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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. Wait just a darn minute...if the laces are OEM parts, shouldn't you be allowed to change them?
  2. This really blows me away. I cut the grass last night, as in 24 hours ago. I just let the dogs out tonight to do their nightly duty before going to bed and did a double take when I stepped out in the yard. This mushroom is (or i should say was because i picked it and threw it in the woods so the dogs didn't eat it), at least 4 inches tall, and close to 3" in diameter!!!! It grew over night to that size. I should have let it grow to see if it doubled in size overnight tonight, but I was afraid the dogs would eat it for breakfast tomorrow. God knows what that would do to them. I don't think i've ever seen anything grow that quickly before. Forgive the crappy picture, I took it with my cell phone. Any horticulturalists out there that know what this ( beside a wild mushroom ) and how they grow so fast?
  3. i use the 3M tread tape and love it. At first it feels like it's too gritty and aggressive, but once you use it, it isn't. It is very comfortable.
  4. Check out the Rudys Magsters too. They have "front emblem with air vents to prevent foggging". I can attest to this working. I sweat a lot, and rarely have an issue with fogging. I put some anit-fog spray on the lenses ( found at Sports Authority in the goggle section ) for added measure and don't have any problems.
  5. Definitely worth a try. Not knowing the whole situation, sounds like whoever is running it now doesn't like rules very much, so it may be hard convincing them to abide by USPSA rules. However, hopefully for the OP, there enough like minded people that would embrace the "new" rules and everyone would be better off. Failing that, you're safety isn't worth it. FWIW, if i was at a range and the 180 was broken, and the only result was a "talking to", not a DQ, I'd pack my stuff up and leave. After having a polite discussion with the MD letting him know why. I know that is easier said than done, given the OP's circumstances, but consider the alternatives. Sounds like a tragedy waiting to happen at those ranges.
  6. Case gauges are good but sometimes they don't tell the whole picture. When I was loading MG 124JHP for my CZ SP01, I used a case gauge on the finished bullet, no issues. Dropped it in the barrel, and it was an issue. For that specific bullet and OAL, the ogive of the bullet was reaching the rifling, where it was just barely short enough in the Dillon Case gauge to drop cleanly in and out. In that situation, a case gauge was no help. Just something to consider. FWIW, hasn't been an issue with the FMJ due to the different shape/profile of the ogive.
  7. Yes, you are correct. It has two meanings: intransitive verb :to shift suddenly and forcibly from one side to the other —used of a fore-and-aft sail : to change a vessel's course when sailing with the wind so that as the stern passes through the eye of the wind the boom swings to the opposite side intransitive verb : to be in accord : agree taken from www.m-w.com Jive on the other hand has a few meanings, none of them is to agree, or be in accord. My personal favorite, again from www.m-w.com is: a : glib, deceptive, or foolish talk b : the jargon of hipsters
  8. CZinSC

    Eye Chart

    Went to the eye Doc for the annual exam today. For the close up reading test he flips a chart in front of my face and told me to read the top line. I kid you not...."DVCBLPT" I let out a chuckle when I read the first three letters. He asked what's up, but didn't feel like going into it, not sure if he is a gun guy, plus I was already late for work, and didn't want to extend my appointment any longer.
  9. I had my blood tested for lead a couple of months ago. Precautionary. Like you I mentioned to my doc I shoot and reload, and Dr thought it was a good idea to see what it is and at least get a base line for future tests. Luckily mine were within normal ranges. I also shoot a semi-auto, and have only been shooting for about 2.5 years, so the chances were slim, but I figured better check now. I have been reloading for a little over a year, and use FMJ ( exposed lead base though ). I try to be sensible with cleanliness, but not to the levels you are taking it. Seems like you're doing all the right things. Have you ruled out another source of the lead? Like maybe your drinking water? I've read where corroded pipes or something of that nature could cause lead in your water and lead to high lead levels. Not sure about that, so if someone knows more, I encourage them to chime in and refute that or confirm it. Good luck, I hope you figure it out.
  10. Is that how you cook rice when you're in a hurry?
  11. I used the chlorine free Brake Kleen. Outdoors, with rubber gloves and safety glasses. Not sure how much "healthier" the green non chlorinate is, but I doubt the very quick exposure to it will cause long term effects ( i know...famous last words ). If anyone has some proof ( facts, not word of mouth ) that the stuff is that dangerous, I will happily stop using it.
