outlook. Open is easier to shoot.Duh

So what that does is make competition closer and better. everybody is shooting a easier gun so every point counts

Its still fun to me.

Edited by BSeevers
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I think every division is worthy of trying and exploring to see if you would excel or not. I have shot limited for 2 years, shot production off and on, limited 10 off and on. Open is what i am shooting right now, and I am having alot of fun with it. I love shooting limited, but open is sure fun to shoot, and much easier to do. Points are the key and I can focus on other things besides shooting to better my limited game, hopefully it pans out.

my 2 cents.

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Shot open for years and just bought a limited gun to try limited for a while. I miss open Already. Only shot a couple of limited matches. Open is just fun and I like to go fast. When your older it is nice to be able to see a dot when you cant see the sights any more. I am going ack to open. It is hard to compete against them young guns but at 50 it is hard to compete against anyone. But open is just a lot of fun. :lol:

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Real Men Shoot Limited


Real men shoot what they want and dont look back. :excl: I shoot it all limited , open, 3-gun in both divisions. Limited is tougher to shoot because older eyes cant focus fast enough but open sure does help equal it out with fewer things to focus on.

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I prefer open, but there are clubs that put on matches where a Limited gun may even be faster than an open gun. If your club's stages are all wide open targets that are close in, you will not notice a huge difference in times. Tougher and/or longer shots is where that dot will really make a difference. So, if your club likes no shoots, movers, or long range shots you'll never go back to Limited.

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I'm in the same boat with those 50+ (55 in my case) eyes. Mine are pretty bad to boot.

I've shot both Production and L-10 for several years. One of the major problems was that if I had glasses that were focused on the front sight the target was blurry and I couldn't see a hit beyond about 5 yards.

Switching to Open was a whole new experience. I can now use my normal progressive bifocals and see everything clearly. I still shoot iron sights occasionally but Open is what I shoot for nearly all matches now.

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I shoot both, and each has strong points. Open is just balls out hair on fire RAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Open is INTENSE. Limited is a slightly slower paced balls out hair on fire with a good bit more gun management going on. Open is both easier and harder, it is easier to poke A's and it is easier to make tight shots, but if you want to compete it is done at a faster pace and getting on plane at that faster pace isn't easy. I just shot the first match in about 3 months with an Open gun last weekend and the most amazing thing to me when I pulled the trigger the first time was the almost total lack of recoil and muzzle rise, I hadn't even touched an Open gun in the last 3 months. When I put the Open gun up and started shooting Limited I didn't practice or dryfire or anything else, I adjusted my holster at the match and strapped it on, the first shot was interesting, WHAM the gun goes up and back, but I didn't see anything fall off so I pull the trigger again and WHAM the gun goes up and back, figured everything was as good as it was going to get so I finished out the stage.

Open WILL make you a better Limited shooter. Open allows you to focus on SHOOTING, a lot of the gun management goes away so you can really just focus on moving and shooting. When you go back to Limited you will be stronger and shooting and moving and can focus on managing the gun. I really think a good track to getting better is a year in Limited, a year in Open, and then a couple months with each gun for the next couple years. Switching changes the gears in your head, lets you work the things that each gun teaches you and keeps the interest level up.

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If you think 50 is bad, wait until you hit 63:((

I've been shooting with iron sights all my life, and didn't

want to get into Open because I carry a gun daily with

iron sights.

But, it's harder to compete because of the old eyes (and

I have the added disadvantage of having very powerful

prescription eyeglasses - very poor eyesight without


One little trick I pulled this year, is bought a pair of glasses

with the help of local optician, which are a compromise between

reading glasses and distant glasses - a single lens that is perfect

at 3-20 feet (front sight to most local club targets). I can't read

with them, and I can't see a 9mm bullet hole at 40 yards, but at

most distances, I have a good compromise and can "see the

front sight and target" a lot better than anything else I've tried.

All that said, I just purchased my first Open gun - still waiting for

it - it really sounds like a lot of fun, and I'll be able to wear my

usual eyeglasses, and see the target at 50 yards.

I love Limited, and having fun with it at most Clubs, but one club

I go to is dominated by guys with Open guns, and they stick small

targets at long distance every month - and I'm hoping the Open

gun will help me with that.

And, it should be more fun at larger shoots (regionals, etc) where

they have more small targets/longer shots.

Can't wait for the Open gun to arrive - my wife is going to be a

Widow Woman for at least the first three months.


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