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Match Results


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First, let me say I appreciate anyone who volunteers to do the scoring in IDPA!

I like doing a post-match analysis, looking over the scoresheet while the match is still fresh in my mind. I've been to some matches where they had the scores already done and sitting in my email when I got home and also to some matches that took almost a week to post.

My question is, for a local club match, what is a reasonable timeframe to expect to see results from the match? I know there are different factors involved like number of participants, what scoring software is used, etc. but on the average, how long is it taking you to see the results?



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With IDPA being Time plus I don't see how it could really take that long to get back up. I'm no seasoned vet but have recently inherited the MD duties for 3 matches at my club and have been doing the scoring via EZwin. That program takes the pain out pretty much by just entering the numbers but its not exactly easy. Anyway, if I don't have the results done that night, I might get strung up the next day. I've also shot at clubs that take weekS to get the scores up. In my mind 2 days is all it should take to get the scores done. Now some people have to deal with Webmasters or the like but the scores should be done in a couple days at least.

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I have been involved with setting up IDPA stages for the last 10 years. I know first hand how it is not seeing the results for weeks, even months, at a time. After carefull thought, a group of us local shooters began our own club. Everyone has a part in making sure the club runs smoothly. We found out the more people involved-the smoother things run. We have the match scores up the same day of the match or the very next day. It does take dedication but it can be done.


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I get my scores either the same day or next. For those that complain about having to wait too long here is a suggestion. Hold you hand up and volunteer to do the scores yourself. Running a match, setting up and tearing down stages, collecting the money and posting scores is a thankless job. I just do it for the money. :rolleyes:

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I get my scores either the same day or next. For those that complain about having to wait too long here is a suggestion. Hold you hand up and volunteer to do the scores yourself. Running a match, setting up and tearing down stages, collecting the money and posting scores is a thankless job. I just do it for the money. :rolleyes:

My hand and 45DV8's hand were both up to help with scoring. It was just "my" opinion that 4-5 days was too long. The score posting delay has been solved now though so irregardless of the repercussions, I'm content.

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Thanks, I was thinking 2 days as well. FWIW, I am involved in my local club and do what I can to help. I SO, design and setup/tear down stages, attend committee meetings, etc. Our scorekeeper does a great job and usually gets things out a day after the match at the latest. I would understand if he took an extra day or 2 though.

The reason I bring this up is because I just recently shot at another nearby club. Great stages, great people and a good match, but not having the scores available before I shoot my next match is enough to make me think about shooting there again. Reviewing my performance after a match I feel is critical for development. If enough time goes by, the match feels more like a dream and I start to wonder if I even shot that match. Especially if I am already preparing for the next match.

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I do the scoring at our club. Usually the scores are out Saturday night for a Saturday match...Sunday afternoon at the latest. I generally hold off submitting the classifier scores until mid-week or so to give anyone with an issue time to address it.

I pretty much agree with the rest that two days should be sufficient.



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Me and another guy run our club, and have Sunday matches.

The only computer with the scoring software is at his store, and I am the webmaster.

He scores the match while at work, and I update our webpage Mon & Tues, and I work grueling hours on those days, but am off Wed.

I go to his store and post scores Wed morning.

So, 3 days is my vote (cause thats what we do)

BTW, before we took over the club you were lucky to even get scores, as the guy running it said when asked about posting scores, "no one looks at the internet" :o

Anyway, it was a HUGE leap forward for our club, and I have had no complaints. In fact several compliments on our new "consistancy"

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As some others has stated if it is a Saturday match I will do my best to have them out that evening but no later than Sunday afternoon.

As a competitor I want to know how I placed with all of the competitors and the suspense just kills me. It's almost like a kid on Christmas morning!

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They SHOULD be done by midnight of the day of the match. This allows for any registration errors (Power Factor, division, etc) to be fixed by the 2nd day if needed. I always conider doing the stats the same day, as if it was part of the match .......... in other words the match aint done (for me) until I get the scores done too.

If they cant be done the same day, then the next day. In Other Words 2 DAYS MAX.

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I am the MD of our club. I run local monthly and yearly sanctioned events. We get our scores up 2hrs to 3 days after the match. Mostly it depends on how we feel when we get home. My wife is the official scorekeep/webmaster and she does a great job.

