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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. OK, now I see. That was a limitation in the Google Sketchup program. 99% of the props you can want are in that program, just not a drop turner with a Classic Target on it. So I used the Metric target version for the WSB. The actual stage was set up with all Classic Targets.
  2. Pretty darn close. The back right array was closer and the to the right more. A few barrels set up here and there to reduce the angles of viewing. other than that, pretty spot on. So which part is illegal??? You pullin' my chain Gomer?
  3. Scott, in my opinion you made the right call. In fact, my squad was the first on the stage, and the first thing I noticed after watching a few shooters was the door moving slightly depending on how hard you pushed off of it. No one on our squad triggered it prematurely, but I was thinking someone might throughout the day. The WSB was "Opening door activates drop turner". In hindsight, there should have been a little more slack in the line, which probably would have prevented that from happening. That prop was one of the last things I set up and I was running out of time, so I didn't get as good of look at it before we started as I was hoping for. ( stupid business trip had me out of town until Friday night so I didn't get a chance to set it up on Friday like I wanted to ) ***Edited to add the WSB: Stage 4.pdf
  4. Just trying to think of everything here, not trying to insult you, but your calipers do go down to thousandths right? They're not rounding to hundredths? If you're really talking about getting variances from 1.14 to 1.19, that seems really high. I think 1.145 to 1.149 is acceptable and common, but .05? Seems like a lot to me. First thought I have are the bullets themselves. Have you measured the bullets OAL? I know from recent experience going from Zero 125FMJ to Montana Gold 124FMJ, the MGs varied alot. I've since gone to a bullet comparator and things have tightened up quite a bit. But again, I was measuring to thousandths, not hundreths. Just something to look at first. The second thing is this statement: What exactly do you mean? Did you put an o ring under the clip that holds the seating step in place? If so, did you have the big variances before you did this? Not knowing the answer to that, my thought is that when you're seating, the O ring is compressing just enough to give you the variances you are talking about. It seems like you're doing everything else correctly.
  5. One of my favorite Far Sides of all time...
  6. Leftover Christmas decorations and guns are a recipe for fun!!
  7. Yeah, I know, the topic was pretty general, so I'll narrow it down. People on planes that need to grab the top of your seat in order to not fall down while walking down the aisle. As soon as I sit in my seat, I raise the head rest because its usually digging into my neck. I then get to spend the rest of the flight pulling it back up as every person that walks down the aisle feels the need to hold themselves up on every seat back the whole way down the aisle. Are these people that uncoordinated that they can't walk on a plane without falling down by holding themselves up? I'm not talking about 80 yr old grannies that obviously don't have the balance as us younger folks. But average people. I'm amazed that they can actually walk on a street and not hold onto parking meters without falling down. Oh, and since I'm on the subject, I'm 6'4" tall, 300 pounds. I am able to walk down the aisle on a plane without smashing every person sitting in the head and shoulder with my body. So why can't people a lot smaller than I am do the same? One word...Ignorance. Rant over.
  8. I just visited an ENT (Ears, Nose, Throat) doctor to have my hearing checked. Just wanted to be safe. Hearing was very good, so I'm all set. The other purpose of the visit was to bring my hearing protection (custom plugs and MSA Sordins) to have him check to see if what I was using was good. BTW, he's a shooter too so he knows the effects of guns, etc. He said both the custom plugs and the MSA Sordins I have would be good. He prefers I wear them both, but either one would be good. I brought the specs printed out he checked the technical info on both of them and said they were both very good. So knowing the protection is good, I would highly recommend the Sordins. I have them and love them. If you get them, get the Gel inserts, they are worth it. Much more comfortable. By the way Cyburg, if you're interested, Shooters Express in Mt Holly, NC (just south of the airport on I-85) does the E.A.R. custom fit ear plugs. I think they were $50-60. They work extremely well, super comfortable, especially in the summer when it's hot and humid. I'll usually double up when I'm RO'ing an Open shooter, but stick to the plugs when I shoot. If you go to Shooters Express, the guy that does the fitting used to be off on Wednesday. Think he is there every other day. They prefer you don't come on Saturday because it gets so busy, but they can still do them. Shooters Express E.A.R. video
  9. No specific time is specified, see rule below. 5 mins may have been decided on a while ago as a reasonable amount of time so that is just what everyone does. Those shooting longer than I have can possibly chime in if they used to see longer or shorter times in the past. 3.2.4 After the written stage briefing has been read to competitors, and questions arising there from have been answered, competitors should be permitted to conduct an orderly inspection (“walkthrough”) of the course of fire. The duration of time for the inspection must be stipulated by the Range Officer, and it should be the same for all competitors. If the course of fire includes moving targets or similar items, these should be demonstrated to all competitors for the same duration and frequency
  10. CZinSC

    100% Grip-tape Grips

    I use the Shurtape Indoor/Outdoor tape. I like the coarser feel, plus after a few matches, its worn down a little, so it's not so coarse, but still very grippy ( is that a word? ). But I like the screwdriver idea. I will have to try that if I need to replace it in the future.
