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Things You Only Do Once -

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I walked into a friends house years ago and found him writhing around on the floor. Hands over his face he was crying and cussing at the same time. Seems he decided that the fastest way to get rid of those pesky nasal hairs was to flick his Bick. He had fired up a Bic lighter and shot the flame into one of his nostrils. OUCH!!



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My friend has been reloading longer than I have been alive, but he had a little "oops" (his words) a couple months back. Here's the short version:

Someone had given him a stash of Indian .308's. He pulled the bullets, and then proceeded to deprime them with a decapping pin and a hammer. On one round, the decapping pin punched a hole straight through the primer. He then proceeded to try to pry the primer out with a small, eyeglass sized screwdriver. The primer ignited, flying through his palm and lodging itself against the metacarpal of his pinky. He posted this experience on another site along with the advice that no matter how high brass prices are getting, salvaging every piece you can isn't always worth it. His, along with my painful experience with primers(previous post), I can only hope someone down the road will benefit from my sharing of our brief moments of stupidity that resulted in what could have been very serious injury.

Here's a pic of his mammoth hand post surgery.


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12 years old.....brand new Daisy BB gun......

1st shot aimed at a telephone pole.....

Yup..bounced back right between the eyes just like mom had warned


shoot at an upside down fresbee with your cool daisy co2 pistol and get a physics and bank shot lesson on my right upper front tooth ....just chips it a bit off the bottom edge......smooths right out at the dentist.......

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My second year of college I moved off campus into a large house with a bunch of guys. As things like that can go in your salad days I woke up one morning to find our water shut off from non payment. I remember being really hungover and knew there was no way to motivate myself to go to class without getting a hot shower. I knew a girl who lived just down the street so I called and asked if I could use her shower. No problem she replied, she had to leave but left me a key to get in.

I arrived, let myself in and hit the shower. Her shower worked much better than the one at our house, much better water pressure and plenty of hot water. I must have taken a 15 minute shower and really steamed the bathroom up. I got out of the shower/sauna at this point grabbed my towel and opened the door before I passed out from all the steam. I very quickly realized that there was a smoke detector in the hallway right beside the bathroom door. The steam set it off instantly. It was very loud especially with the hangover I had. The only thing that came to mind was that the noise had to stop. Being a teenager at the time I really didn't know much about smoke alarms. I tried pressing the buttons and then removed the cover and took the battery out. Dam thing still wouldn't stop. So finally I lost it and reached up to wrestle it off the wall one way or another. Did I mention I was still soaking wet from the shower? Turns out the smoke alarm was hard wired into the wall. When I tried to remove it I had quite a shocking experience. Luckily the wait of my body pulled me off the dam thing and only left my fingernails black, blue, and bleeding...... :surprise:

Edited by Loose Brass
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Senior year in college, getting my B.S. in physics. My senior project is building a flowing-gas CO2 laser, basically from scratch. The power supply was 20,000 volts at about 20 mA. I had a lot of respect for it, and laser itself. The beam was infra-red, so it can't be seen. The laser was powerful enough that a stray beam across the eyeball would have left me blind.

One day, I had to disassemble the power supply, which had two great big capacitors. I shorted one of the capcitors with a big screwdriver with nice plastic handle, and put it in a drawer.

The next day, 24 hours after shorting out and discharging that big capacitor, I tried to retrieve it from the drawer. Figuring it was discharged, I picked it up by the postive terminal with one hand. The jolt nearly nocked me out of my chair! I realized later that I didn't short out the capacitor for a long enough time, and there was still some charge in it the held for a day.

I'm glad I didn't pick it up with both hands, one on each terminal. I might not be here now.

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1978 Governors Island, New York. February, cold and raining. Graduating class USCG Electricians Mate A school throw a party at the base nightclub. We got stupid. Chugging pitchers stupid. I woke up sprawled out on my back on a picnic table with it raining in my face. I remember that part well. I jumped up and staggered off to find my bed. I don't remember this part at all. A friend taking a shower says I stumbled into the head, went straight to the row of sinks and mirrors with my room key in my hand. He claims to have screamed STOP as I walked up to the mirror and stuck my key in the receptacle. I remember the next part. I remember thinking "what in the hell is my room key doing in that receptacle and why are my fingers throbbing?" as I grabbed it. I found out why my fingers were throbbing. This is before the day of ground fault receptacles. I was wet, floor was wet. and i now dun graduated lectrican school.

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When I was young and playing basketball, my friends and I all went through a stage where we had to jump and touch everything over our heads. One day I was standing on a small brick wall surrounding a patio looking at the railing of an overhead canopy. The canopy was about 8 feet high and 4 or 5 feet away from the wall. I looked at the metal pole running accross and thought, "I can jump and grab that, I know I can". Well I gave it my best and successfully grabbed onto it. I didn't have a choice about letting go. My hands froze to the pipe immediately. It was about 20 degrees out. Ouch

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Backyard BBQ with lots of beer. Night comes, party still going strong, neighbor is on vacation but has left a severely annoying porch light turned on that shines on your yard (and in your eyes).

Grab bow and two drunk friends, swear you're going to put an end to that damn light. Hop fence, climb up neighbor's back deck and attempt to shoot out the offending light from underneath, basically straight up, with a bow... realize you just missed with a very sharp broadhead... :o

the 3 of us spent the next 10 seconds in sheer panic...backs tight against the wall waiting for that arrow to return to mother earth...

