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limited major vs. limited minor


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Lately I have noticed more shooters shooting Minor in the Limited Division. Besides the obvious cost advantage, what other possible reasons might be driving these shooters to make this choice?

Some of my observations include less recoil with faster split times to allow for some greater accuracy. Increased mag capacity for less reloads. Then the obvious downside of point loss.

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Lately I have noticed more shooters shooting Minor in the Limited Division. Besides the obvious cost advantage, what other possible reasons might be driving these shooters to make this choice?

Some of my observations include less recoil with faster split times to allow for some greater accuracy. Increased mag capacity for less reloads. Then the obvious downside of point loss.

100% of the limited minor shooters I know shoot minor because they are shooting with a carry gun or a steel challenge gun. Part of the attraction of shooting Limited is the ability to trade a few C hits for speed, and you're going to have to be awfully fast to make minor competitive with major. If you want to shoot minor, Production's the place.

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I have occasionally shot Ltd minor with my production gun for a change of pace (and may begin to do so again), or to see how I can do without the restrictive planning of 10 rounds. Allows you to see a different way of approaching a stage without having to count to 10.

Edited by vluc
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Lately I have noticed more shooters shooting Minor in the Limited Division. Besides the obvious cost advantage, what other possible reasons might be driving these shooters to make this choice?

Some of my observations include less recoil with faster split times to allow for some greater accuracy. Increased mag capacity for less reloads. Then the obvious downside of point loss.

I see a few reasons for the increase. First is the rise of Multi-Gun,in Multi-Gun most matches don't recognize major/minor power factor, so most people use some sort of 9mm set up like a USPSA Limited gun. you are probably seeing more people shooting the same gun for both instead of shelling out the cash for another gun. Second is the increasing number of new shooters many of which all ready had a hi capacity 9mm and want to play with all the bullets it holds, and Third the economy many shooters may not reload and shooting a 9mm is way cheaper than a 40 also reloading a 9mm is still cheaper than a 40. short of trying to win a major match most of the shooters I know are out to have fun and limited minor can be a hoot.


Edited by bikerburgess
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I will let you know how much it hurts after I shoot a local match sunday. :D

Why am I doing it, just for something different. I am a production and IDPA shooter mostly and I can do pretty well overall locally even when shooting production so why not try a match or 2 without all the reloads.

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It may not be competitive, but around here it's not unusual to see guys shooting limited minor fairly high in the overall (like 3rd and 4th overall, 2nd and 3rd in limited in the last match i shot).

I suspect folks shoot limited minor for some of the following reasons:

1. have a 9mm gun and don't feel like chasing down 5 or more mags to shoot production

2. have a 9mm but prefer shooting at targets to performing reloads

3. have a gun they use for some other shooting sport that doesn't qualify for production.

4. have more fun shooting for accuracy, and feel they can be accurater and faster with minor.

In my own personal experiment, it didn't seem to significantly change my scores or my overall placing to switch between minor and major. I suspect at the highest levels, there may be a noticeable and repeatable difference, but I suspect the difference is small.

Edited by motosapiens
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Normally shoot production but have been shooting limited minor the past few months since the big USPSA matches in this area are done an d the 3 gun matches and ProAm are coming up. Need to get out of the habit of reloading every time I move!

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So I shouldn't run out and order that custom STI Edge in .40 for limited just yet? Shooting is fun for me no matter what I am shooting. But I shoot a friends STI Edge custom the other day and now it is all I can think about! I am like a teenager in love! Will this feeling die down, or will I just go insane until I obtain what I want?

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I like to shoot minor in all the divisions just for the challange. I normally shoot 45 SS but will shoot it in 9mm or 38 super just to see how I do against everyone else. I do it in limited and limited 10 also. I have major guns but sometimes it is just fun to shoot minor. Ammo supply is also a determining factor. Sometimes I don't have a certain ammo loaded and have to shoot minor. It is no big deal. I shoot 2-3 times a week and get behind in my reloading.

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In a word... 9mm. Production is a tough division. No spray and pray, no slacking on the reloading practice, and watch the pain on an array with a distant popper, a partial, and a Texas Star. Suddenly 18 rounds or so looks like a nice option if you aren't near the top of the leader board anyway. I can shoot my Limited gun in major as quick as I can my Production gun in minor. In any event splits simply don't win matches.

