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Pretty sure I know where you may have been... had the pleasure of being in a shooting bay next to people doing the same thing... Talk about a concussion in an indoor range.

I love the people that unload at full speed at 3~5 yards and miss the paper...

Lol are you guys in So CA?

If so there's only one place this could have happened :)

We are in the southwest.... of Ohio.

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Pretty sure I know where you may have been... had the pleasure of being in a shooting bay next to people doing the same thing... Talk about a concussion in an indoor range.

I love the people that unload at full speed at 3~5 yards and miss the paper...

Lol are you guys in So CA?

If so there's only one place this could have happened :)

We are in the southwest.... of Ohio.

It would have been to good to be true :)

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I was visiting a local Wholesale Sports the other day and had this conversation:

Customer (while holding a box of Double Tap .45): Do you know where this is made?

Me: I think that is Mike McNett's company. I believe they are located on Cedar Utah.

Customer: I know that's where the company is, but is it made somewhere else? Because of it made in California and shipped to Utah to sell I don't want it.

Me: It isn't made in California, but even if it was - as a firearms related business in California wouldn't you want to give them your business?

Customer: They are in economic hard times. I want to kick them while they are down.

I am not sure what is worse, the fact that he was serious and thought the state of California might actually notice he didn't make a $23 dollar purchase or that he took up 20 minutes of their time having them look up the products in the computer and contact vendors to try to assure him it was not a CA product.

Just so he doesn't come off like an idiot or hypocrite, I sure hope he doesn't eat garlic from Gilroy, avocadoes from Carpinteria or oranges from Springville.

I still shake my head when I replay the conversation.


Edited by Mitch_Rapp.45
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Pretty sure I know where you may have been... had the pleasure of being in a shooting bay next to people doing the same thing... Talk about a concussion in an indoor range.

I love the people that unload at full speed at 3~5 yards and miss the paper...

A friend of mine likes to unload during idpa with corresponding terrible hit factors. When asked, he says, "I'm going to be shooting as fast as I can in a defensive situation so that's what I'll practice." I hope I'm not in the same state when he has to defend himself.

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Pretty sure I know where you may have been... had the pleasure of being in a shooting bay next to people doing the same thing... Talk about a concussion in an indoor range.

I love the people that unload at full speed at 3~5 yards and miss the paper...

A friend of mine likes to unload during idpa with corresponding terrible hit factors. When asked, he says, "I'm going to be shooting as fast as I can in a defensive situation so that's what I'll practice." I hope I'm not in the same state when he has to defend himself.

I shoot pins with a guy who does the same, with the same shoot fast self defense excuse. 6 pins in 10 or so seconds 15 shots is typical for him.

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Once in the USMC during training with the M-79s fog rolled in but before it rolled in I had seen where a large barrel (55 gal drum) was placed and figured it was around 250 yards away.

When it came my turn to fire you pretty much had very little that could be seen beyond 50 yards downrange. The instructor told me about the barrel and "challenged " me to hit it.

He's trying to give me all kinds of sighting tips and it became readily apparent that his MOS (military occupational specialty) was something like cook and bottle washer because he didn't know squat about firing an M-79.

I always liked firing the "blooper" and had practiced a lot with it previously but even so it was admittedly pure 100% luck when I let it fly and nailed the barrel.

The instructor just stood there looking at me like I was some sort of infantry God and I casually handed him the M-79 and said "Thats good enough for government work." as I walked away.

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Pretty sure I know where you may have been... had the pleasure of being in a shooting bay next to people doing the same thing... Talk about a concussion in an indoor range.

I love the people that unload at full speed at 3~5 yards and miss the paper...

A friend of mine likes to unload during idpa with corresponding terrible hit factors. When asked, he says, "I'm going to be shooting as fast as I can in a defensive situation so that's what I'll practice." I hope I'm not in the same state when he has to defend himself.

I shoot pins with a guy who does the same, with the same shoot fast self defense excuse. 6 pins in 10 or so seconds 15 shots is typical for him.

thank god bowling pins don't shoot back
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I just saw someone blow up their Kimber Tac Pro at the range today. Squib went halfway down the barrel and then he did a tap-rack-kaBOOM!

He was all pissed off about his "crappy gun" when he should have been writing Kimber a letter thanking them that he still has same amount of hands he had this morning!

That guy is prolly on another forum writing about MIM parts and Kimbers right now... getting lots of sympathy and agreement that it was Kimber's fault.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Heavy guns are just inaccurate...they are used as proof guns when they proof a gun they want it to be heavy so they can use loads much heavier than the loads you'll shoot in these guns here."

I just shook my head as I walked away.

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To a pretty knowledgeable couple picking out a carry gun for the Misses. They had it narrowed down to a M60 Smith and an LCR. The clerk asked her to hold up the Smith and to look down the sights and said:

"Usually for a woman recommend the LCR. Pull the trigger. Now see the thing moving there (the hammer)? A lot of times women will get distracted by this and will forget to look at the sights and then BANG (slaps hands together) the round goes flying off over there somewhere."

I couldn't make that up. Could someone be more insulting? Why not just say women should play with dolls and chase butterflies or that they have smaller brains. I was in shock.


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I had a guy tell me that Wilson 1911's are unique because "this part" pointing to the bottom of the slide in front of the dust cover, moves with the slide on his guns.

Noticing an opening, I told the guy, "Bill Wilson is really awesome, he invented the 1911, you know". "Yep", he says, if only he could be alive today to see how successfull it is".

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I had a guy tell me that Wilson 1911's are unique because "this part" pointing to the bottom of the slide in front of the dust cover, moves with the slide on his guns.

Noticing an opening, I told the guy, "Bill Wilson is really awesome, he invented the 1911, you know". "Yep", he says, if only he could be alive today to see how successfull it is".

