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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. One feature to look for is the ability to do waypoints. Not all models within a specific manufacturer will have the ability. I have a TomTom and love it, but mine doesn't have Waypoints, and I didn't realize until well after I bought it. Waypoint - a location on your journey where you want to travel through without stopping For instance, when driving to the FL Open this year, I wanted to avoid Daytona at all costs because it was the same weekend as the 500. It would have been nice to plot a course with waypoints when I left to get there. Since I didn't, I had to pick spots as waypoints, save them as favorites, and every time I got to one of them, I had to change the route to the next favorite. PITA. I believe the XL340 series from TomTom has the ability. that would be my recommendation. Includes spoken street names. Personally I would go with the XL340T, that traffic update on mine saved me from being late to airport once. I swear by it. Only a $10 upgrade from the XL340S.
  2. ROFL, I have to show that to a guy at work. His son got pulled over two months ago down in Myrtle Beach..for going 105mph in a 55 zone, after drinking, with....wait for it...his girlfriend on his lap!
  3. Scott, I've made the drive twice now, both times straight down i-85 to exit 137 which is Hwy 129. Takes about 15 minutes from there. My Streets and Trips plots that route, so did my TomTom. You'll never even get on 985 that route. The range is a couple miles short of it on 332. 17 to 985 looks like it's 10 miles and 15 mins longer. I live right by the 85/385 interchange in Greenville and it takes me about 1:45 to get there.
  4. Make sure one of the sensors is not in the shade, and the other in the sun. I've had that happen and get results as high as 3000 fps!
  5. I shot with a top GM at the FL Open this year. He had kind of an off day the first day, so he wan't real chatty, but if I was him I think I would have had the same mind set. Day two, he was more relaxed, and he was very approachable. Several stages he was very open with why he was shooting the stage a certain way. When we asked why, he was happy to explain and I think everyone learned something that day. He was shooting Open, I was shooting Production, so like you said, hard to shoot just like him with the bottomless magazine , but what I picked up were things like why shoot that target instead of that one when you come into an array, etc. It was basic stuff to him, but for me it was a real learning experience. If I had the chance, I would shoot with a GM any day. So much to learn.
  6. Great job Alaskapopo. As of this AM, I am down exactly 35lbs too, from Jan 1st. Traveling for work always gets me off track! There are plenty of options available, but my will power sucks! I probably eat twice the amount of calories as I should and god help me if we go out for drinks at night. Anyone have any tips for keeping your will power in check when you're traveling on business and the company is picking up the bill? OP, I hope you don't think this is a thread drift.
  7. You know you're a shooter when you're walking through the office and see this pallet with boxes on it and the first thing that comes to your mind is "damn Single Stack guys"
  8. My gun has a front sight? When I remember to focus on it, the green shows up better for me. I used Red until a few months ago when I switched over.
  9. MG 124FMJ, 4.3gns N320, 1.150" OAL, works best in my SP01. Tested 1.130 up to 1.165, and 1.150 was best accuracy. 4.3gn gets me to about 130PF, +/- 2PF.
  10. Same issue here. I've got the Shadow saftey on my SP01 now so I can ride it a little better. My issue was like you Scott, after the reload. I was dragging my thumb up the side of the frame causing the safety to kick on. I've dry fired and practiced making sure it's more of a deliberate motion to pick my thumb up off of the frame and set it down on top of the safety. Sounds like a lot of movement, but it's not, just working on repitions while driving firing has helped. I too wish there was an out of the box fix to my make my safety stiffer. Wait, that sounded bad. By the way, I'm shooting Saturday, and I know you both, so if you haven't bumped into each other by then, and you see me, I can point each of you out to the other.
  11. That is some EVIL stuff! Nice job clearing both of them by the way. What caused the second one's side to side swinging movement? Opening up the port?
  12. Seeing an example may help. This is a video of my buddy shooting at the SC Sectional this year. Three targets, the middle target is behind the "Outhouse" door. You can see the half moon (barely see it in the video) and that was your visual reference of where the target was behind it. The plywood door was soft cover and all rounds through it counted as hits on the target.
  13. CZinSC