  12. That slotted screw should "really" be tight- it's staked when new and takes a well fitted screw driver to get it out.. Like all have said: TRS (I had a broken one that only failed to reset once in a while), gunk (I like spray brake cleaner for 'de-gunking') When it failed to reset this last time, what did you do to get it to reset. Did you use forward pressure on the trigger? Did you recock the hammer? Used brake cleaner last night, no issues at the match today. At least issues that I could blame on the gun! The last time it failed to rest, I did not use forward pressure, just let the trigger out. When it failed, I racked the slide and it corrected itself. I sprayed a lot of crap out there last night, I'm thinking it had gotten dirty between the trigger bar and the frame. The previous cleaning I had over oiled it, that must have drawn in extra sand and grit. For now, problem solved. Thanks everyone for the advice.
  13. Not at all! I'd rather someone repeat something a different way on something I thought of already which forces me to look at it a different way. I also hadn't thought about not letting the trigger go far enough, but that's because the problem didn't happen while shooting. But, it's something to make sure I watch out for when I lower the hammer. The TRS should take care of that as soon as I let go of the trigger, but its certainly something I will keep in mind.
  14. Yep, TRS is fairly new, and no travel screws on trigger. But I agree with you on the gunk. I might have to get in there and pull the trigger bar out and give it a really good cleaning to make sure there isn't build up on the part that touches the frame. Thanks,
  15. Twice now at the range I've had an issue with the trigger not resetting on my SP01. Background on the gun, approx 14,000 rounds through it, custom Angus trigger job, competition hammer. After the last time it happened, I changed the trigger bar lifter spring to a new one. One side of the old one was slightly bent causing it to not contact the trigger bar, along with some dirt and grit in the gun, i figured problem was solved. The problem happened again last night. Spring looks ok, seems to be contacting trigger bar on both sides like it should, and there is a little grit in there, but after hearing how some people go months without cleaning, can't imagine that little bit of dirt would cause the problem. What is happening is this: mag with 10 rounds in it, load, rack slide, manually lower hammer ( practicing USPSA production ). When I draw and go to fire, the trigger doesn't work, it wasn't reset after the lowering of the hammer. The few times its happened, it's always been when I manually lowered the hammer. Don't recall it happening while firing the gun (mid magazine). What other things should I be looking for? I just spent time, with the slide off, seating all 5 mags, both empty and loaded with dummy rounds, and I could not duplicate the problem. Tried again with slide on, same thing, couldn't duplicate. Really don't want this happening during a match. Any advice on what else I should be looking for? I'll give it a thorough cleaning tomorrow, but just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything obvious I'm overlooking.
  16. I think I got it this time..... 3quartertime
  17. I disagree. Holstering in 10.5.11 is referring to act of putting the gun into the holster. As all have stated, the gun must have saftey applied, etc, etc. The OP is asking about after the start signal. At that point, he is in the process of "drawing". In my opinion, since the start signal has gone off, and he is allowed to draw the gun, there is nothing that says when he can and cannot take the safety off. Do I think it's unsafe and shouldn't be done...hell yes. Is it against the rules, I don't think so. If you disagree with this, then at what point should you be allowed per the rules? When trigger is exposed, when end of barrel is completely out of holster? And what rule are you quoting? ***I still don't think you should take the safety off until the gun is at least at a 45 degree angle away from your body, but I'm just trying to confirm what the rules say you can and cannot do.
  18. "Those numbers don't jive with what I'm seeing." UGGHHH. The word is jibe. Unless of course you are trying to speak like these guys, then it is accurate:
  19. +1 on the Redding Competition seating die. Especially if you're working up a lot of various OALs to dial in accuracy for specific bullet/powder/oal. Set a base line OAL, then just turn the dial in .01 increments from there. Holds the measurement perfectly, after I get dialed in to an OAL, it doesn't lose that measurement no matter how many rounds I load.
  20. Did anyone catch the show Snipers, Inc on NatGeo? Not sure if it was an old show they just re-aired, or new. But it was pretty good. Show was all about the Barrett M107 .50 Ronnie Barrett and his son are throughout the whole show talking all about the gun. Definitely worth watching if you haven't seen it yet.
  21. I played softball with a guy years ago that said this all the time...drove me nuts. Mine: "24/7" "Do you want to come with?" anything "viral" ( unless you're speaking about an illness you have, then it's acceptable )
  22. If he borrows the gun, are you going to make him wear the hat too???
  23. I watched the first half last night. Seemed kind of cheesy to me. And the host bothers me already. BUT, i will keep watching it because of the lack of entertaining shows on TV. Plus, it's kind of hard not to watch a show where they fire guns....cheesy or not.
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