Love it..

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I owned my own retail storefront for a number of years, and I always tried hard to NOT have a know-it-all attitude. I always felt like you never stop learning.

I lost a semi-steady repeat customer over his stupidity one day; it was the kind of revelation that makes it OK to lose his business.

We're in Kentucky, and he comes in with a Springfield X D 45 that he bought from me a couple months back, and asks us to ship it to his son in Cali. Sure, no problem. Uhh, wait a sec, these are 'hi-cap' mags. Not gonna ship those to CA.

The customer insists that we do it, and we tell him no - we'll ship the gun only, not going to send the mags too. Just that simple. Then the customer says, "well my son talked to the Sheriff, and he said it's OK to have them, just don't tell anybody about it".

Yeah. THAT'S what I want to do. The customer got really pissed that we wouldn't do it, and stormed out. Never came back, and I'm OK with that.


NOT a gunstore story, but this is awesome nonetheless: While playing the multiplayer game "Modern Warfare 3" on Xbox, an "enemy" was remarking after the game that it was BS that I killed him with a 12 gauge Striker shotgun from 60 feet away. "At that distance, it should feel like getting shot by a BB gun" he said. blink.gif

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I've been part timing at a store this year as a tech and I have to say it's fun being on the other side of the counter and hearing the great stuff people say to me.

My favorites so far...

1. Customer: Do you have any M-47's?

Me: I'm not sure what those are sir. Something new maybe that I haven't heard of yet?

Customer: No no they've been out for years

Me: Do you mean AK-47's?

Customer: No no I don't want any of that civilian stuff. I want a real M-47 that's full auto like the military uses.

(Choice time... Explain the facts or let it slide?.... I go for explain...)

Me: Sir, I think someone may have given you a bit of bad information. The AK-47 is the original model named for it's designer)

Customer: Ha ha, you gunshop kids are all the same. Think you know everything. When you get to be my age you'll know better.

Then he just laughed again and left upset.

2. A man walked into the shop and asked me for an ammo exchange saying he bought the wrong thing from me. He handed me two boxes of 5.45 and said that some moron at our shop sold it to him saying it was

AK ammo. I asked him if he had an AK-47 or a 74? He said a 74. I asked if he had actually tried the ammo in his gun or if he had fired it before. He said no and demanded I replace it with 7.62x39

right now. I tried to reason with him and he didn't want to hear it. So I rang up the exchange and sent him on his way with 7.62. He was back the next day and even apologized. Which never seems to


I will say one thing though. I had no idea that taking a gig at a gun shop is basically volunteering to have idiots point guns at you constantly. I know most of you probably already don't but please think about that the next time your in the local gunshop. We don't like them pointed at us any more than you do.

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I will say one thing though. I had no idea that taking a gig at a gun shop is basically volunteering to have idiots point guns at you constantly. I know most of you probably already don't but please think about that the next time your in the local gunshop. We don't like them pointed at us any more than you do.


One thing I was told early on, and quickly saw the wisdom of this advice, was never let a customer handle a gun and ammo at the same time. When they want to see ammo, put the gun away. When they want to see a gun, put the ammo away.

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I will say one thing though. I had no idea that taking a gig at a gun shop is basically volunteering to have idiots point guns at you constantly. I know most of you probably already don't but please think about that the next time your in the local gunshop. We don't like them pointed at us any more than you do.

I've actually been on the other side of the situation.

I frequented a local shooting range for a number of years, and became friends with all the employees and the owner. I walked into the range office one day to find the clerk had a 1911 pointed directly at me!

There was a surveillance camera system, and he had seen me coming in from the parking lot. Seems he thought it would be funny to surprise me like that.

The first thing I did was instantly create a vacuum in the room by sucking all the available oxygen into my butt. After that, I came totally unglued. I almost went over the counter at him. His response was “But I made sure it wasn’t loaded.” He honestly didn’t seem to understand why that did not make it okay.

To this day I vividly remember how HUGE the muzzle was from that perspective.

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The other day I heard this Gem:

"Federal Gold Medal Match isn't capable of making 1000 yard shots, you would have to pull all the bullets and weigh them first"

bwahahaha! Tell that to the guys at Camp Perry who used it for years :blink:

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I had a guy tell me that Wilson 1911's are unique because "this part" pointing to the bottom of the slide in front of the dust cover, moves with the slide on his guns.

Noticing an opening, I told the guy, "Bill Wilson is really awesome, he invented the 1911, you know". "Yep", he says, if only he could be alive today to see how successfull it is".

:roflol::roflol::roflol: I haven't laughed that good all day! Thanks!

Joe W.

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:roflol: This thread just made my day! Every time I walk into a gun shop my girlfriend just rolls her eyes and tells me to mind my business when my ears perk up to the nonsense some of the employees say/do.

Most recently I walked into an Academy because they were running a special on Remington Golden Bullets, which they keep locked behind the counter :blink:, so I'm waiting my turn to speak with the sales associate as he is already occupied with an elderly couple looking for a home defense pistol. The transaction goes something like this.

Elderly Man: Let me see that 1911 right there.

*Sales associate hands him a Springfield GI and the man immediately hands it to his wife

Man: Try that one out.

*Woman tries to rack the slide grabbing the very bottom of the grip and almost flips it out of her hand. It won't budge so she drops it on the glass

Woman: The damn think is a piece of junk, it won't open.

Saleman: Try it this way, you have to push both hands together like your crushing a can!

*Salesman picks up the 1911 and proceeds to rack it sideways and pull the trigger while pointing it directly into his forearm, 3 times!

Me: :rolleyes:

My girlfriend: Mind your business!

*We leave immediately


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