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I helped a stranger out

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This is not about me but rather the way things have become in society.

I was in the local C-store the other day and a young woman(early 20's I guess)came in crying and asked to use a phone. Of course she was grilled about it being local and not usually allowed. She called who I am guessing was her parents? Not sure. Basically she was left on her own to solve her problems. Finally I followed her out and asked if I could help her. She looked at me like I was probably some old guy who wanted something in return. I figured that just showed how screwed up her life must be at present. She finally said she was out of gas and needed to get to her parole officer or face jail time and nobody she knew trusted her any more or would help her.

Man, I just had to help her. I went in and paid for some gas to get her there and then home. The clerk looked at me like I had stupid written on my forehead. Another guy said she was probably a crack wh*re or something and probably was BS'ing me.

Basically it did not matter to me as she clearly needed help. She sat on the curb crying and nobody else even asked if she was OK. All I could think of was god forbid if one of my own girls ever needed help somebody would take the time and effort to at least see that she was safe. I am no angel by any stretch of the imagination but she needed somebody and I was there.

It's a shame that so many are so willing to let a fellow human being suffer.

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you did good.

the hard part is accepting there is a reason she is in the condition she is in.

it sounds like she was completely honest with you (who knows)

with any luck she will come to understand that same clarity

applied to her life will get her out.

in such cases a very little help can go a long way.

I would have helped too

mainly because I don't think I could have lived with myself if I didn't.


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Sounds like a bit of the old 1SG coming out in you.

I don't mind helping people that appear to need it and their story checks out. If someone says they need $ for gas and you ask what type of car you have, what color is it, show me the keys for it and they don't have an answer then they don't get anything. I also don't mind if doing it if it is not just cash they want. If it is gas then let me pay for some so it can't be turned into booze or drugs. If it is food let me buy you some food. What I will not do is just hand someone cash because then I don't know what it will be used for.

Neal in AZ

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you live by a personal code.. I am glad there are people out there willing to help a stranger.

I think you did good. :cheers:

Sarge -- I second that.

Gas? OK. Cash-up-front for who-knows-what, probably not.

Sleep well. You did good.

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I think she was telling the truth... after all, don't tell me she couldn't come up with a better lie than a PO meeting? Screw the cynical bastards in the station. I go by gut instinct when it comes to helping people. I don't care what the appearance. I've read a lot of good books we beat up jackets.


Edited by JThompson
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You were there, and we weren't. If you felt like she needed help, that's good enough. Too often we let other peoples deeds or values decide our own course of action. You followed you gut/heart. Whether she was scamming you or not isn't important. You decided based on your own belief system and not someone else's.

Sleep well tonight. You earned it.

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A lady came up to me about a month ago while we were going to lunch. She seemed truly distressed. She said her son had just been in an accident and didn't have any gas to get to the hospital. She said she was in a bind and would pay me back. I gave her $10 and my business card and haven't heard from her since.

I feel like she was telling the truth, but for whatever reason she has made no attempt to repay me. Either way I feel like I did the right thing, and it sounds like you did too.

ETA: The only reason I added this is because I had completely forgotten about it until I read your post.

Edited by sperman
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It seems I did the right thing. The good thing about it is even if you all had said I was an idiot I still would think I did the right thing. That's what counts for me.

INTEL you are probably right. :rolleyes:

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I have to agree with what many have already said - Cash was not exchanged, she could have come up with a better lie (if thats what it was), and you helped when noone else would. Nuff said right there.

Who once said "Integrity is doing the right thing even when noone else is watching"?

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

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You did a good thing. It rang your internal "give her a hand" bell and you helped someone less fortunate out. That is all that matters.

Even from a purely selfish point I would bet dollars to donuts that if you had not helped her it would bother you for a long, long time.

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Sometimes you have to make a judgement call as you will probably never know if she was telling the truth or blowing smoke up your skirt. You did what your head and heart told you to do. Move on with a grin on your face, you did your good deed for the day. My hat is off to you sir.



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Lately my wife has been going through this kind of thing (the giving part not the needing), only its has involved a family situation. I will give you the same advice I give her. At the end of your life, all you can do is face whatever comes next and say openly and honestly, "I did the best I could". If you can do that, what the other person has to say about their life really doesn't matter.

If giving someone a hand is what you feel was the right thing to do, then you did right. And the reality of her situation is really unimportant.

Personally, I think you did good.

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