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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. Thank you all for hosting the Ohio Section match. Big thanks to Dan Carter and Chris Keen, you guys did a great job. It was a lot of driving to attend ( 950 miles round trip ), but it was WELL worth it. I had a great time. It was also nice to finally put faces to the names: Chris Keen, Kevin Sanders, Flexmoney, ncboiler, and a few others who I didn't want to bother you while you were shooting. The proximity of my buddy's house (and the free room he provided me) to MRPC was a no brainer for me to attend. I hope you guys will host the 2012 match, because I will definitely come back. Thanks again. Glenn Allan CZinSC
  2. No offense, but you may want to brush up on rules 8.3.1 through 8.3.7. Like Dan said, I know you mean well, but the official range commands will cover everything you have on your list, but the bonus of being official.
  3. Knew i was missing something....Montana Gold 124 FMJ You think I'm OK shooting these, for a major match? Planning on replacing the FP, recoil, and hammer springs before match (next week).
  4. I just tested a batch of ammo, and have what looks like flattened primers. How flat is too flat? From the pictures, anything you can see I should be worried about? Just loaded 500 of these up and really don't feel like pulling them, but I will if you think they aren't safe. Not sure how good the picture is, some look a little flatter than picture shows. Background info: Gun: CZ SP01 Powder: N320 4.3gns OAL: 1.145" Primer: WSP Brass: Win, about 4 or 5 times fired FPS: 50 rounds tested, Hi of 1084, Lo of 1042 What do you think? They definitely aren't all flattened, but some stuck out, Specifically: First picture - Top row, 2nd one from the right, Second row, 2nd from left
  5. Actually the 9th. I'm on the computer all day for work....takes me seconds to go over to uspsa.org and check. I know it happens after the 10th, but hey, you never know.
  6. CZinSC

    9mm COAL

    OK, I'll ask....why is he using a round with 142PF? For plinking and having fun? or for USPSA/IPSC? I ask because Minor is 125, Major is 165. So you are waaaay over minor, and wont' make major, (provided you're shooting Open anyway). As long as we're loading and having fun and being safe, it doesn't matter...I'm just curious.
  7. Example two - I definitely understand what you are saying, but Rule 8.1 spells it out pretty clearly. If I was the competitor and you were RO'ing me, my first thought after the COF would not be "why didn't you say something"...it would be "I'm an Idiot!!" 8.1 Handgun Ready Conditions The ready condition for handguns will normally be as stated below. However, in the event that a competitor fails to load the chamber when permitted by the written stage briefing, whether inadvertently or intentionally, the Range Officer must not take any action, as the competitor is always responsible for the handling of the handgun. I think if you say something, you are in essence coaching, and guilty of an infraction. ( couldn't find that one in the rulebook, although i know it's there ).
  8. First off, +1 on what others said about how to use belt. Inner belt through pant loops, outer belt with gear on it attaches to the velcro inner belt. I just recently added a CR speed mag pouch to my belt, and I shoot the CZ SP01. The mags are the same. It took some fiddling to figure it out, and I really can't tell you in words what I did, so here are the pictures. I didn't use velcro because i'm just using it for my make ready mag, so after the start, there is nothing in there. But velcro would have definitely tightened it up more. I use that for my speedsec pouches. If you have questions, feel free to PM me, or post in here. ( more comments after the pictures ) Also, if you're running production, ie: 4 mag pouches, you may want to use the velcro strips on the inside portion of the mag pouches. (you can barely make out the velcro I'm referring to in the second picture) Otherwise, where the mag pouches are on the outer belt, there will be no velcro holding them to the inner belt. With four pouches in close proximity, it makes that side sag. With the velcro on, the mag side will be very secure. Just note, when you do this, it's very hard to reposition when the outer belt is on. Make sure they are in the right spot before you attach. What I did was set up the mag pouches and holster where I want them, position the outer belt on the inner so both the holster and mag pouches are behind the hip bone. Then I then took a thin strip of black electrical tape and wrapped that around the outer belt only, right in line with my belly button. That way when I put the belt on, I have a perfect reference point where the belt goes. Goes on same way every time. If you're shooting Limited or L10, doesn't really matter much. .
