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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. Ironic timing on this post. I was going to ask a similar question. I'm just starting to reload, and purchased Titegroup, and have 1K of MG 124 JHP on the way. I don't see any official data on this combo. I see a lot of posts where people say what their recipe is, but my question is, when you come upon a lack of "official" data, how do you proceed? I gather trusting someone else's data is not 100% smart, so where do you start?
  2. I used to just concentrate on my reloads, so I would count "one, two, three...eight, reload"..."1,2,3...9, reload". This caused me to FTE a number of times, because I would walk through the COF several times, have a perfect game plan right down to the reloads, but I wouldn't be counting ALL of the targets. So if it was a COF with 28 rounds, and I walked through several times missing a whole target, or worse two, I wouldn't know it. I was essential practicing with a built in FTE! Now, I walk the COF a few times counting ALL of the targets first. Make sure I see where they all are, THEN I go back and work on where to put my reloads. It helps getting to the range early so I can walk the stages a few times before the "official" walk through. That way by the time my squad gets to a particular stage, I've walked it a number of times, I have a game plan ( that includes ALL of the targets...hopefully ) and all I need to do is practice that plan, instead of trying to figure one out. My two cents.
  3. Nope, can't say that I worry about it. That's why I have these in the range bag to make sure the mags are clean for the next stage:
  4. For anyone interested, here are my pictures from the NRA show. http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=0IbMWbJuxcMWQs What a great event. If you ever get a chance to go, GO! EVERYONE you speak to seems genuinely interested in speaking to you. Some that I got to speak with: Angus Hobdell - Great Guy! Took the time for a picture, answered all my questions, very cool Max Michel - nice guy, offered some great advice Mr Hodgdon - can't recall first name, but obviously one of THE Hodgdons. Again, super guy, gave me good advice on reloading. Marcus Luttrell - what can I say..how often do you meet a Medal of Honor Recepient?
  5. I didn't see USPSA on the exhibitor list. Do you know the booth number? I definitely want to stop by and say hello.
  6. Anyone going to the NRA Annual Meeting this weekend in Charlotte, NC? I'm heading up to check out the exhibit hall tomorrow. I'll bring the camera and if there is anything interesting, I'll try to post some photos.
  7. Bill, that's too funny....yes, we know each other. Of the two CZ shooters at SPSA, we're both named Glenn....I'm the, uh, how should I say this....the physically bigger of the two of us. We are both going up for the RO class. From the SC State Match
  8. Greenville, NC http://www.pittcountywildlifeclub.org/uspsa There is a link for a descripton of the class, and one for the application. Heckler, you shoot at Spartanburg Practical Shooting? If so, I'm sure I've seen you there.
  9. I got that curious bug a few weeks ago myself. Fortunately there is a class next month in NC, so my buddy and I are driving up to take it. I'm looking forward to learning a lot of good info, and like others have said, become a better shooter because of it.
  10. I never take a sight picture, I am guilty of the above quote 100%. Fully plan on working on a routine based on everyone's suggestions in this thread. vluc, it's like you were talking about me when wrote this reply. I've developed the bad habit of walking stages and being concerned where my reloads are ( i shoot production ), instead of counting ALL of the targets. As you can imagine, this has resulted in a number of FTE's. At the SC State Match I was the lucky guy who got to shoot the 1st stage of the day 1st. I didn't verify the number of targets, result was TWO FTE's. Great way to start the day. I've been doing a better job of this lately, but thanks for driving the point home!
  11. CZinSC

    Hey Sean. The shooting in SC is great. Clubs throughout the state. I'm in the "upstate" near Charlotte. I have about 4 clubs within 90 mins. My home club is 15 mins away.

  12. Welcome Sean! I've got friends in that neck of the woods. They grew up in Creston. We all graduated OU in '92.
  13. My guess from your post is the guy was supposed to be shooting Production or L-10. If so, you can always play dumb and just ask curious questions: Hey, nice shooting...."What is that a CZ/Glock/whatever gun? Are you shooting Limited?" When he says "No, Production/L10" You say, "Really, it looked like you shot 15 rounds in that one mag" Then fill him in on the rules. If a guy really didn't know he was breaking the rules, he should appreciate the lesson. You mentioned it was a Major match, so I would hope he would know the rules, but you never know. If he does know the rule and is breaking it intentionally, that pisses me off. I've met so many great people in this sport that are so generous with advice and conversation ( from the lowest D shooter to the highest GM ) that it annoys me that someone would try and take advantage of other people's good will.
  14. Does anyone know if we will be able to walk the stages Thursday night? And if so, what time does the range close? Coming down from Greenville, SC and wondering if I should try and leave early enough to beat the ATL rush hour and get to range to walk the stages, or just leave after dinner and go straight to my hotel. Oh yeah, and what's the law on traveling with handgun in the car in GA? In the range bag in the trunk unloaded is OK?
  15. I shot the match yesterday ( my first major match ), and I had a blast. Sorry I couldn't go back today and watch more of the action but I had to high tail it out of there last night to head to Charleston for a wedding today. Stages were fun and challenging. I want to thank my squad mates and RO, they were all great guys and great shooters. Got to shoot with Lord High Gomer...it was a pleasure Mike! And I will contact you in the weeks to come and take you up on that offer of reloading. Special thanks to Jack Suber, Linda Chico and the rest of the hard working men and women at MCRC for putting on a great match! Thank you!
  16. I meant to say I shoot Production "with" class! Seriously though, thank you all for the responses. Lots to learn, trying to absorb as much as I can from as many different resources.
