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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. Prove it! I want pictures!! Video evidence. Until then....it didn't happen!!! Just quoting you, back to you. I think that statement was made somewhere near the GA border on the 10 hour ride to the FL Open this year. Thought I forgot, huh?
  2. Nice try Glenn, but you know those handbags are going to look great with your high heels. I was actually waiting to see HighLordGomer smack that hanging curve over the wall,..so you either beat him to the punch, or he's busy on some other gun forum.
  3. No major changes to your equipment before the match!!! It blows me away every time I hear someone at a major say something like "i changed my main spring, extractor, sear, etc, etc" and didn't have time to test fire it, so hopefully i'll be ok" Bring extra ammo ( if you're not flying ) and leave it in the car. Better to have it in the parking lot, than at home. If you're squadded with shooters that are better than you, watch what they do, see how they break down a stage, but make sure you know why they are shooting it a certain way ( after their run, if they seem friendly enough, ask them why, they'll probably be glad to tell you) Make sure you still have your own game plan though. They may not know the best way to do it. Also, don't feel like you have to shoot as fast as them, stay within your own abilities. Walk the stages...a lot. if time permits, and you can show up the day before, do it. Walk the stages, provided it's not a shooting day. if it is, show up near the end and walk the stages that are done for the day. Make sure you are polite and ask any Stage RO's if you can walk the stage. Don't bother asking if a squad is on the stage, or about to walk onto the stage, that's their time to walk it, not yours. But either way, state/sectionals stages will probably be a little harder than you're used to. It helps having more than the 5 minutes you get when you're squad gets to that stage. HAVE FUN! States/Sectionals always have a feel to them ( to me ), that is very cool. Hard to describe, but you'll know what i mean when you're walking around and see the sponsor banners, vendor tents if they have them, and see all of the shooters walking around.
  4. Would really love to meet one of these a$$hats one day that steal other peoples credit card info. Probably wouldn't be so tough and ballsy in person. The good news is that the retailer thought something was fishy and called my credit card company ( USAA ) who then called me. We had a three way call at about 6:30pm last night. Too bad the customer wasn't in the store because I would have called the cops myself. SOB was trying to charge $990 in women's handbags. Already had spent $2200 earlier in the week without me knowing it. The card was in my wallet last night, so have no idea how they got the info. Thankfully the credit card company is reversing the charges, but damn...I hate these people (the thieves, not the CC company).
  5. I tried heating them up...the screws and nuts just laughed at me. I used the dremel/cutting blade. That finally did it. Managed to not ruin the holster in the process. I've now got my buddy's old Bladetech DOH adaptor, which is not as wide as the one I had. So now I'm back to just under 2", without the washers. Going to have to do a lot of dry firing though, as there is less cant, and the butt is definitely closer. Sorry for the slight thread drift Grumpy.
  6. Problem for me is, after the screws came loose at a match a year ago, I blue loctited them. When I turn the screws, the end nut just turns round and round. There is no way to get a grip on them. Any ideas how to get them out? Short of ruining the holster or the DOH, I'm kind of stuck.
  7. I have the SP01, not the Shadow, but mine was about the same, little over 2", with the DOH. I ended up cramming two washers in the bottom hole where the holster attaches to the DOH piece. It angles the holster just enough to be 2" on the nose. Not wild about that fix, so I'm exploring other options.
  8. Nah..more like this....
  9. I witnessed this at the NC Sectional last year. Squad mate had those mags for his SP01, did not fit the box. He also had two factory mags, but he gave the Chrono Man the Mec-Gar mags. Welcome to Open!
  10. You want to try something even more weird? Sit in a hard bottom chair with your wallet in your back pants pocket. Now, stick your arm ( the one on the wallet side ) straight out parallel to the ground. Have someone try to push your hand down while you resist the force. Now do the same thing without the wallet in your back pocket. See any difference? My chiropractor did this to me years ago when he saw my wallet in my back pocket. My result....without the wallet i was able to resist no problem. With the wallet in, trouble resisting him. What it comes down to is your spine is slightly crooked with the wallet in your pocket. Sitting on your wallet all day tends to shift your spine out of alignment. Not huge, but it was enough to convince me though to switch to a front pocket wallet. Now don't get me wrong, my wallet wasn't a George Costanza wallet, it was fairly thin, or so I thought. Just my two cents....sorry for the thread drift.
  11. The hooks make sense, the cord connecting them does not (to me). Does the cord serve any other purpose than to keep the two hooks attached to one another?
  12. Not only that, but why were the hooks on the cord? I've never shot a cross bow, so all I can base this thought on is what I see on TV, but wouldn't it have been easier to just have the hooks in your hands with no cord connecting them? It didn't look like the cord provided any sort of leverage. It just seemed to get in the way and make it more complicated. Am I wrong?
  13. Good news Paul, the other Glenn and I are good to go. Will be sending both of our apps tomorrow. If I can remember, I'll make an announcement this Saturday at the Spartanburg Match to see if we can interest a few more from our club.
  14. Paul, I will check with the Mrs and see if i can pull it off. ( gonna be away the following weekend at OH match). Will try to let you know by the end of this week.
  15. It's more common than you think. It's no big deal. Just remember, Pull hammer back, then pull trigger, then lower hammer. And if an RO gives you a hard time, politely quote the rule Skydiver quotes above. If they still argue with you, call for the CRO. And if he agrees with the RO, call for the RM. I doubt that will happen, but know your options. Especially when you are right!
  16. But that I could attend... For those that don't know, BOZ and I drove up one Labor Day weekend to attend this match. (that's a pretty good haul from Georgia) I'd be back in a minute if my schedule and funds allowed it. For any of y'all in that area sitting on the fence......go. +1 I drove up last year from SC not knowing what to expect. I had a such a good time I decided to go back this year, and help work the match!
  17. I've been trying to think of way to convey this very argument in a short concise non rambling reply. So thank you!
  18. Short answer: No Long answer: check out all 10 pages of this post: My link
  19. I've had good luck on Para grips by rubbing on a thin coating of Loctite Plastic Epoxy then sprinkling on 30-50 grit Black Diamond blasting media (50 lbs under $10 at the local Tractor Supply Company store) That is the exact Epoxy I had tried. I guess my test was either flawed, or you have better luck. Either way, nice to know that I may have a use for that epoxy in the future!
  20. Not a bad idea. I suppose whatever works and holds the silicon down and doesn't rub off. I tested Epoxy first and it didn't hold up as well as the JB, so you just have to experiment. I even tested whether there was a difference between pouring the silicon on vs pouring it on and then patting it down. For the record, pouring it on and not touching it was far better. As far as adding thickness...I spread the JB Weld out with a small modelers paint brush. It worked its way into all of the grooves and added very little thickness to the grips.
  21. How so? I use MG 124's. I was thinking of keeping the CBC's and just loading them all together. That way at least I know every pull is going to stick. But if you are saying they don't like MG's, I'm curious why. TIA
  22. I found out recently that CBC brass is not fun to reload. I was loading a mixed bag of brass, Win, FC, RP, GFL, PMC, PPU, and not one problem. But every time I got to a CBC, it stuck on the powder die. It stuck so bad it would stop the handle from coming down and throw off my rhythm. I ended up stopping what I was doing and sorting out the rest of the CBC. Once I did that, no more problems.
  23. FYI, if you call Montana Gold, you can buy less than case qtys. I did this a month ago, bought various 9mm in 100 pc qtys. You will pay more per bullet, but at least you don't have to buy a whole case to figure out if you want to go with a specific bullet.
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