  9. Greg is was great shooting with you too yesterday. If I am in MB, I will let you know. If you're in the upstate, come check us out, 1st and 4th saturdays. www.shootspsa.org

  10. Ironic timing for this thread. I just had a recent experience with Midway on this very topic. My email back and forth to them follows below, but I'll give you the summary of the order: 2 boxes of 25 IPSC targets $11.74 each = 23.48. They then added $3 Handling fee, and $26.23 for shipping! On the other hand, Shooters connection wants $49 for 100 targets, and they will charge $15.92 for shipping. So, double the weight, at half the cost. I naturally didn't hit send on the Midway order. But i left the items in my cart and forgot about it. Couple of days later I got an email from Midway asking why I didn't finish the order, and if there was anything they could do. LOL, yeah, I got something to say. Normally I would have just deleted, but this time I felt like responding. I felt I was polite, but got my point across. Doesn't seem like a form letter response, but clearly they aren't getting the message that I'm taking my business elsewhere. On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 11:00 AM, MidwayUSA Customer Service < customerservice@midwayusa.com> wrote: Hello Glenn, Just a reminder, you did not complete your order at MidwayUSA.com. We want to make sure we do everything we can to help. If there was a problem on our end, or there is any way we can help, just let us know by replying to this email. Thanks for Your Business, Larry Potterfield, Founder and CEO of MidwayUSA From: Glenn Allan Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 12:48 PM To: MidwayUSA Customer Service Subject: Re: MidwayUSA.com would like your feedback... I didn't submit the order because I felt the shipping charges were outrageous. I love MidwayUSA and purchase from you often, but the shipping charges on this order seemed excessive to me. On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 1:52 PM, MidwayUSA Customer Service Customer.Service@midwayusa.com> wrote: Dear Mr. Allan, Thank you for your recent email. We add Postage, Handling & Insurance to all orders. These charges are calculated at the time the order is placed, based on the number of packages in the order, the weight and dimensions of each package, the dollar amount of the order (for insurance purposes only) and the shipping address. The shipping fee calculates for the in-stock items while backordered items have a separate shipping charge. If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at 1-800-243-3220. Our hours of operation are Monday throughFriday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. CT; Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CT. You may also email us at customerservice@midwayusa.com. Thanks for Your Business! Cathey MidwayUSA Customer Service From: Glenn Allan Sent: Monday, May 2, 2011 8:00 PM To: MidwayUSA Customer Service Subject: Re: MidwayUSA.com would like your feedback... I understand your response. However, you should know, that two other vendors are offering these same targets, in boxes of 100 ( double the order I was going to place with you ), and the shipping was half the cost. I'm not sure how they can ship a box that weighs twice as much, and charge half as much for shipping. Needless to say, they will get my business for the purchase. Thank you, On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 11:59 AM, MidwayUSA Customer Service <Customer.Service@midwayusa.com> wrote: Dear Glenn, Thank you for your recent email regarding shipping costs. I apologize, but at this time we do not offer any price match guarantees for any of our products. We do offer: " Regular monthly sales and Clearance items listed on our website at www.midwayusa.com " Promotional emails with different sales and coupon codes " A 32-page Monthly Sales Flyer (this can be sent via email or postal service) We thank you for your feedback and appreciate you taking the time to share your opinion with us. Larry reviews our shipping options annually with his senior leadership team and your feedback is certainly appreciated and will go towards improving the process in the future. If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at 1-800-243-3220. Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. CT; Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CT. You may also email us atcustomerservice@midwayusa.com. Thanks for Your Business! Charlotte MidwayUSA Customer Service
  11. Yes and No. Yes, the CZ's have short throats compared to other manufactureres, but I wouldn't say they are finicky with ammo. I've shot various factory ammo out of my SP01 and have never had any issues (WWB, Remington, Federal, Magtech ). What gets finicky is when you load your own and use the OALs that Glock and S&W guys are using. You will need to load a little shorter, especially JHPs. Any gun will be finicky if you load the bullet so long that it touches the lands. As far as Berry's as the bullet of choice? Not so sure. Angus himself shoots Zeros ( unless he changed very recently ). The guys that I know with CZs that shoot USPSA all use Zeros or Montana Gold. I use MG because I got tired of Zeros being out of stock. Other than that, I loved them. I know the guys over on CZForum have been going ga-ga over the Berry's lately, but I have my opinions on why that is. I will reserve those opinions as to not make this thread become a flame fest.
