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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. I sketched out the CZ logo freehand, and then just cut away. Looks pretty good I think.
  2. Can I just ask....why do you want to lighten the Trigger Return Spring? What is the desired effect/result? I'm not judging, I'm asking because I'm curious. Lightening the Main spring and/or recoil spring I understand. I'm failing to see the reasoning behind the TRS.
  3. Wow Mike. Just Wow. Glad your son is OK. I can totally see him going out and shooting the next day! Nothing is going to stop that kid. Since everyone is ok, except the gun, I'll throw in my jab: I guess I made a good decision last year by not taking you up on that offer to show me how to reload! Sorry...couldn't resist. Seriously though, glad you are both OK. This is one of the big reasons I like Vhit N320. A double charge of > 4gns will overflow.
  4. "I'll be right with you" translation: let me answer the phone and talk to this lazy ass customer that figured it was easier to call the store and see if they have something in stock, instead of speaking to you, who took the time to come in person to the store...and incidentally was first in line before the phone started ringing.
  5. I'm sorry I can't answer your question directly, but what I can tell you is my experience with Limbsaver. I bought the one for my 11-87, and like you, it did not fit at all. I called Limbsaver directly, and they verified it was not the right part. ( even though the packaging clearly states it is ). Anyway, they sent me the correct part, at no charge, and told me to just send back what I had bought in the same box. When I got the part, it was in fact the exact one I needed, so they did me right. It was a little bit of a pain to have to do that, but was nice to see they stood by their product and shipped me the correct one for free. And by the way, at no time did they ask me to send a copy of the receipt, they just took my word for it. Good luck. ( oh, and no, I don't have the 800# i called, I think it's the same one on the website. It was on the package for the part that I bought )
  6. I'm not disagreeing with you, but just trying to understand what you mean. When you say it's accuracy, compared to what? Did you compare 1.12 vs 1.145 or other OALs and find the groups better with 1.12? If not, what are you grouping with 1.12? Distance? Bench rest, off hand? What is your basis for the accuracy? I'm curious, because I wouldn't mind loading slightly less powder and shortening the OAL if it meant same or better accuracy than I get now.
  7. No vest for me. I'll have to take up golf again. And I suck at Golf. At least I'm starting to show promise in this sport. Please don't make me go back to losing small white dimpled balls that cost more than ammo!
  8. I was shooting Zeros and liking them until they became hard to get. I've switched to MG and couldn't be happier. I shoot the 124 FMJ. I tried JHP and tested sided by side for accuracy, and saw no appreciable difference, so i stick with the FMJ's and save a few bucks. FWIW, I also tested accuracy from 1.130 all the way out to 1.160. Using Vhit N320, 4.2 gn. Best grouping came in at 1.145 with 1.150 a very close second. I've never gone lower than 1.130". I'd really like to know why people do? In rifle shooting, as far as I know and have been told, you want the bullet to be almost touching the rifling for greatest accuracy. Wouldn't the same hold true for handguns? If yes, then why do people load FMJ's to as short a 1.10"? ( i know JHP's need to be shorter, especially in a CZ, but I'm asking about FMJ) You also asked about Ogive. The numbers above I'm quoting are actually being converted for ease of understanding. I use a bullet comparator, so my measurement is .860 to the ogive. That comes out to 1.145 ( i think, i'm going from memory, my notes are on the reloading bench downstairs ). Anyway, I found measuring COAL got very annoying with variances all over the place. Once I switched to measuring on ogive, it has gotten a lot easier. I'm usually +/- .002 measuring to ogive, when I was measuring to OAL, the MG's were coming out +/- .008.
  9. I didn't have any Mikes, but I seem to remember taking about 50 shots.....
  10. +1 I've woken up a few times in the middle of the night in a cold sweat curled up the fetal position reliving that stage.
  11. Same here, I have the 550. I had to dremel the bottom of the plastic indexing star so that it didn't hang up on the ejector wire. Overall, the bearing let's you tighten the shell plate bolt a little more, and I think it reduces the shell plate wobble a little..but not much. Would I buy it again knowing what I know now? Maybe. If I didn't have something else I needed that money for. If you do buy it, get it from Uniquetek directly. Dont buy it through Flea-Bay.
  12. I may be wrong, but I believe that is more or less a rule of thumb. I looked a few months ago for this in actual black and white in the rules, and I couldn't find it. Plus, the way I understand it, is, even if you have 3 GM's, if any/all of them don't finish with GM-like performances, the MD might not sumbit the results as a classifier. That is why I believe they put this in the rules as was quoted "and performed at a level high enough to be considered a national standard." Gives them wiggle room in case two GM's tank the match.