  17. I’ve been shooting USPSA since last July and I’m now starting to get into reloading. Haven’t bought the press yet, still trying to decide. Anyway, the question I have is, what are the advantages/disadvantages between FMJ, CMJ vs JHP, for USPSA shooting? Not sure I’m going to load lead right away, and I’ve read mixed reviews on plated, so for now I’ll narrow my question to FMJ, CMJ vs JHP. I’m shooting a CZ SP01, 9mm, Production class. If I were to go to a website like Montana Gold, and I was looking at 124gr bullets, why would I choose FMJ over JHP or vice versa? For argument’s sake let’s say the price is the same ( I know it isn’t, just trying to understand everyone’s decision if you excluded price as an option ). Do you feel one type shoots better than the other? Does one type knock steal over better? Or does it really come down to price? ie: “An FMJ will shoot just as well as a JHP, but I can get FMJ’s for 1 cent less per bullet” You get the idea.
  18. Thank you all for the responses. I appreciate the assistance.
  19. The indoor range I go to let's you pick up your own brass. So when I get there, I grab a broom, sweep out the stall and all around it as much as I can. Then I go at it. ANYTHING in the area I swept up that is 9mm, I take with me. If someone else's brass get's thrown into my area, I try to be good about not taking it, but most of the people there don't pick up there brass.
  20. I have a real newbie question for you: I am getting into reloading ( havent bought the press yet, but darn close ), and I was planning on putting it in the garage. I went out there today to tumble some brass ( just got the Cabela's Tumbler on the advice of people on these boards...so thanks! ) and realized how hot it was. It was 80 degrees today, and will only get hotter throughout the summer. So the question is, how hot can the garage get and safely reload? I'll leave the garage door open to try and get a breeze, and plan to have a fan ( or multilple fans) pointed at the bench, but how hot it too hot? Any advice would be appreciated. OH, and yes...I WILL be storing the powder and primers in the house where it's temperature controlled.
  21. Thank you both, even if the answers weren't what I was hoping for.
  22. Wow, thank you very much for sharing. I'm just now getting into reloading and trying to absorb all I can. This is going to the top of the pile of things to remember. Glad you are ok.
  23. We shoot five stages at our club, and I've noticed lately that for the first 3 stages people are good about pasting and resetting. You get to the 4th stage and people start slacking off. It usually becomes apparent to me when I start down one side of the COF and realize I haven't seen another person pasting when I get to the back middle, usually when I run out of pasters. By stage 5 it's usually down to 2 guys doing everything ( we usually run in squads of 10 ).
  24. This summer I'm going with my girlfriend to visit her family in Maine, but we're flying into Boston. I just realized after looking at the map that we're going to drive right past Exeter, NH, home of Sig Sauer. Does anyone know if they offer tours? I looked on their website but couldn't find anything. I even called customer service, but got no answer. Would love to go to Springfield too and see S&W, so if anyone knows about them that would be great. Not sure if we are going to want to drive another 90 mins to Springfield though after driving back and forth from Boston to Portland, ME. But it's worth finding out now.
  25. So after a recent shoot, I have a few questions about rules/safety. After the first stage, the RO warned me about my finger in the trigger guard when moving. I didn't question whether I did what he said, I'm sure I did, and I will heed his warning in the future. However, after thinking about it more and reading the rules, I have some things that I hope someone can clarify for me. According to rule 8.5.1, “except when the competitor is actually aiming or shooting at targets, all movement must be accomplished with the fingers visibly outside the trigger guard and the safety should be engaged.” #1 – Movement is further defined in as “Taking more than one step in any direction”, and in “Changing shooting stance ( ie: from standing to kneeling, from seated to standing, etc)”. If I’m standing in one spot shooting at a target to my left, then sweep from left to right and shoot at a target to my right, while not moving my feet, do I have to have my finger outside the trigger guard ( this is what the RO had warned me on)? In my example I’m not taking a step, nor am I changing shooting position. I’m technically engaging another target. One could say “yeah, but its all the way over there, you obviously take your finger out”. Well then what is the minimum distance from one target to the next? Cleary if one target is 2 feet to the right of another target you aren’t going to remove your finger from the trigger guard between shots. But at what distance between targets would you?? My second question popped up after I was trying to figure out the answer to question #1…… #2 – still from 8.5.1 “except when the competitor is actually aiming or shooting at targets, all movement must be accomplished with the fingers visibly outside the trigger guard and the safety should be engaged” --- I had no idea this was in the rules. Are they saying that anytime that I’m not shooting at a target my safety has to be on? I’ve never heard of this nor seen it done. Do the pros do this? I’ve watched hundreds of videos of the top guys online, and either they are shooting a gun with no safety, they aren’t doing this, or it’s so hard to catch you just can’t see it. Has anyone that shoots a gun with a manual safety ever come across an RO that called him/her out on engaging the safety? I've shot a few classifiers where you start in one shoot box, then move to another. Is this rule saying I must put the safety on when I move from one to the other??? And finally: #3 – According to 8.1.4 – “a competitor may re-holster provided this is accomplished safely, and the handgun is either unloaded or in a ready condition state in section 8.1.” According to this rule, or any other…if I slide lock and run out of ammo, am I allowed to release the magazine, release the slide, and then holster the gun ( keep in mind it is unloaded) , then go back and pick up a full magazine that had fallen off my belt( yes, it has happened to me before), draw the gun, reload and then continue the course of fire? Some of you might say “just give up the stage and stop”. Well that is what I have done in the past, I’m just curious what the rules would have allowed. Some may also say “why not just keep the gun pointed down range and look for the full mag” – that is true too, but sometimes when you don’t know where that full magazine ended up, it would be nice to holster and look around without worrying about sweeping the RO or breaking 180. And finally, yes, I’ve already tightened the mag pouches to try and avoid this mishap in the future. But what do the rules say I can do?? Thanks for the help.
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