  11. It probably happens, I just haven't seen or heard of it at the matches I've attended. Regarding an uplula, my guess would be someone was loading on the table, left it, walked away. Next guy comes up, starts loading, uses the Uplula, and gets distracted, then throws it in his bag because he has one and thought it was his. Honest mistake, but still sucks.
  12. Taking the handle off might get old pretty quick. But I definitely understand and agree why you would do that after saying you caught your daughter playing with it. Maybe a cheap and easy work around is picking up a U Bar bicycle lock. That way it would take you seconds to take it on and off, instead of having to unbolt the handle. Something like this may work U Bar Bike lock That was just a quick google search to give you an idea. I'm sure there are tons of them online and in sporting goods stores to choose from in various prices and sizes. Just my .02
  13. Amusement is the entire reason. Kinda like his accent. Generating views on YouTube is big business these days. He has other fun gun videos but someone needs to talk to him about safety. Yeah I guess he figured after getting blinded by the spray he didn't need any eye protection to shoot!
  14. LOL, that reminds me of when I went to jury duty in Greenville County (SC) two years ago. Everything out of my pockets, metal detector went off. Sheriff looks at my belt and says "it's your belt buckle, just put your hand around it and go through again" I did, and sure enough the metal detector didn't go off! No idea how metal detectors work, but that simple work around didn't seem right to me.
  15. Added the post below and then realized I should have read the last few posts more carefully. I see that you sold the press. Sorry to hear that. But I'll leave my post intact for future reference if anyone stumbles in here with the same issue..... Doc, here are some pictures of what I rigged up on my 550 that may help you out, at least give you some ideas about lighting and seeing into the cases. I'm not familiar with the SDB setup, so you may have to do something different, but at least you can see what others are doing. I've rigged this up so I can see the case at the seating station every single time. I won't put a bullet on the case unless I visually check to make sure there is powder in the case. The light in the picture is a mini mag light. The light wasn't very bright, and the battery didn't last long. I had to put a little layer of duct tape around the end to make it snug in the whole. The benefit of that was it also held the light firmly enough that when you twisted the light to turn it on/off, it stayed in place. I've recently switched over to an LED light I found at a gun show. It was $5, and it's BRIGHT. Plus, it has a clip on the side, I guess for when you put it in your pocket that is perfect to prevent it from falling through the hole. Don't have recent picture of that one. I can post later. The mirror was purchased I think either at WalMart or Advanced Auto Parts, under $10. Found some zip ties and it attaches easily to the strong mount. The mirror is one of those telescoping ones with a dual joint, so you can bend and move it in any direction to get the perfect angle. As you can see, this is my view while reloading. I can focus directly on the inside of the case without moving from my reloading position. I can watch every case and see how much powder is in the case. It definitely provides a feeling of security. ** Disclaimer: I still make sure before every session, I measure my powder drops and ensure that I am dropping the correct charge that I am looking for. The mirror is just to make sure I didn't brain fart and not drop powder in the case. Could also be used to check for a double charge, but I'm loading N320 now, and if you double charge a 9mm, you'll have powder every where and you really won't need the light and mirror....just a dustpan.
  16. My thoughts exactly! I was pulling for Ashley until last week, when he voted with the "buddys". And this week reaffirmed that with the outburst. Go Jaime! Oh, and to the poster that mentioned the bananas....my girlfriend and I noticed that too! That was a hell of a lot of bananas!