  13. True, no one is tearing guns apart, but all you need to do on the SP01 is lock the slide back ( like you do at Chrono when you hand the gun to the chrono man ), and turn it upside down and look at the back part of the slide that hangs past the frame and you'll see the hole where the FPB is supposed to be. I have an SP01(with FPB), and been through 6 majors, and no one has ever done that. So odds are you will be OK. Problem is if someone does check, it's going to be hard to convince them that your gun didn't come with a FPB when there is hole in the slide designed for that exact purpose. You could always buy the parts at CZ Custom, (FPB, FPB spring, and lifter) and install them before you come compete in the States. PITA, but you wouldn't have any worries.
  14. Adidas Turf Hogs. Enough "gription" (made up word from back in the high school football days) for grass, dirt, gravel, and not so much that you slide around on wood or other flat surfaces like activator boxes. I bought a pair at the beginning of the summer, after wearing them once I liked them so much that I bought another pair to have so I wouldn't need to go looking around when the first set wore out. ( I wear a size 15, so finding something in my size that is comfortable and suitable is tough ).
  15. That boy can shoot Mike. Who taught him?
  16. Or a red light flashing, a horn goes off, and an announcement goes out over the store's PA system: "Associate to self checkout to help the putz that doesn't know how to use a bar code scanner!"
  17. First, I did a search, and the threads I found on back up drives are all pretty dated. As computer technology changes so fast, I figured it was better to start a new thread. I'm looking for a backup drive. I was getting ready to buy an External HDD but then found some info on Backblaze and Carbonite, the online backup services. Does anyone have any pros and cons ( preferably personal experience ) between buying an HDD vs the online services? Some of the reviews I've read of the external drives range from "Best thing since sliced bread" to "heats up like a toaster, software is useless, etc" and that is on the same drive! ( was looking at WD My Book Essential and Seagate GoFlex ). For the online services, the $50-60 a year seems OK, but I wanted to be able to back up two computers, so for $100 a year, that's starting to get expensive compared to most 1TB Ext drives going for about $100-$150. I think I'd be ok with the yearly service fee since I wouldn't have to worry about an external drive going belly up and my "insurance policy" is rendered useless. Just want to make sure the online services are all that they say they are. ( case in point, i have an old Sony 80GB GigaVault that is giving me issues ). What I'm backing up: two laptops, one running Vista Business 32Bit, the other Win7 64 bit. The Vista computer has about 130GB stored on it, the Win7 is new, not much stored on it yet at all. Please don't respond with Mac options. Don't own one, don't plan to own one. Most of the data to be backed up is documents, emails, pictures, and videos ( starting to accumulate a lot of gun vidoes! ) Thanks for the help.
  18. As the rulebook will tell you ( now that someone provided a link for you to review ), updates are usually completed by the 15th of the month for classifiers received by the home office on the 10th. So for your scores on the 4th, they could be in the update, provided your MD or Club statistician sent them in on time. For the 11th, not likely. With that said, that is a normal month. As you will see in this thread below, this month is a little different because of Nationals. No one has a concrete answer if/when they will be updated this month. http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=136235
  19. My apologies, I will be more tolerant in the future. You bring up a valid point.
  20. My company HQ building in San Diego is a brand new Green initiative building with 11 floors, and huge well lit open stairwells in the middle of the building. No issue of security or cleanliness. Every time I visit I have to endure people going up or down one floor when I'm trying to go from 1 to 11 or, 4 to 10, etc. Always give them dirty looks when they got on and push that damn button one floor up.
  21. If I remember correctly from this year, it was All Day Friday Sat AM/Sun PM Sat PM/Sun AM Awesome match. Will definitely be shooting this one again. Don't know about the guns/ammo shipping.
  22. Yes, I manually lower the hammer fully down. NO, I do not inform the RO I am doing that. It is not my responsibility to do that. When I step up to the line, it is not my job to inform the RO how to do his job. Usually I'm a "path of least resistance" kind of guy. You know, nip it in the bud before it becomes an issue, so I see what you all are saying. However, when I go to the line, I'm thinking about the COF, my reloads, my start position, etc...I shouldn't have to worry about informing the RO Staff of performing a required and legal act per the rulebook.
  23. Let me also add my thanks to Peter, Mark, all the volunteers, and the sponsors. It was a great match! Loved the 6 person squads. Since no one else has posted a video, I'll offer up mine so those that weren't able to attend can see the stages. Please do me a favor and try not to laugh too hard at my performance. Apparently I need to add "Brain" to my pre-match check list since I obviously forgot to bring it. My first two stages of the day, #3 and #4, were total melt downs. I finally found my brain by stage 5, but it must have taken a trip to the porta john on stage 6. Not another melt down, but really disappointing performance. Enjoy.
  24. I got home late from the GA State match last night and turned on the TV and was lucky to catch part of PT109...before I passed out from being so tired. Forgot to hit the record button on the DVR.
  25. At the office, in northern NJ, watching it on TV in one of the VP's offices. After the second plane hit, I truly understood what the word surreal really means. By the way, early tonight I finished getting my range bag ready for tomorrow's GA State match. Figured it was fitting to velcro the patch on my bag. A friend of mine was one of the 343, Tom Foley.
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