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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. That is what I was originally going to say, but Brian said xxxx xx xxxx with the x's denoting the letters in each word, so 4 2 4
  2. I'm not wild about cocked and locked on the CZ either. In fact, when I shoot L10 Minor, I shoot all the stages double action ( mostly to keep practicing lowering the hammer ). I'd prefer starting half cocked ( the gun, not me! ). You can still AD if you're not careful, but the chances are reduced considerably. And you still have the double action pull on the first shot.
  3. Add another vote for N320. I use MG 124FMJ out of my CZ SP01, 4.2gns makes about 131PF. By the way, Powder Valley just got a shipment of Vhit in the other day. They are fully stocked on all Vhit powders...including the elusive 4lb N320!
  4. Left for the airport at o'Dark-30 so I couldn't tell. But there is a very good chance I missed a strip here or there.
  5. I was away from last Tuesday until last night. Traveling again for business next two days. Needed to cut the grass, but couldn't get out of a conf call that didn't end until 5pm tonight. I had my eye on the weather since storms were rolling in. Finally got off the phone and basically ran around the yard cutting the grass. Few sprinkles half way through, so I started hauling butt. Finished in 45 minutes, and as I push the mower back in the garage....the heavens opened up and it rained for the next hour! Nice timing. Sometimes Mother Nature cooperates.
  6. Same issue here. i took it today and passed. My guess is when they run the update like they do for the classifiers, it will update then. When i renewed my membership last month, that is what happened. It didn't show until the updated occured.
  7. Couldn't agree more. Don't put "fully decocked" in the rule book if sometimes you can go to half cock. Until I see it in writing in a ruling or in the rules itself, I will stick with fully decocking, as I always do with my SP01. My two cents, they should allow the half cock. Less of a chance of the hammer slipping and AD'ing, plus you still get the double action pull. But again, until that is made a rule, it clearly states what you have to do....fully decock.
  8. I don't think so. The long base pads are meant for the 16rd mags. If you go to CZcustom under the description it says "This extension takes the CZ 75 16 round magazine to 140mm total length. USPSA Limited and Open Legal 9mm. 20 rounds total in magazine" I tried using them last year at an IPSC match and I got bumped to open because they were too long, gun with the mag and long base pads wouldn't fit the in box. But that was IPSC, not USPSA. The short base pads on CZcustom say "This extension takes the CZ SP01 18 round magazine to 140mm total length. USPSA Limited and Open Legal 9mm. 21 Rounds Total in magazine" As long as the mag is less than 5.561”(141.25mm) ( per the rules Appx D2 #8 ) you're fine. But i think you may be over.
  9. Hmmmm, cupcakes. I'll probaby see Heckler on Saturday at the match...I'm just sayin'. So if there are any extra cupcakes laying around the shop with no homes, we'll take care of that for you! Um....Yes any orphaned cupcakes would be welcomed. Did I mention yesterday was my birthday? Vote cast again. Thank you for another vote! Happy belated birthday! I will talk to Glenn and we may be able to swing a cupcake for you, just don't let everyone at the match see you, they may be jealous. Trey It's a 20 minute drive from your shop to the range...can't guarantee they'll all get there!
  10. CZinSC

    Conf Calls

    I hate when people schedule useless conference calls because they have no idea how to do their own jobs so they have to get 5-10 people on a conference call to discuss "what needs to be done". Then it turns out they are west coast based ( i'm east coast, company HQ is in CA ) and they schedule these useless friggin conf calls at either 12pm or even worse, 4pm on a Friday! I swear I'm going to start scheduling Monday morning 9am EDT meetings with West coast personnel and make sure they know the meeting is mandatory.
  11. After reading this thread, I finally got off my lazy ass and sent thank you notes for two recent matches ( SC, OH ). Sent off 22 emails last night, already got back 9 replies. Couple that looked like form letter responses, some clearly written by an individual. Most common theme on the response "it's a pleasure helping out when we get emails like this". Very easy to see that these sponsors don't get thanked enough. Just because you do business with them, doesn't mean they know that their contribution for a specific match went noticed. Send them a note, takes a few minutes. All I did was use whatever contact info was on their website.
  12. Hmmmm, cupcakes. I'll probaby see Heckler on Saturday at the match...I'm just sayin'. So if there are any extra cupcakes laying around the shop with no homes, we'll take care of that for you!
  13. That's one of my favorite WWII movies. I'll have to add that to my read list. Thanks!
  14. Go to USPSA and look under "Find Clubs" Find Clubs Put in your state or zip and it will list the clubs in your area. If the clubs have a URL you should be able to click on the hyperlink and look for info on their website. Otherwise, just do a google search on the club name and find their website. Most clubs have a site, and list their match schedules. **Edit** Sorry, just realized you were looking for multi-gun. The same tip above may apply, not sure though.
  15. After seeing the hat he wears, I didn't think it could get any easier to make fun of him.....but yes...stripper products just might do the trick.
  16. The chrono could always be a factor, but in this case (2011 Ohio Section) my ammo registered the exact PF I was getting at home on my own chrono. As for the idea of lowering the PF threshold...I don't like it. If you're going to shoot a Level II or III, you should find someone with a chrono and test your factory loads. I think you'd be hard pressed to NOT find someone willing to set up their chrono for you after a local match to do just that. Just ask around and see if someone is willing to bring it out the next local match. I know if someone asked me, I'd be happy to oblige.
  17. I kid with my buddy that after every match that I don't recall every seeing my front sight. He always asks, "Did you use the force again?". So for the SC Match, I actually wrote "FS" on the back of my weak hand thumb. Since I shoot production, and have to lower the hammer at make ready, I have to see my thumb right before I start. It helped me remember, "Use your front sight". Sounds pretty stupid I know, but, I had one of my best matches, and can recall seeing my front sight most of the day. ( had to use the force on at least one or two stages.... ) Anyway, to your questions, can't hurt seeing the front sight at the Make Ready, but remembering to focus on it during the COF is critical.
  18. I remember reading an article a few years back about them. Specifically it was commending them on succeeding while stores like Circuit City failed and cried about the economy. As you mentioned, B&H closes on Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. Here is the article in case you are interested: http://www.inc.com/magazine/20090501/why-circuit-city-failed-and-why-bh-thrives.html
  19. My thumb rides the safety, but sometimes there is just enough of the tip of my thumb to engage the slide release preventing slide lock. That's the easiest thing to check. I'd start there and then take Squirrels tip on checking the followers.
  20. Yes, leave it on the powder die. pull the two pins, remove tool head and dump it. Nothing easier than that, right? **Slapping myself in the forehead*** Can't believe I've been taking the damn thing off the die to dump it. Stupid..stupid...stupid....
  21. +1. Get a set of dental picks ( got mine at wally world for $5). One of them should be a scraper, little wider than the pick. Use that to scrape out the junk. After 9000 rounds, you probably have a lot in there. Even if it doesn't look like it to the naked eye, start scraping. You'll be surprised when gunk starts coming out of spots that you think look clean. And like others said, can't hurt to replace the spring and possible the extractor itself.
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