  12. Jay is 100% Correct. If you want black and white proof, in the rulebook, Appendix D4, under special conditions "Handguns with external hammers must be fully decocked at the start signal"
  13. African or European swallow?
  14. Thanks Mark, this makes sense. I suppose I was looking at it from the perspective of a shooter that didn't realize his holster was too far forward, or loaded 11 or 12 by accident. It seems harsh to penalize that guy with a trip to Open. But like you said, it will make him think twice next time and get his head out of his rear end and comply the next time. For the guy that does it knowing he's breaking the rules, yes, put that SOB into Open!
  15. With the recent threads about start positions and mags on the belt vs mags in the hands, and whether or not it will result in your getting bumped to Open, it got me thinking……We all know, at least I hope we do, that when you run afoul of equipment rules while shooting Production, you are bumped to Open. I’m not here to argue the circumstances for that action, I’m here to understand the reason for being bumped to Open, as opposed to Limited or L10. Can someone clarify why: Shooting Production, you have your mag pouches in front of your hip bone, why are you bumped to open, and not Limited 10? L10 seems to be a more logical choice. You have a better chance of being competitive if you were bumped to L10 Minor, over Open Minor. Shooting Production, you loaded 12 rounds in a mag, and shot all 12, why are you bumped to Open and not Limited? Again, seems like you’d have a better chance of being competitive in Lim Minor over Open Minor. Seems to me, that whatever caused you to not comply with your stated division’s rules, as long as it is allowed in the next division up the line, you should be moved there. If not the next one, then then one after that. Ie: production/single stack to L10, L10 to Limited. Don’t know much about revolver rules, so not sure what to say about that. Yes, I fully agree it’s the shooters responsibility to know the rules and not break them. The easy answer to my question is just do what the rule says and not worry about it. Again, I’m not arguing the ruling, just trying to understand the decision for the outcome. The only rationale I can think of is that since you can have similar circumstances for the other divisions, it’s just easier to say if you don’t abide by the rules, you go to Open. That way there is no figuring out which division to put you in, you just simply go to Open. For the record, I did a search, and couldn’t find any previous posts addressing this. So if there is one, I would welcome someone pointing me to it.
