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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. That is what I have now. I'm just looking for something to tinker with while at the same time coming up with a better solution. I was using the timer that takes the green and red pegs. I would just take out the start peg and manually twist it to run for a few hours then it hit the stop peg and would not start again until i set it again. But I must have had an old timer because I can't find them anymore. That is what I use. I picked it up at Christmas time for the lights in front of the house, now it's my tumbler timer. I got it at Walmart, not sure if they have them year round or seasonal since it was with all the rest of the holiday lights. This is it: Timer
  2. When did you try calling? This morning? The reason I ask is that Brian is in AZ, in Mountain Time Zone, which doesn't recognize Daylight savings...which means it just turned 9am there. Perhaps you called during non business hours? Just a thought. I always have that issue when I try to call CZ Custom..same time zone. If you called during business hours, sorry, I have no response.
  3. CZinSC


    After he was done shooting, RO should have also said "Hey, you know what, pasting is fun, why don't you go paste all the targets you just shot while the rest of us take a break"
  4. After shooting all day, just finished dinner, ready to sit down and watch and movie and the girlfriend burns a bag of microwave popcorn. CRAP! There are not many things that will drive me out of a room faster, than burnt popcorn. I have reminded her gently a number of times, whatever you do, don't burn the popcorn. Well, no movie for the foreseeable future, I'm up in my office trying to hide from the fumes. I used to work in an office where someone burned popcorn every day. The smell would get on your clothes, in your hair, and not go away. Since then I have no tolerance for it, especially in my own house. I HATE IT!!!
  5. I believe you mean plyometric workouts. We did them in high school for football ( during the summer conditioning workouts ), along with jump rope. Increased our 40yd dash times, which is quick burst type movement. If I remember, it's been many years, we jumped side to side over a small cone, jumped back and forth over the cone, jumped two legged in 40 yard intervals, then jumped rope for about 15 minutes. Did a lot for our quickness. I've often thought about doing that again after I drop some more weight. I'm just a wee bit over my playing weight from senior year....(if you consider 75 lbs a wee bit )
  6. CZinSC


    that was good. Had not heard that one before. Thanks!
  7. CZinSC

    Mag problems SP-01

    Did you also check your mag break? The metal piece inside the frame that is against the mainspring? If it's stock, it has a slight bend to it, could be causing the mag to stick. You can either take it out and bend it so it's flat, or replace with the Stainless Steel mag break that CZ custom sells. Not sure if this is your issue since you're talking about nose diving rounds too, but it's worth taking a look.
  8. I have this issue too, it's either my strong hand thumb too far over the safety and barely touching the slide release, just enough to prevent slide lock. Or, it's my weak hand thumb sneaking it's way onto the slide release or just under it, again, not a lot of pressure, but just enough to prevent slide lock. Go the range, take a normal grip, don't think about changing anything, fire off about 6-8 rounds then stop, and look and see where your thumbs are. Like I said, it doesn't take much pressure to prevent the slide release from engaging.
  9. Really hate the bathrooms at my company's HQ in San Diego. Brand new 11 story building, and its "Green". One of the unique green factors is the paper towel dispensers in the bathroom. They are automatic and give you a sheet, no lie, probably 6"x11". And its all timer based, so after it gives you a piece, it shuts down for a minute. Talk about annoying. Most of the times I end up walking out drying my hands on my pants.
  10. Hate when the TP dispenser is jammed into my knee because it's so low and close. Can't they put the things a little higher, or further away? Still within reach of the "altitude challenged" but let's us tall folks take a normal "thrown sitting position". And yes, when the roll is so tight that you are forced to grab one square at a time is brutal!
  11. Biggest problem i had was not finding the Excel exe file to create another shortcut. Excel wasn't in the programs submenu or on the start list. Finally had an IT guy walk past my desk and he showed me where it was...never would have found on my own.
  12. Almost exactly what I did. IMHO, 25 yards is too far to try and pinpoint an accurate load. Some may say no way, so like I said, IMHO. Use a rest, support the whole gun, and then do what wobbly said, bring with you a number of different loads, but for me I changed the OAL's. I knew 4.2gn N320 for MG 124FMJ was the right load PF wise from previous testing. So I then loaded various OALs, 20 shot strings, starting at 1.135 and went up .005 at a time to 1.165". I found in my SP01, that 1.145" produced the best groups. The PF did not change enough to warrant an increase in powder charge. YMMV.
  13. Sorry for the thread drift....but I couldn't resist...... Shenanigans
  14. Hate the .380s too. Just last week I managed to load two rounds out of 1000. I didn't notice until I was putting all the finished rounds into the ammo box. Shell sorter is now on the list of things to buy.
  15. CZinSC

    FS: Found Cat

    Love this Far Side. The GF and I say this all the time. "Did you give the dogs their fud this morning?" We now return you to the total useless direction this thread was going...
  16. CZinSC

    Chrono'd my SP01

    And when you clean in the extractor area, use a dental pick, or some other device. I used gunscrubber and a tooth brush, but not until i used a dental pick did i see a sea of crap flying out. You will be amazed how much buildup gets in there. If you don't have dental picks, you can get them at Wally World for about $5. Should have a pick and a scraper. The scraper is the one you want to use in there.
  17. OK, so I was bored and slightly curious, so I just figured the percentage of WH/SH to freestyle classifiers: Breaking it down: Freestyle only, Strong Hand/Weak Hand, Strong hand, SH/WH % of total Classifiers____FS____SH/WH__SH____SH/WH% Total_________54_____22______2____30% 99__________30_____10______0____25% 03___________6______5______1____50% 06___________9______1______0____10% 08___________2______3______0____60% 09__________10______3______1____29%
  18. I fixed it, but what a PITA.
  19. I hate it when you go to click an icon you use all the time, and it's not there! I went to open Excel using the icon in the Quick Launch toolbar, and it wasn't there. Worse that that, the Excel shortcut is no where to be found either, not on the desktop, or in the Start menu. Damn computer gremlins hiding stuff again. No one else uses my work PC, so I can't blame anyone else and I sure as hell wouldn't have deleted it myself. ARRRRR! Stupid Mondays!
  20. Absolutely. In fact at yesterday's local match we had a classifer (99-46) with a weak hand string. I try to always practice at least a couple of mags worth of weak hand every time I go to the range. Strong hand too.
  21. Did you tighten the set screw on the shaft? When you pull the handle down, there is a set screw on the left side under the shell plate. You need to tighten the main shell plate bolt tight enough so the shell plate doesn't wobble, but loose enough so that the indexer rotates freely ( takes some trial and error ). After you get it just right, you pull the arm, raise the shell plate, and then go and tighten down that set screw. It prevents the indexer from tightening the bolt as you index it. Based on your description, that sounds like the issue.
  22. CZinSC


    Most of the time Coors Light. But to mix it up, Smithwicks, Guinness, or Magners ( ok, the last one is an Irish Cider, but it's still alcohol ).
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