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About ima45dv8

  • Birthday 07/21/1958

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    Newnan, GA.. .Jurassic Mark
  • Real Name
    Mark Ramsey

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Back From the Dead

Back From the Dead (11/11)

  1. This Hate rant has turned into a discussion, which is beyond the bounds of the rules for the Hate Forum. Thus, it must be closed.Please review the Hate Forum Rules: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8097 [note: this is a generic response]
  2. We generally nip political content pretty quickly. This one was allowed to live a bit beyond that. But... Closed
  3. I split a bunch of posts from the ad where another discussion on this subject had been initiated. Let's take this as a chance to keep the responses in one place. Thanks, -Admin
  4. Thanks for the announcement, but one is enough. Please do not cross-post in multiple forums. -Admin
  5. Just had my 1 WEEK checkup, and dominant/right eye registered 20/20. One down; one to go.
  6. First eye set for surgery next week. Dominant (right) eye currently registers as 20/250. Left eye only a little better. Astigmatism-correcting Torix lenses planned for both. Mono-correction with dominant eye set for near. Anxiety level pretty high at times. I'm so thankful that technology has progressed to the point of being able to help.
  7. Get better soon, Dennis.
  8. This Hate rant has turned into a discussion, which is beyond the bounds of the rules for the Hate Forum. Thus, it must be closed.Please review the Hate Forum Rules: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8097 [note: this is a generic response]
  9. Almost blind for practical purposes. Just reading my desktop's screen requires me to get within ~6-8 inches. Smart phone a little closer, depending on font and other factors. I fired my first opthamologist due to poorly executed tests administered by a trainee or intern. Apparently it didn't rattle the doctors confidence when reviewing tests results, and one result caused her to blurt out, "That's not possible!" Her next statement was, "Well, we'll re-run that test the day of surgery before we begin." I was very lucky to receive highly qualified counsel from one of our members here, who wasn't too impressed, either. First meeting with new doctor scheduled for 28Feb.
  10. Housekeeping. When it gets big/popular enough to justify it's own forum, we'll consider it then. Thx.
  11. 40mm? Do you by any chance mean 40S&W? 40mm would be, well, 4 times larger.
  12. Please do not cross-post topics in multiple forums. It makes a mess. Thanks.
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