    Turn and draw

    And safer. Turning into your weak side brings in the possibility of breaking the 180 if you draw before your hips and shoulders are parallel to the 180. I'm a righty, and I only turn into weak side when there is one array to my right (as you are facing down range) and it needs to be shot before doing anything else, like moving forward. When I do, I make damn sure I'm pointing downrange before I clear the holster.
  14. With all due respect, I think you're wrong here. Am I reading the rule incorrectly? 21.6 Exchange of minor EXTERNAL components Sights, firing pins, firing pin retainers, extractors and ejectors MAY be replaced with OEM or aftermarket parts. Any other components which are externally visible may ONLY be replaced with OEM parts which are offered on the specific model of gun or another approved gun from the same manufacturer except as specifically clarified below. Examples of external components which may only be replaced with OEM parts include (but are not limited to): magazine releases, slide stops, thumb safeties and triggers. Special Notes/Clarifications: • Barrels are considered “external parts” and are subject to specific restrictions in 21.4 and associated rulings. • A factory/OEM magazine release which extends only the length of the magazine release may be used. A magazine release which provides larger surface area (paddles, buttons) may only be used if it is an OEM part available on an approved model of gun. • Externally-visible parts from “custom shop” guns will only be considered “OEM parts” if the customshop gun is on the NROI list of approved Production guns. The mag release from CZ Custom is an OEM part, and does in fact come stock on the Shadow, and it only adds length, not surface area. It's my understanding that this is a legal modification.
  15. Rack/flip/catch = USGH. I don't personally think so. Unwise? Yes. I classify the "flip/catch" into the category of "nothing bad should ever go wrong". A few things need to happen in order for a detonation to occur. So I wouldn't necessarily classify it as USGH. It's more likely to happen with a 1911/2011 (as I'm told, I don't know because I don't own either) and rare with Glock/CZ. Even if it's a one in a million chance of something happening, if I can avoid it with a safe action of my own, ie: not flipping/catching, I will take it. It's not worth the expense and permanent disfigurement to me to do the flip and catch God forbid something goes wrong. Overly cautious? Maybe. I'd rather be overly cautious than sitting at the ER saying "Crap, if I just let the damn thing drop on the ground I'd still be shooting right now and not worrying if they can stitch this missing part back onto my hand, or, how is the world going to look with only one eye?". As an RO, I will NEVER catch a flipped bullet. If I ever run across someone that has an issue with that, I'll simply ask them to point to the rule that requires the me as the RO to take my eyes off of their gun still out of the holster in order to catch their bullet. Politeness doesn't trump my safety.
  16. Does TG suck? No. But one of the comparisons between TG and N320 is always cost. I'm not rich by any means, and I prefer to buy less expensive alternatives when they are available, however, if you break it down by cost per round, it isn't a lot. Using a 4# jug as a reference (because I've personally never seen the elusive 8# N320): Comparing Apples to Apples: using a 4.2 gn charge 4# = 28,000 gns = 6666 rounds of 4.2gn charge On powder Valley, TG 4#=$55, N320=$91.50 $55/6666 = $0.008 per round $91.50/6666 = $0.013 per round Difference of $0.005 per round So to me, that 1/2 Cent/round is well worth the money for a powder that meters excellent, and a 4.2gn charge that has enough volume that a double charge is impossible to not notice. Add to that the feel of N320, and it makes the extra initial cost worth it for me. Now, if you can't get N320 locally or can't get in on a group buy, and have to pay shipping and Hazmat fees, and you can get TG locally, which saves probably $30, then I can possibly see opting for TG, but it would be a tough call. N320 just feels better. Just my two cents, or should i say $0.005?
  17. Another former Tightgroup user here. Unfortunately I bought an 8# jug before I found N320 available. I'm keeping it now for the "in case I every run out of N320 situation". I have about 6# left. My analogy I give people is this: (shooting 124 FMJ) TG is like catching a baseball in a glove straight on the palm. N320 is like catching the ball in the webbing. Both do the job, but N320 feels a lot better.
  18. I just noticed that feature last night. Must have been added on the last update on the 15th.
  19. I wear the custom molded plugs from EAR, Inc. ( http://www.shootersexpress.com/eargear.html ) I've taken them to my E.N.T doctor and he said they were sufficient to shoot with for protection. He is a shooter himself, so after he looked at the ratings on them he assured me they would be good. He said putting muffs over them also is a very good idea, but these alone would be good. Not sure where you can find them in your area, not a lot of places do them. It takes about 30-45 mins, and they are much better than the custom molds kits you can buy. If you're anywhere near the Charlotte, NC area, Shooter Express in Belmont, NC is where I got mine. At some Lv 2 and 3 matches you sometimes see vendors that will do them onsite for you.
  20. You are just about as likely to get a $2 bill as change, than you are to run into an IPSC match in the USA. LOL, depends on where you are in the country. Here in SC, some of the "gentlemen's clubs" give you change in $2 bills. Odds are you end up walking out with one or two still in your pocket that you may end up using at Starbucks the next day. Not that I am speaking from experience. So the chances of you getting a $2 bill as change are actually not that bad if you are in line behind me the aforementioned individual.
  21. The Pro Chrono Digital has the option to hook to a computer. Their website has the free download for the software, but it does no good without the cord and usb interface. If you're computer savy and know how to build the usb interface, it may save some money, but otherwise, it's $49.95. It is well worth it if you shoot at a range where you have to wait to go downrange and change strings on the chrono. I got the cord and bring my laptop with me to the range sometimes. You can see all of the data right on the computer while you're shooting. No need to get up and walk to the chrono. Is it necessary? Heck no. Is it very handy, heck yes. I'd go with the Pro Chrono, and if you find an extra $50 burning a hole in your pocket down the road, get the cord and usb interface. Oh yeah, and if you a Pro Chrono Digital, there is spot right next to where the battery goes where you can store an extra battery. DO IT! You will eventually leave the chrono on by mistake after using it, and there is nothing worse than getting to the range and realizing you have a dead battery. That spare battery spot has saved my bacon a couple of times!!
  22. CZinSC

    Video Ads

    This has happened to me a number of times lately. You click on a video on a website like Yahoo, and you get their obligatory 30 second advertisement first. Yeah, I get it, they need to pay bills, yadda yadda....but what really burns me, is that after watching the 30 sec commercial in crystal clear sharp video with perfect sound, the website locks up before the actual video I went to see starts!!
  23. Spartanburg Practical Shooting Assoc. We shoot USPSA on 1st and 4th Sat, IDPA on the 3rd Sat. About one hour twenty minutes from Charlotte, depending on where you are in the city. Spartanburg Practical Shooting Association The pictures on the site are old. The bays were redone about year and half ago, they're all pea gravel surface now.
  24. I remembered that post from Bayou about the Sago. When I saw this damn thing in the yard I thought, I'm not taking any chances.
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