It doesn't have anything to do with politically correct. It has to do with rules and safety.
FWIW, I used to hunt and shoot skeet with a bunch of guys who thought nothing of taking a cooler of beer to the range or a bottle of whiskey to the duck blind. No one ever got shot but that doesn't make it a good idea to knock back a few between stages.
Can't comment on the rules that may or may not apply, but if done correctly, it is as safe as many other things I have seen done at matches which are condoned by the rules and the RO's...they don't use cross draw holsters, or sternum holsters, no more weakhand only reloads, no more original Cooper Assualt courses,but they were all routinely done early on in the appears that we are trying to be saved from ourselves by the rules, but lack of those rules did not prevent early shooters from competing safely when those rules were not in force...
We are not talking about drinking and shooting, but are discussing the simple press check...have seen the more dangerous practice of racking the last round out of the chamber hard enough to toss it into the air and catch is just about as likely as the other to cause a discharge or problem... I suppose that a drunk or careless person could cover part of their hand while press checking, but the careful, sober shooter likely never would...