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2010 USPSA Area 6 Championships

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14 DQs...

Was there one cause of most of these, something that I need to be on the lookout for? Stage #?

I only ask so we can be on the lookout, for A5.


By my count the results show only 12 (~3%).

It was a mixed bag. There was a dropped gun due to the muzzle of gun touching the shooter's thigh at the start position, and when he shifted his feet at Stand-By it raised the gun up just slightly and caused it to fall. One 'early' shot that hit about 8' from the shooter on the draw. Several of the others were 180's when people ran past a target and let their muzzle hang on it too long while trying to back up, or moving laterally while reloading and not being mindful of the muzzle. There were a few for fingers in trigger guards when they should have been somewhere else.

There didn't seem to be any one stage with a huge number of these events, but stage 11 saw three people end their match early on Friday. I don't know if there were more on that one Saturday and Sunday.

Thanks Mark... I went back and checked, there were 14, but it looks like not one "gotcha" there which is what I was looking for. If anyone wants to tell me more about it please take it to PM as I do not want to take away from the match.


I think Cindy and Bill did an amazing job. :)

Edited by JThompson
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Not sure what a "gotcha" means? It don't matter if you set up El Pres. or El Diablo as a stage. If the shooter breaks the 180 ...... they get to go home. Shooters fault, not the stage designers.

If 14 people got DQ'd that means 370 people were safe enough to finish the match.

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There didn't seem to be any one stage with a huge number of these events, but stage 11 saw three people end their match early on Friday. I don't know if there were more on that one Saturday and Sunday.

Stage 11 didn't have any DQs Saturday or Sunday. 1 or 2 people broke the 180 with their fingers during the walk-throughs but none while holding a gun.

Edited by High Lord Gomer
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There were no "gotcha's" in this match that I saw. However, I really didn't like the 2nd position on stage 4. To get to that position (the targets behind the barrels on the left) you were basically running along the 180 and had to engage a target around the '170,' so to speak. While it isn't uncommon for us to shoot and run along the 170.....I am not a fan of forcing a shooter to do that, especially WHERE we were forced to do so - at the very front of the stage close to folks.

When you force someone to run and shoot very close to the 180, one simple slip or an "oops" and you have an immediate safety problem. If this happens deep into a stage, breaking the 180 by a small amount doesn't pose a potential serious problem (meaning the bullet impact will more than likely still be a long way from folks and a deflection of stuff into the crowd isn't all that likely). But when you force this scenario at the front of the stage, a small break of the 180 could put the bullet impact VERY near the crowd.

And yes, I know the argument about the shooter is responsible for their gun, their actions, and etc. I am just saying that I don't like scenarios where the potential for a serious accident outside the shooter's true control comes more into play - i.e. them tripping on something, slipping, and etc near the crowd.

I would have preferred for the either the targets to be pushed a little further down range (a couple of yards) and/or have it so that the shooter had to run more 'downrange' to get those targets as opposed to straight across......at least at the front of the stage.

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On Stage 4, we were told we could shoot the target on the right from the fwd fault line and it would not be a DQ. It was a 180 violation. During the walk through I practiced it from the bridge a few times and then from the fwd area. I told myself I was not going to shoot it from the forward fault line, as I was uncomfortable making myself break the 180 for a target even though it was allowed. It was advantageous to shoot it from the fwd position so I did and it felt wrong, but we were told it was ok from that position.

Brad, I think you are talking about the targets up front behind the barrels. I believe the target in question was the tight shot at the end of the bridge on the right. You could shoot it from the bridge and not break the 180 but it was a tight shot on a wobbly bridge with a bunch of no-shoot targets between. The other opportunity for that target was after shooting in the first port, you turn back to the right and shoot the target, and it was certainly beyond the 180.

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On Stage 4, we were told we could shoot the target on the right from the fwd fault line and it would not be a DQ. It was a 180 violation. During the walk through I practiced it from the bridge a few times and then from the fwd area. I told myself I was not going to shoot it from the forward fault line, as I was uncomfortable making myself break the 180 for a target even though it was allowed. It was advantageous to shoot it from the fwd position so I did and it felt wrong, but we were told it was ok from that position.