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  • 2 months later...
Slam your fingers in a locked car door when your keys are in your offside pocket. :o

God that hurt!

I did that with a patrol car. I had parked around the corner from a wanted murderer's house I was trying to arrest (no, I was not alone). It's a good thing it happened at 3 am, too, because if anyone had heard all the cursing the complaint would have been SUSTAINED! As luck would have it, no one heard it (or if they did, didn't bother to file the complaint).

My thumb nail fell off a few weeks later.

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Another guy only ...

When cinching down the legstraps of your skydiving rig, make sure none of your 'package' is caught under the straps. It will be painfully obvious of your error on canopy deployment.

I did that on my first jump at Airborne school. Once only. Doggone that hurt! Landing with a military 'chute stinks, but in that instance falling was worse!

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While getting ready for a 2 week det I took a break to show my 3 year old son how to dribble a basketball between my legs, while wearing a flight suit. All was going well, Geez, I was in sunny Hawaii, Christmas eve, and it was 80 degrees.

Well the ball bounced off of my flight boot and shot out towards the yard that was being watered. Trying to avoid a wet and muddy basketball I shot out after it without looking. I failed to see the hanging flower pot that weighed about 20 lbs.

Bonk!....out like a light! 10 stiches later and a call to Operations to let them know I was med down.

Not a good det!

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  • 3 weeks later...

You guys (and girls) got me laughing so hard there are tears running down my face! Reminds me of trying to break the cracked wooden baseball bat in half so I could throw it in the woodstove. Put 1 end on a cinder block, jumped WAY up in the air, the bat rolled, and landed on my ribcage on the block! Yes, it did hurt! My kid is yelling, I'm moaning and my wife runs downstairs an yell, "what can I do?!" I yelled back, "shoot me". She didn't.

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Oh, yea, Never prop your bowling pins against your plate rack, cause you're too lazy to keep setting them up... How about a 240 gr. Almax lead tip bouncing back offf the noggin? Broke my glasses, cut eyebrow. About 10 degrees out, and last cylinder full of rounds. Had to go inside for more, bleeding like a stuck hog. Very impressed Mrs...

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You guys are pikers! ... Running cable for new tv location...hole drilled in the top plate of wall in attic...old electrical fish tape with hooked end cut off to better facilitate running in walls with insulation...nice sharp pointed end....shoving tape down wall, into electrical outlet and I'm ground...sparks shoot out my elbow and when I come to I have this pink insulation melted to my skin....

As Lewis Grizzard might have said "Don't believe I'd have told that". :goof:

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12 years old, riding down the street on a "Girls" bike. I am standing up peddling, when the chain breaks. My legs collapse, my balls hit the tube way down there, and my knees are dragging on the ground as I am hanging on to the bars, ape hanger style.......


Edited by Mark K
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First time drunk(way too young to post age here)I bet my buddy he could not shoot a beer can out from under my left foot with an arrow. Do I need to go on? Of course I do. Nice round scar in my left calf from a target arrow.

As a yougster shot 63 school windows out with the old daisy bb gun. Got busted and my dad broke that thing over my back then picked up a 2x4 and kept on swingin'. To this day I can tell you if rain is coming!

Acid! :wacko:

Acid again! :surprise:

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Balance Zwickey broadheads with a torch and a drill. I'm not going to elaborate further, but it probably wouldn't have turned out quite as bad if I hadn't already sharpened them. You know, there's some really interesting stuff inside your thumb :surprise: , and you can get to see it :sick: , at least until the blood starts. The doctor thought it was HI-larious. My wife did not :unsure:

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With all of the research done by everyone else, I decided to chime in with a few don'ts. Since we have done the research, you do not have to.

Never ride your new used motorcycle into the wooded area and proceed to adjust the carburetor. The exaust pipe happens to be right where the stream of gas comes out when you accidentaly remove the needle. Interesting what a motorcycle looks like after 30 minutes of really hot flames, and your shorts look interesting as well even after you find out somehow you did not burn down the entire forest.

Hands are not for testing anything spring loaded(especially screwguns). Although threading a screw out of your hand might help guilt a customer into purchasing said screwgun.

DO NOT hold onto the tunnel of a lawnmower while trying to break the blade bolt loose. Sometimes the 2x4 you had the blade blocked with come loose, and you trigger finger soon has a scar from the 5 stitches to the 1st knuckle.

Never take a prescription drug you had a previous reaction to even if the doctor says it will probably be okay. Makes your body a funny purple color while your skin is burning off from the inside. Not real comfortable.

Never miss the firepole at recess bell. Meeting the pavement face first is surely a concussion situation.

If it is foggy, and you pass the sign warning you a corner is comming, and the speedo says 90mph, you are not going to make the corner.

DO NOT read this thread right before going to bed. I hear you will lay in bed thinking of all the stupid stuff you have done.

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Don't ever smack a bearing race with a chisel either. I had a curved, razor sharp sliver of the thing fly back and hit me in the chin. It went in just under the bone. In the mirror, it just looked like a small chip. When I started pulling on it, it ended up being like 2 inches long, which explained why it hurt like it did. Lots O' blood.

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Don't try to read this post with out laughing, then remember to take your antibiotic. At your desk at 6am, with only hot coffee to swallow the pill down with. Just a warning, antibiotic pills dissolve instantly with hot coffee. I may never get that taste out of my mouth. :rolleyes:

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