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Plantar fasciitis


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What are some methods you have used to help decrease/eliminate plantar fasciitis? I’ve done frozen water bottles and rolling pins which seem to help, some stretches as well. Just looking for some outside info from fellow shooters.



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Freeze bottle of water and roll your feet on it. Stretch regularly

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I’ve been doing that on and off, need to do it more regularly though I think. The rolling pin seemed to work well also. Didn’t know if there were other things people have tried.

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16 minutes ago, dtuns said:

Freeze bottle of water and roll your feet on it. Also roll feet on tennis ball and Stretch regularly



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This and wearing compression socks daily helped alleviate my plantar fasciitis.

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get different shoes. sit more often. wear "real" socks.


but mostly get different shoes, stretch morning and night, use a dedicated foot roller vs a diy version.


edit, i suffered from this really bad for like half a year one year. so just saying what worked for me then.

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One issue I have personally is I’m required to wear “work boots” and they aren’t the most comfortable, especially since I’m on my feet for 6-7 hours or more a day. I was looking into some insoles to possibly help, and ordered an actual foot roller a few minutes ago. Thanks, I figured there had to be some other shooters dealing with it.

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I battled plantar fasciitis for years. I went to a foot doctor and he had me do the typical stretches, etc. However, he also had me try these inserts called super feet. They are significantly cheaper then custom inserts. They cost about $50 custom inserts cost $400. I have been wearing them for 3 years pain free.

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I fought plantar fasciitis for years...make that decades. I had cortisone shots, custom shoe insoles, did stretching exercises, etc.

I finally gave up a couple years ago and had surgery on one foot in June and the other foot in October. That has finally solved it.

Now I’m able to be on my feet all day without pain. Why did I wait so long?

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Our Podiatrist has my wife use a Tennis Ball every night and I have been using shoe inserts that I get

from her office ($40 pair).   The tennis ball is helping my wife (she started about a month ago) and the

inserts help my feet (I started about 3 years ago).  Not only do I walk 1-2 miles daily, but I also mow my

yard every 4-5 days and push mow for 2 hours.......

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TeedOff has provided some good advice. 


I had plantar fasciitis a few years ago.  I was prescribed stretching exercises, rollers, night-time braces, use of a tennis ball, shoe insoles, and cortisone shots.  Tried every single one of the suggested approaches.


Then I had surgery.  Surgery took about 15 minutes, recovery was fairly quick, and I haven't had a problem since.  This was in just one foot.  Should I ever develop the problem again (in either foot), I will opt for the surgery as quickly as it can be scheduled.  

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  • 1 year later...
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I had plantar fasciitis for most of 2009. I got custom insoles that I used in my work & hiking boots and the problem went away after a while.


One of my nieces' friends has a degree in therapeutic massage and last summer she got trained on how to do foot massages to help people with plantar fasciitis. If that problem ever reoccurs for me, I'm going to try foot massage 

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On 9/26/2019 at 12:06 AM, MacLethal said:

I didn’t realize surgery was even an option. Thanks for all of the advice and input on the issue!

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it is  very rare that surgery is needed. icing ,stretching of the calf muscles.cold laser therapy or  maybe a cortisone shot and hard shell orthotics are usually all that is needed for >  97% of all people

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I agree with the suggestion to check out Chad Reilly on Steve Anderson or go to his website at Spinal Flo Yoga.  I'm currently following his routine for tennis elbow.  It's been amazing the results I've felt.  Definitely a great treatment plan.

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  • 2 months later...

I suffered for over a year with this. Did all the massage, custom orthotics, etc.

My advice: use this when you sleep https://www.fleetfeet.com/products/strassburg-sock

NEVER walk barefoot.  As soon as you get out of bed, put on your shoes with the orthotics. 
I recovered to the point where I am running again (half marathon next week)

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Best advice I can give is change your attitude toward shoes. Hears what I mean . We all tend to wear the same shoes to long.

Shoes wear out on the inside a long time before the out side. Instead of once a year(work shoes/boots) change them every 

Six months. May even need to be changed more often. Once I came to that realization all my problems went away. The shooting shoes

that I was wearing were over 8 years old. Got new ones. Change them out every 3 years (max).

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The stretching and roller helped me. One other thing that I changed that really helped was to always loosen up the bed sheets when they are tucked tight at the bottom to allow a more natural foot position at night.

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  • 4 months later...

I am fighting this now. It's due to a combination of me being obese (6'1" and 260lbs), not stretching and wearing bad shoes. 


I am on a weightloss plan at this point. 


I have some generic orthotic insoles and better shoes.


I have been rolling my feet with an R8 foot roller as well as icing. 


I stretch my plantar facia before getting out of bed in the mornings and always wear shoes around the house (we have tile floors). 


I also stretch periodically throughout the day. My calves, achilles tendon, and plantar fascia. 


It is getting better but I'm still limited in the time I can be on my feet before it becomes painful to walk. I am gonna go see a podiatrist to make sure that there aren't any other contributing factors or other treatments that could be done.

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