  16. I can't remember exactly, but I was about 34 when I had them out, so the 25 yr old cut off is bunk. True though that they don't want to do it later, it just takes you longer to recover when you're older and there can be more complications, but if they need to come out, they need to come out. I only had two done, plus some other oral surgery ( had a cyst in my jaw ). But my problem was the drugged they knocked me out with wore off after 10 mins. I believe the quote was "we gave you enough to knock a normal sized person out for 90 mins, you woke up in 10" ( i'm 6'4" 300lbs). They were afraid to give me more because i had so much already, so they finished me up with lots of novacaine and nitrous gas. Interesting feeling...felt like I was in a well looking up from the bottom as they were working on me. I was aware, but only minor pain. Anyway, yes, get your drugs beforehand. Take them when you're concious. If you take oxycodone, write down when you take them. You can get pretty loopy and forget when the last one was. I took them every 4 hours...for 5 days! Mostly because of the surgery for the cyst, not the wisdom teeth. I kept the pain to a bare minimum but when I went back to work, i crashed hard because i stopped taking them cold. If you take them for a few days, ween yourself off. Also, the ice wrapped around the head is a good call! Someone previous posted that. I'll take it a step further. Buy several bags of frozen peas. Use them as ice packs. The peas will mold to the side of your face a lot better than ice. Rotate them out so you always have some frozen ones ready to go. I used a wide ace bandage wrapped it over my head under and then under my chin. Stick the bag of frozen peas on the side. You look foolish, but hey, it works. This will do two very important things: cut down on the pain, and reduce swelling/bruising. If you don't ice, you will get black and blue marks on your face. Wisdom teeth are no joke, but you will be super glad you got them taken care of. Once the pain is over, you are done. Dry socket, i had them, the brown crap they stick in there is disgusting, but will relieve the pain instantly. The bad taste in your mouth is worth not having the pain. Just do what your surgeon tells you to do, to the letter, and you'll be fine. I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to make your fishing trip. You may have a little residual aches, but nothing that will put you out of action. One last thing I remembered, they give you little plastic syringes to squirt away the particles that get in the sockets. I taped a mini mag light to mine so I could see exactly what i was flushing out. You want to me gentle so the light helps you get right where you need it. Sounds goofy, but hey, again, why not! Good luck!
  17. Wow, that is spooky. I was having lunch today after our local match with fellow forum member Glefos, and he said the same exact thing. Almost verbatim. Waktasz, you weren't in the Duncan, SC Zaxby's today were you?!
  18. I've been using a Redding competition seating die now for a couple of months. Highly recommend it. You will see your variances tighten up a lot.
  19. With all due respect, not a .050 difference; that is a BIG variation! I might buy a .003 difference but... Justin if the bullet is seated with pressure on the end of the bullet the COL should be consistent. If the seater pressure is applied to the Ogive of the bullet all bets are off. This dimension can be extremely inconsistent in some bullets. As has been stated I seriously doubt it is the press and would urge you to try a different brand of bullet. This seems like the most plausible reason since it sounds like you're doing everything else correctly. You mentioned that bullets are bottoming out on the vent hole in the seating plug. Are all of the bullets doing this? Take the plug out, and check a lot of them, and see if they are all bottoming out, or are some not. If that happens, then some are being seated at the tip, some at the Ogive. In that case you will definitely get big variances. I started using the Redding Competition seating die and it seats on the ogive and makes thing a lot tighter variance wise.
  20. The only problem with that is that a round that goes through the no shoot and continues to knock down the plate = reshoot. I wish some of the clubs around here had steel no-shoots. It would open up a lot more possibilities in stage design. Not if you space them out correctly and avoid any odd angles to may allow the NS/Steel situation. Good point though... I had the steel plates even with the no shoots practically touching. that way there would be no shoot throughs. The angles would be in a way that the only place to shoot them from would be straight in front of them at the port.
  21. I'm trying my hardest to be there Saturday, but the girlfriend has other ideas. I'm running out of credits at home since I shot last weekend, next weekend will be away for SC match both nights, then two weeks later I'm gone from Thur through Monday for the OH State match. I made a little headway tonight, so stay tuned...I may be there.
  22. Gomer, when I get on my home computer, I'll send you the alternative WSB. I didn't think I'd be able to use the star, so I set up some steel plates and no shoots, not the same as a star, but the accuracy requirement was up there. Bascially just put four no shoots spaced just far enough apart to have a steel plate between each one.
  23. I was on the same squad with Matt at the Florida Open this year, very good shooter and good guy. Way to go Matt. Congratulations! Always good to see a CZ Shooter make GM.
  24. Spanky, thanks for the tip, I'll have to try that. In the meantime, LT45 was kind enough to send me the props in a sketchup file. Thanks Larry! And yes, please go ahead and use the stage! By the way, here are my videos from this past weekend, this stage starts at the 3:20 mark. At least it may give you some idea (not much) about the target placements.
  25. Send me a PM with your email and I'll give you a drop-turner with a classic target on it.. if you would like.. PM Sent. And Thank you!
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