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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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  • Location
    Todd's Point, Kentucky
  • Real Name
    Dale A. Matthews

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Calls Shots

Calls Shots (8/11)

  1. The problem with only training one neural pathway is that one has only one response. In training to deal with reality one must include being aware. Responding from preconceived, albeit well trained, habit is wonderful as long as one's enemy attacks correctly.
  2. I got a Trojan 9mm set up by Benny several years and thousands of rounds ago. What he said.
  3. "If you're gonna shoot, shoot. Don't talk. "
  4. So who's going to Mammoth Sniper Challenge this weekend?
  5. Porman's performance was award winning. She's come a long way from being a little hitman wanna be.
  6. Congratulations!
  7. Some photographs from the Pan American Shotgun match: Photos the password is uspsa
  8. Way to go!
  9. Thanks for the plug Corey. And thank you everyone who has purchased photographs from the match!
  10. I would if I saw some of me Silly rabbit, pics are for kids! Next time get everyone! Mea Culpa.
  11. My computer died before all the pictures were uploaded to the gallery. More are now there including the awards.
  12. Battle in the Bluegrass Pics Thanks for the kind words guys. Yes, you may purchase your pictures. Double click on an image and add it to the cart. You may purchase a print, products with the image on it or a small version suitable for avatars, email, Facebook, etc.
  13. Just got home and will be editing photographs tomorrow. However, I wanted to share this one early. Shaun should buy a very expensive gallery wrap canvas of this. If you want to win HOA these days you probably need to function at this level. Please note Shaun is moving, there is a mag in the air, a new mag is being inserted in a single stack pistol and just behind him you will please note there is still brass in the air from his last shot .
  14. Click and Clack said not to edit photographs and drive so this is it for a bit.
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