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The last time I shot minor it cost me 7% in points. I'm not convinced I can shoot minor faster or more accurately than major, YMMV. I don't recommend shooting minor if you're trying to win. My reasons;

1) Shoulder pain

2) The gun I own and want to shoot today is 9mm

3) Next major match I'm attending is IDPA (shoot limited-10 minor)

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I shoot my 3 gun pistol in limited minor for a few weeks before a major 3 gun to get back in sync with it since I usually shoot SS major. Minor is where accuracy counts, I like the challenge of it, some others may too. It makes me focus a little more on gettings A's, which is good practice for whatever your shooting.

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if the match has alot of difficult targets like partials/no shoots or distant targets, less of the A zone is available or is harder to hit (like a 40 yard standards stage) so you're going to get more B/C/D hits which bleed off points real quick with minor scoring.

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I had not thought of shooting Limited Minor as practice for 3-Gun, but I am considering it now. That may be bad but I have wanted to get back to shooting NRA Action and in addition to just liking it I have thought of it as good plate-rack practice for USPSA and 3-Gun. Also long range practice, and leaning around barricade practice. Or just shooting without all the running (a couple of run and gun matches a month is all my knees will stand).

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I MAY end up shooting L-10 Minor because,

It's the only division I have bullets for, Dave at Precision says 4-6 weeks on .40's

(No Production gun)

If I start shooting it now I may be grooved enough to dare to tilt at the windmill at the L-10 Nats, since I'm going mostly for fun (no illusions here about being that competitive even in C class) and with the hodge-podge of parts I have may be the least expensive back-up to build before then.

I'm getting a bit frustrated with my L-10 Major gun/loads right now as the more accurate loads don't make major and getting different powders out here is a bitch unless you wanna pay through the nose. Never mind the dearth of .40 bullets available for purchase NOW.

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I MAY end up shooting L-10 Minor because,

It's the only division I have bullets for, Dave at Precision says 4-6 weeks on .40's

(No Production gun)

If I start shooting it now I may be grooved enough to dare to tilt at the windmill at the L-10 Nats, since I'm going mostly for fun (no illusions here about being that competitive even in C class) and with the hodge-podge of parts I have may be the least expensive back-up to build before then.

I'm getting a bit frustrated with my L-10 Major gun/loads right now as the more accurate loads don't make major and getting different powders out here is a bitch unless you wanna pay through the nose. Never mind the dearth of .40 bullets available for purchase NOW.


Yeah, if only somebody can come up with a some kind of sintering process to make bullets from crushed lava rocks... It'll be a "green" bullet. No more EPA hounding ranges about lead or other heavy metals. It'll be a great frangible round for shooting against steel indoors.

On the other hand, there is the issue invoking bad luck by taking lava rocks from the islands.


Good luck to Nationals! Whatever you do, have fun!

Edited by Skydiver
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One of our more knowledgeable posters (and you forum members know who it is, and correct the quote if its wrong) once said : If I was was shooting Limited major against myself shooting Limited minor, I'd kick my own ass shooting major.

Moral of the quote? Minor sucks!

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I MAY end up shooting L-10 Minor because,

It's the only division I have bullets for, Dave at Precision says 4-6 weeks on .40's

(No Production gun)

If I start shooting it now I may be grooved enough to dare to tilt at the windmill at the L-10 Nats, since I'm going mostly for fun (no illusions here about being that competitive even in C class) and with the hodge-podge of parts I have may be the least expensive back-up to build before then.

I'm getting a bit frustrated with my L-10 Major gun/loads right now as the more accurate loads don't make major and getting different powders out here is a bitch unless you wanna pay through the nose. Never mind the dearth of .40 bullets available for purchase NOW.


Yeah, if only somebody can come up with a some kind of sintering process to make bullets from crushed lava rocks... It'll be a "green" bullet. No more EPA hounding ranges about lead or other heavy metals. It'll be a great frangible round for shooting against steel indoors.

On the other hand, there is the issue invoking bad luck by taking lava rocks from the islands.


Good luck to Nationals! Whatever you do, have fun!

I work at a quarry, so the only machine/process I'd need would be a shaper to "bulletize" our 3/4" minus basaltic gravel. Hmmm, maybe the test lab has something.... :cheers:

And thanks for the cheer for the Nats...second mainland match ever, and the last one was the '98 Open Nats. I expect there have been some changes along the way :rolleyes: .

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At our club match last month a friend of mine shot limited minor with his glock that he uses for 3 gun. He has an edge but wanted to see how he would do shooting minor. He won limited by 18%. 2nd place was a master so it wasn't that he didn't have any competition. If you hit your Alphas it doesn't make a difference.

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