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    Bill Noyes

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Finally read the FAQs

Finally read the FAQs (3/11)

  1. Pat Cochran passed away Tuesday night.
  2. Umm...., most app installs specifically ASK the user if they want the program to automatically send vendor information like that to the vendor.
  3. Just tossing out an additional possibility that caught my eye as it was from B&N and made me wonder about the future of their e-ink devices. Nothing else implied or inferred, and you don't have to mess with the android developer stuff to get the app onto it. Happy Thanksgiving!
  4. B&N also has a new "regular" android tablet that supports google play, at half the price of the glowlight. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nook-tablet-7-inch-barnes-noble/1124589342?ean=9781400501656 At that price, it makes me wonder how long it'll be before the glowlight gets discontinued.
  5. Excellent deal! Thanks for keeping this up! This is a valuable service for MD's to be made aware of deals out there!
  6. If you're running Wiin7, you're now 3 full versions behind, 4 after Win10 Anniversary comes out. Microsoft will begin to lose interest in you, as they did with XP. In that sense, if it ain't broke don't fix it doesn't fly anymore. (Nothing personal there, by the way!) I just did the upgrade from Win7 Pro to Win10 Pro. Went VERY smoothly, no issues at all. And just like Win7 is what Vista SHOULD have been, Win10 is what Wiin8 & 8.1 should have been. And it runs ezwinscore. Plus, since this was up under VMWare Fusion, I made a backup of my Win7 guest machine ahead of time. Now I have both 7 and 10 running. Not that either one will see that much action from me. I just needed to do the 10 upgrade as I need to be able to answer Win10 questions from other folks in the office as they start to get new machines.
  7. That's exactly what I used to do; worked VERY well and very easy to update a whole fleet of devices in fairly short order.
  8. *POOF* (With associated purple cloud) Mind....blown!
  9. Yes, but that's just me, so never mind.
  10. No, Chris Wren just never did that particular page. What you're seeing is dummy "lorem ipsum" text to give the developer an idea of what the page will look like when completely filled out. It's a common technique; Chris just hasn't gotten back to that page.
  11. You sure about that? I had the MD come up to me on sunday morning before at a state championship to get me to register a new shooter who was associated with a match sponsor.
  12. hate to say it, Jim, but there IS a way you can get this done, but you're not going to like it.... ezws, at least until they fix the ps hassle.
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