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Omg, What A Expensive Dilemma


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Well, here is the deal, My wife, has decided to take up uspsa . I bought her a xd 9mm a couple of years ago, and she seemed to really like it. Well since then I have bought her a holster, 2 double mag pouches,and 5 mags. We have been practicing alot lately, and I have just about given up on her. She sucks with a handgun. Everytime I have her shoot at paper, she hits low. I then decided to have her shoot a 22 pistol, to help her get over her flinchy habbits. She shoots it better then I do. I am telling you, she was shooting 2 inch groups at 20 yds off hand. Ok, I said, what can we do here, she says, well, let me try your Kimber a few times. I am immediately thinking that her and a 45 are not going to go good together. WRONG. She imediately burns a 10 round clip into a softball sized area on the man size target A zone. Ok, I said lets just see if you are messing with me. I put a 8" plate at 25 yrds, and asked her to shoot it as fast as she can, from the holster, then run up and double tap the man size targets from 7 yrds. She did this just perfectly. And the double taps were no more then 3" apart, all in the A. The worst part is , she just got done burning up a whole clip trying to hit the 8" plate with her xd at 20 yds.

Ok, here in lies the question, where do i go from here? I am assuming the nice trigger with a short travel is the key to her success. I Was thinking of maybe giving her the Kimber,selling the xd, and buying myself the sti edge. I guess I could also buy her another 1911 of her choice, but she really like the kimber. Will the 45 get to be to much for her after a while? Can I teach her to shoot the xd? what would you do? either way, i know this is going to end up costing me alot of money.

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1) Thank whoever or whatever you thank for a spouse that wants to shoot USPSA. That sort of takes care of the arguments about who is doing what on Saturday! :D

2) If she likes the Kimber, let her shoot it! I knew a woman who was maybe 85 pounds after Thanksgiving dinner and her favorite competition handgun was a single-stack .45 and she never had any problems shooting it. Your wife can shoot SS or L-10 and have a ball. This may also be an opportunity for you to get a new SS :rolleyes:

3) Repeat 1 :D



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Apparently she is a discerning woman who prefers the 1911 trigger.

See if someone you know will let her try a .40 STI Edge. My guess is you will wind up buying two. This is a good thing! If one goes down at a match you have a back up! :)

[Yoda voice] Only money it is. Hmmmmm...... Retirement not for you to save. [/Yoda voice]

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I have sympathy for you :unsure:

Recently I bought an STI Trubor for my wife ....then she wanted a JP 1100 shotgun..so I bought that, now she has to have a JP AR15 :blink:

I will warn you that you are on a very slippery slope :lol:

Having a wife that loves to shoot with you is a precious thing :wub:

Jim :D

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Yes, Jim, I know what you are saying, I made the mistake a few years ago of letting her shoot my benelli. Well long story short, and $900 later, we now have 2. I do know one thing, as selfish as it sounds, if anyone is geting a sdi, it is me. I have been fawning over a chromed edge, for a long time, it is even my background on my computer. I know I should be happy about this, having a wife that shoots, but unfortunetly, she snowmobiles, with me too, if I get a new one, hers immediately becomes outdated, and she needs a new one too. I guess be careful what you wish for.

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There's only one solution. Give her the Kimber. :D

I have lots of guns that used to be mine. It's worth it to have my wife shoot with me. B)

You should realize that even though it's now her gun, you still need to load ammo and clean it for her. :lol:

This is a perfect excuse to buy a new gun for yourself. ;)

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To paraphrase something that's quickly becoming a pop culture cliche:

Having to sell unshootable pistol system......+$600.00

Having to purchase shootable pistol system.........-$900.00 to $2200.00

Having a spouse who shoots with you.........PRICELESS.

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You need to quit buying stuff for her and let HER pick out what she wants. Pay the man what it costs to take it home and be happy. If she wants a gagillion dollar open gun, buy it. It really is that simple.

Sometimes we try to help other people (read:women) a lot more than they need, they have preferences and ideas just like we do. Cut her loose to do her own thing, it is a better way.

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If she wants to shoot let her shoot what she likes. In the long run it will keep you both happy. It looks like you are going to need a new gun. There is a good looking colt in the classifides. :D Be happy you have a wife who shares your love of shooting, let her have the equipment that she shoots best and it will stay that way.

Just my $.02

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She does well with the Kimber, let her have it. Clean it, load for it, maintain it, but never shoot it again. It is HERS. Until she finds something she likes better.

YOU shoot the XD if it is so dang great.

Edited by Jim Watson
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The XD trigger can be made pretty dang close to a good 1911 trigger, and 9mm ammo is cheaper, so I would suggest that route.

I'm with Springer on this. I have a couple of XDs with very good triggers. I would have the trigger job done and let her shoot the XD again. If she still can't shoot it, the XD is yours and you benefit from the improved trigger.. if she likes it, you get to keep your Kimber.

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Sounds pretty typical...man buys woman gun, woman doesn't like gun.

At least the story diverges from typical story at that point...usually it ends with "woman never shoots again." This time, you got lucky!

Simple solution, she gets the Kimber, you get stuck with the crappy gun. Get over it :P


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man buys woman gun. she shoots great with it. man caught with another.... mad gets shot multiple times in the a zone

- lesson practice running fast! hahhaha!

seriously give her the kimer and get that dream sti gun. its yours till she likes it again.. then get another maybe an svi this time and hide it from her.

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it is a good dilemma to have

let her shoot all your guns till she starts finding what works for her.

Then have someone build HER one. Derek @ Millinium built my wifes for her with her and she loves it, it fits her and runs great!

It is more exciting to see her burn down a stage and do well than if I do it now

Relish these moments with her

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Well David,

Here is where you are messing up, IMHO. You need to let her pick what gun (or snowmobile) she wants like the others said and then YOU take the leftovers. When she wants another one, you get hers. That's the way it works :lol::lol::lol:

All that being said, be very grateful your wife enjoys shooting. I do wish so much that mine did :)



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The XD trigger can be made pretty dang close to a good 1911 trigger, and 9mm ammo is cheaper, so I would suggest that route.

NOT sure about that with the "new" 3# trigger rule :ph34r:

You need to quit buying stuff for her and let HER pick out what she wants. Pay the man what it costs to take it home and be happy. If she wants a gagillion dollar open gun, buy it. It really is that simple.

Sometimes we try to help other people (read:women) a lot more than they need, they have preferences and ideas just like we do. Cut her loose to do her own thing, it is a better way.

I totally agree

Edited by zhunter
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Ok, I guess i picked the wrong forum to find sympothy. I guess she has spoken, and she gets the Kimber. I will be ordering the Sti edge 40 , here in the next couple of weeks. Well since I hold all of you responsible for this decision (lol) I feel it is up to you to help me answer a few stupid expensive gun questions. Ok, How crappy is a stock edge trigger? I see everyone that sells them offers a trigger job for them. Also do you need tuned magazines? the tuned ones are $125, and the factory ones are $60. Dont the factory ones work? What am I going to need for a holster, and mag pouches for a edge. I have always just used Uncle mikes Kydex in the past. I am trying to make the purchase as painless as possible, so I dont think I need all of the bells and whistles to start with. Also who would you recomend buying one from? Thanks again.

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