It sounds like everybody that has posted is helpers, and that is a great thing! I am not whining when I say this, but trust me when I have to design the stages, print scoresheets, set up the match, do sign-ins, run for every little thing (like paint, pasters), then tear down and put away the entire match I don't much feel much like calculating scores when I get home. In fact if I have little help I get downright grumpy and hold scores. One of the things that we do is: If you are there when the shed door closes you can come by my house and drink all the beer you want. We drink beverages until the scores are done. Therefore the helpers get their scores fast.

Fortunately, our club has a great group of shooters that see all of the work involved and want to help.

To all of the new shooters that are checking out this topic. Get out and Help. Your work is most appreciated.

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Hats off to you guys that are volunteering to do the job of scoring, especially on top of other duties. That being said, its still a job. And if can't get done in a reasonable timeframe (which the consensus here seems to be 2 days), because you're burned out or have other things in life to do that are more important, it might be time to turn it over to someone else or ask for help to get it done for the betterment of the club. Its not just their responsibility either, if squad SO's and scorekeepers keep accurate and easy to read scoresheets it would make the record keepers job much easier, although its still a tedious task.

On a side-note, did you guys catch that slick scorekeeping system used in the USPSA Nationals using PDAs to record scores and then having the data downloaded to the main computer? The technology is there. It won't be long before individual squads can log scores real-time online using a blackberry or iphone!

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They SHOULD be done by midnight of the day of the match. This allows for any registration errors (Power Factor, division, etc) to be fixed by the 2nd day if needed. I always conider doing the stats the same day, as if it was part of the match .......... in other words the match aint done (for me) until I get the scores done too.

If they cant be done the same day, then the next day. In Other Words 2 DAYS MAX.

I agree with Chris. But, then again, I used him as an example when I started doing scores for our club. I like knowing right away how I did. I assume everyone else alos wants tok now right away. When I get home from the match, I put my stuff away(sometimes), and start on scores. My goal is to have them out within 2 hrs of getting home.

A second goal is to have them out before I get a ("Scores?" ) email from Chris..... :goof:

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i shoot at indoor ranges and it's nice to have the big "white" board and every shooter posts his score up after a run...makes it nice to see on the spot where you are at,and plus they email them out the next day...

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I get them out the same day on uspsa local page , e-mail them too , print and mail the ones that do not have the internet . Believe it or not but there are some out there that do not have a computer or internet !! :surprise:


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If the club secretary ran for the position and was elected..... next day max.

If the club secretary was coerced into the job at gunpoint...shut up and take whatever you can get.

We get ours up the same evening usually on IDPA, ICORE and USPSA and second day on carbine, 3 Gun and the occasional "something different" match.

We do have an exceptional club secretary and a Bunch of hard workers in our club.

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The guy who does our club shoots usually gets them out by e-mail the evening of the same day.

The guy who does the next nearest club gets them out the same or next day... if his rather peculiar work schedule permits. If it doesn't, you might not settle your bets for a week.

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I've tried to get scores up same day as the match. We shoot ours on Saturdays. I don't like letting it drag into Sunday given Saturday has already been shot, no pun intended, at running the match. So, get the scores out same day! If you can't, find someone else that can.

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I ran a little 4 stage indoor match once a week; turnout was 18-22 shooters. We used IDPA scoring.

Scores done and sent out within 12 hours without exception.

The point of having a match for most people is "how did I do?" Even the "Oh, I'm just here to have fun" people want to know how they placed.

To intentionally hold SCORES from a COMPETITION is petty and small. Granted, I wasn't getting paid, but the shooters paid for a match.......and a match includes results.

Thankless job? Yeah. So what. Even a thankless job should be done right.


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I will qualify this with the statement that I have done scores. IDPA & USPSA

Beach Bunny Software for IDPA is the way to go.

I feel shooters come to a match and pay for the services of the club along with the privilege of shooting with us. I also feel to give the customer/shooter a good experience, you should have scores out ASAP. For me, I went home after the match and did the scores and had them posted no later that the following morning. Classifiers for USPSA sent in same time.

I also feel if you want to bitch about the scores, you better be ready to take over the task. Things happen at home and scores are put on the back burner. I can accept that. Doing scores is an invisible thankless job and the only thing you hear is when something is not right.

So, don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution. (Not directed at any one person)

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