Brad, I think you are talking about the targets up front behind the barrels. I believe the target in question was the tight shot at the end of the bridge on the right. You could shoot it from the bridge and not break the 180 but it was a tight shot on a wobbly bridge with a bunch of no-shoot targets between. The other opportunity for that target was after shooting in the first port, you turn back to the right and shoot the target, and it was certainly beyond the 180.

No, I was referring to what would have been the 2nd (or 3rd target) you would have engaged.......BEFORE the bridge. The target you are referring to is would have been the example of where shooting on the 182 degree line (as it appeared to me if shot after the bridge) was not inherently unsafe as the bullet impact area didn't create a safety issue (if shot shot where the RO's said you could)

Again, not insinuating that anything was unsafe with the stage, I personally just didn't like where this 2nd target had to be engaged in combination on how you had to get to it. It was easily and safely engaged.....that isn't the issue. My only comment and personal opinion is that I don't like it when someone has to run and shoot close to the 180 line AND do so at the front part of the stage. Because in those cases if someone trips or something, then the potential of an AD and where everyone is standing could become dangerously close. That is all I am saying.

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And I agree with you. Another consideration there is it being close to the side berm and at the 180 which might cause rock/debris to go flying back at the squad from the bullet strike. When going to that array, I led in on the target on the right then took the target on the left because of it's position.

All in all, I think it was a great match with excellent stages. Were there any other stages that had 3 DQ's on the stage? Looks like Stage 11 was the most universal, most difficult, and the easiest to mess up on, including get DQ'd. Stages that mess with your head can make you do stupid stuff after the beep. IMO, it was the most technical stage of the match. Kudos to Ronnie Shores, the stage designer.

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I shot that stage(Stage 4) on Friday, and Ronnie, the stage designer was the CRO. He was very explicit in explaining the 180 problem there. I think it requires an important skill to not break the 180 there and situational awareness. You need to learn to bring the gun in to a high ready or just let go of it and bring it in. Not a hoser move for sure, but not that difficult. He was also explicit in explaining how the only place that target to the right was available was from the bridge. He said if you engage it off the bridge, it's a 180. Either the RO's on Sat/Sun didn't shoot Friday or there was something lost in translation. I hate it when a stage gets thrown out at an Area match. I thought it was an interesting stage.

Edited by Jadeslade
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WOW!!! What a match. I had a great time, even if my gun did jump out of my holster at the Cathouse. <_<

I think I'm the only one that screwed himself at the Cathouse. :surprise: Something about that don't sound right?

It really didn't bother me that much. I got to shoot 5 stages and spend 4 days with 400 great shooters. What more could you ask for. OH, and I got a gun off of the RO table. :cheers::cheers: To top it off there has been more talk (mostly good) about my stages (4 & 11) than all of the other ones. I think they all were great stages, but I really did want to shoot stage 9. Now that looked like fun.

Stage 4 getting thrown out didn't disappoint me at all, because I didn't design the second version. I'm new at this designing thing (only 1 1/2 years at EAGC), but I've been shooting for 10 years now, so I think I know what a 180 trap is and I wouldn't put one in any stage intentionally. I had three shooters Friday ask about shooting the target past the bridge (T-11) and all three were new shooters. As far as I know their was one DQ on that stage at T-1 and he is one of the best shooters I know. It could have happened to anyone doing a reload right handed going right to left on any stage. Beleive me I did not want to say stop. That was the only thing that got to me all weekend. 3 DQs Friday on stage 11.

Congrats to all of the shooters. I think we all are winners. Man what a sport. Also congrats to South River for another great match. I'm really proud to be a part of it.

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Just now catching up on my sleep so I'm a little late with my thanks to Cindy, Larry, Bill, and all the hard workers that put this fantastic match on.cheers.gif

Squad 23 was great. I really enjoy meeting the the extended Benos family.cheers.gif

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I hate it when a stage gets thrown out at an Area match. I thought it was an interesting stage.

Not as much as we hate it. That was the first stage to get thrown out of a Level 2 or higher match in the Georgia Section in the last 10 years. But it was absolutely the correct decision to do so, and didn't take nothing away from the rest of the match.

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Let's try again.

Area 6 Championship 2010

Stage 4, through MY eyes.

I'm 99% sure those poppers were only visible from the start position on Friday. I sure wish I could have shot them 15 yards closer.

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