  17. "For Gods sake, show some balls" "i think its too late to try to impress them"
  18. Now that's funny! I'm at the airport now, past security. No issues this time, didn't get the extra check. Definitely need to clean the bag thoroughly when I get home in case there is still some residue on it somewhere.
  19. You might want to also try getting your hands on a copy of The ABC's of Reloading. Read it cover to cover. Know exactly what you are getting yourself into. Plus, what others have already said on here already. ABC's of Reloading
  20. There's always Vhit direct...but they charge an arm and a leg compared to everyone else. My link 4 one pounders from PV is $4 less than the 4# jug at Vhit. Just throwing another option out there for you.
  21. So I was traveling from Charlotte to Boston on Sunday, and while going through the X Ray machine at Charlotte, TSA did an extra check on my laptop bag. I travel a lot and it happens now and again ( I stuff my bag with laptop, extra batteries, EReader, GPS, etc) and I try to remove as much as I can, but sometimes I forget things and they do an extra check. No big deal. On Sunday, they did it again, plus they did the swab test. As I’m watching the machine, my eyes got as big as saucers when the test came back positive for explosives!! Oh crap..what’s in my bag? I don’t use it for shooting, it’s my work laptop bag, it never goes to the range with me. So after the 5 minute full body pat down, by the way, if you haven’t had this done yet…it’s pretty invasive! I didn’t care, takes A LOT to offend me, and the TSA agent was polite and explained what he was doing the whole time, but thoughts of “geesh, I got less of a hands on experience at my last doctor’s visit” ran through my mind. Anyway, they took just about everything big out of my bag, searched it, found nothing. They asked me what I did for a living, and I told them the truth, a sales rep for large electronics company. For a brief second I thought about saying I’m a competition shooter and reload my own ammo, but the idea of saying the words “gun” “shooter” “ammo” while standing at TSA sent shivers up my spine so I kept my mouth shut. They seemed satisfied, so they sent me on my way. I usually get to the airport early enough so missing the flight wasn’t a concern. So today, I’m getting my stuff together, flight home is tomorrow, and I figure, dump the entire bag, make damn sure there is nothing that would cause a problem if I get the same routine tomorrow. Lo and behold, out drops a 9mm bullet. Just the bullet, not a live round. Son of a bisquit! Thank god they didn’t find that…probably would have had a lot of explaining to do. So my question now is…it was a new bullet, not used, no case, could there have been enough reside from the powder on it from just handling while reloading to set off the detector? I’ve seen another post that people went back and forth saying smokeless powder won’t set it off, others saying it would. Anyone ever get a concrete answer on that? The only other possibility I can think of is that I know I threw a spent case in the bag recently to take to work to show fellow Enos member Glefos something about the reloading of a certain bullet, but again, would the residue set off the explosives detector? Either way I may just try to blame him! ( it’s all his fault anyway right? ) If I get the full body grope tomorrow I’ll let you know. Either way, the plan is to get to the airport VERY early in case I get pulled aside again. Oh yeah, the 9mm bullet is in the garbage at the hotel. I’ve got over 3000 at home, I don’t need the aggravation that that will potentially cause!
  22. I wear a size 15...if I forget my cleats...I'm pretty much S.O.L. They stay in the car, always. You know what they say about guys with big hands and big feet......we wear big gloves and big shoes!
  23. Love that movie. "In a minute if you don't tell us what we want, I'll cut off a finger" "Mine or yours?"
  24. Understood. One other thing, on the original mag break (I have an SP01), if you took off both grip panels, the top pin had the tendency to fall out, without you knowing if you didn't pay attention. The mag break had the good manners of staying in place until you put the panels back on. But in your first match after that little adventure, the mag break will pop free the first time a mag is ejected. And in my case, damaged beyond repair when you jam the new mag in! Yes, talking from experience. I also learned that the mag break doesn't need to be in the gun to operate, but makes it a whole heck of a lot easier. Every reload after that the mag got hung up on the internals. Fun match. Anyway, point is...the new stainless mag break seems to apply enough pressure on the top pin that when the grip panels are off, the pin will not drop out. It stays put.
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