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Do you count your shots?

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In Limited, you generally only have 1 reload per stage. Plan it in the biggest run or movement you have. Dont Count shots; know 'when I leave this porti'm reloading


Otherwise, Instead of counting to 16 and up on shots,  count misses/makeups. If you go "Oh snap that was my 3rd makeup on this mag, I need a new mag in the gun on the next movement" 

Counting to 3 is easier than 16

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On 4/30/2016 at 10:22 AM, rowdyb said:

Production here. I plan where my reloads are and know if I'm 1-1 on thing how many should be left in the gun at each point. Almost always it's 8-10 shots. Sometimes 6. So I do not consciously count them but try to have an awareness of how many I have to "play with" at each array.

And I can only arrive at a new array with 0 rounds, empty gun. 1 round, no mag but one chambered. 10 rounds, sllide lock reload or hopefully 11 with a successful speed reload. That's what I really care most about, am I arriving at the new place with the right amount.

Should things go off plan I don't hesitate to do an unplanned mag change to get me back on plan for the very next array.

This is very very sound advice.  

Regardless of division; I know how many rounds needed for each array, I calculate the remaining rounds in my mag, I know if I have a miss(or more) what impact that has on my stage strategy; not a problem/need a reload on the move/need a static reload/no change.

I only carry one mag more than I think I need, I do not carry 100 rounds for a 20 round stage except for SS then I max out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've tried counting rounds, but planning reloads works better. I work harder on being in tune and aware when the slide locks back it saves me just a tad of time reloading.







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  • 2 months later...

I typically don't count shots while shooting a stage.  With that being said, I have caught myself counting when shooting a shotgun in 3 gun.  I typically have my load plans in my head to avoid counting, but after factoring in a miss or two, if it winds up being more than a couple misses, I go back to counting how many shells are left in the gun so that I don't run dry.  


On pistol I haven't found myself counting because I'm typically dropping the mag well before I run out and plan stages that way.  

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

As many others have said, I don't count rounds but I do plan reloads and contingency reloads on stages where I anticipate possibly needing addition make ups (heavy popper stages, etc.).


I DO try to count make up shots for this purpose. During my walk-thru I know how many rounds I have to play with at each predetermined reload point and make mental notes of where an extra reload could take place if it became necessary for some reason.

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I do. Kind of became a habit shooting in falling steel matches with a 10 round mag limit and when shooting a 6 shot revo. After #6 comes click.

I really was glad for that when shooting in rimfire falling steel. 55 to 70 targets with 90 second par time. Counting allows for loading a fresh mag with 1 in the chamber.

Used to shoot plate matches with a friend who shot to slide lock every mag. When we timed slide lock vs counting the counting was always 1 to 2 sec. faster every mag change.

Counting is faster IMHO and for good reason.. 

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2 hours ago, Dr. Phil said:

I do. Kind of became a habit shooting in falling steel matches with a 10 round mag limit and when shooting a 6 shot revo. After #6 comes click.

I really was glad for that when shooting in rimfire falling steel. 55 to 70 targets with 90 second par time. Counting allows for loading a fresh mag with 1 in the chamber.

Used to shoot plate matches with a friend who shot to slide lock every mag. When we timed slide lock vs counting the counting was always 1 to 2 sec. faster every mag change.

Counting is faster IMHO and for good reason.. 

I count at bowling pin matches for the same reason. 10 round limit and a speed reload. 

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2 hours ago, ColoradoNick said:

I count at bowling pin matches for the same reason. 10 round limit and a speed reload. 

how many pins are you shooting at ? matches I did were always 5 and if you were reloading,, you might as well not reload


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15 hours ago, Joe4d said:

how many pins are you shooting at ? matches I did were always 5 and if you were reloading,, you might as well not reload


We shoot anywhere from 7 to 9 depending which shop is hosting. They all have a 10 round mag limit. 

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I see that when the Davis clan brought back the "Second Chance" pin shoot in Michigan, renamed now the "Pin Shoot" they also have tables with 10 or more pins. Different levels, more pins, more fun!

I wish I could get me some of that!

I started about 40 years ago at a local club shooting pins. 1 table, 5 pins, 1, 3 or 4 feet from the back depending on caliber. We had a guy shooting a 357 Desert Eagle, a guy shooting an original 10mm Delta Elite, and guys always brought lever action deer rifles for the special end of the day hose down.

Still a favorite!

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1 minute ago, Dr. Phil said:

I see that when the Davis clan brought back the "Second Chance" pin shoot in Michigan, renamed now the "Pin Shoot" they also have tables with 10 or more pins. Different levels, more pins, more fun!

I wish I could get me some of that!

I started about 40 years ago at a local club shooting pins. 1 table, 5 pins, 1, 3 or 4 feet from the back depending on caliber. We had a guy shooting a 357 Desert Eagle, a guy shooting an original 10mm Delta Elite, and guys always brought lever action deer rifles for the special end of the day hose down.

Still a favorite!

I've been having a ton of fun lately! Around here different rules for different places. One is doing painted pins randomly as start/stop pins, or a hanging pin as a stop pin. The other place sets a handicap based on how good you are with anywhere from 5-8 pins. They're all setup on a 12" wide table so it's pretty friendly To any ammo. The last match I shot was pretty competitive and I ended up winning shooting 115gr 9mm ammo because it allowed me to shoot 2-3 rounds into a pin before it actually cleared. I almost enjoy it more than uspsa lol

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I enjoy it more also. Simple rules, hard for the gamers, instant reaction. It's fun shooting full house ammo fast. 

It's been a long time since I shot pins much. We had a bowling alley up the road close recently. Gotta stop and see if I can score some pins. And some old bowling balls!

Fun with guns.

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  • 6 months later...

Depends how close to the bottom of the mag I'm gonna get in the stage. Like if it's a 23 round USPSA stage and I have a planned reload halfway through I'm just sticking with the plan. If I'm shooting a shotgun in 3gun I know where in my plan my shotgun will run dry and only count misses. If I know my plan had me finishing with a single shell left and I've missed twice I know I will need to go to my match saver at the end or load another 4 during a planned reload. Knowing how many makeup shots you can take before you need to change your plan and counting those is so much easier than trying to count every shot you take and then comparing that to the balance of targets left.

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