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I just opened a new box of 147gn RN 9mm bullets and noticed a profile change. The new profile is longer & sleeker vs the shorter more rounded projectiles.  The new profile is at the top of this pic. I had to change my  Dillon seating die which was no biggie. But I started getting a pronounced dented ring in the nose of the finished round.  Anybody seen this and does anyone have a solution? Dillon suggested filling the hole on the die with wax which I knew wouldn't work and didn't. I'm not happy either that BB didn't bother to notify customers with these on back order that they changed the profile.


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5 minutes ago, TheGoatMumbler said:

I just opened a new box of 147gn RN 9mm bullets and noticed a profile change. The new profile is longer & sleeker vs the shorter more rounded projectiles.  The new profile is at the top of this pic. I had to change my  Dillon seating die which was no biggie. But I started getting a pronounced dented ring in the nose of the finished round.  Anybody seen this and does anyone have a solution? Dillon suggested filling the hole on the die with wax which I knew wouldn't work and didn't.


That looks odd, are the new bullets softer than the old style?

You must be using the round nose side of the seating die right?


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I had that same issue with Dillon seating dies with blues and other bullets.  Changed the seating die and problems solved. Blues changed their profile a while back also.  I asked the same question of profile change back in August. 

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3 hours ago, TheGoatMumbler said:

I just opened a new box of 147gn RN 9mm bullets and noticed a profile change. The new profile is longer & sleeker vs the shorter more rounded projectiles.  The new profile is at the top of this pic. I had to change my  Dillon seating die which was no biggie. But I started getting a pronounced dented ring in the nose of the finished round.  Anybody seen this and does anyone have a solution? Dillon suggested filling the hole on the die with wax which I knew wouldn't work and didn't. I'm not happy either that BB didn't bother to notify customers with these on back order that they changed the profile.


Back in May after acquiring my first CZ (S2O), I contacted Blue about the availability of their latest 147g offering.  CSR told me orders were way behind; but they could round me up a sample pack of their RN and FP profiles.  And would I report back on my max OALs for the Orange:


What I am looking for is Max OAL for your Shadow for both bullets. That's really about it. It used to be around 1.090" on the old profile.


What I found for my barrel was max OAL for the RN was 1.125" while the FP would go 1.136".  My normal loading of either would be to reduce those maxes by .015".  Not really caring for the profile of their new RN, I chose to start testing the 147g FP at 1.120" and had great results with zero functioning issues.  I also chose to test the .356" version!


BTW:  I use a Redding Pro Micrometer seating die and experienced no marking issues with either profile......




Blue Compare.png

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I’ve found the same with my XDM, the FN will load longer.  I just got some 147 FN  blues to try and so far they shoot pretty good.  I can load them from 1.135-1.125 as max in the lands is 1.145

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Did Blue say why they changed their profile?  Seems like that’s a big decision to make, there must be a reason. And, if your having issues, then you would think a lot of others using the Dillon seating die would also start having similar problems. 

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You need a different seating die. 


I believe BB changed the profiles of their RN's bullets in a attempt to let people load longer OAL. Lots of people complain about needing to load short with their older fatter RN's. I haven't ordered bullets in almost a year so I haven't tried these new profiles myself yet. 

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I had the exact same issue with them and the Dillon seating die. Between that and the fact that they didn't play well with the mr. bullet feeder, I wound up selling them. I'm sure I could have figured out how to make them run in the bullet feeder and bought a new seating die but is wasn't worth it with other bullet options available.


Even with the blemish they did feed and shoot fine.

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These new RN profiles do not play well with the Dillon seating die.  Pull the Dillon seating die  apart and you will see that the die is setting the RN bullet off the very tip of the bullet.  This damages the tip of some plated and coated bullets.  I went to a Redding comp seating die.  Problem solved.

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Since seeing this post I've talked to a few people and it seems this is a common theme with people using Dillion dies. Guys like myself not using Dillion aren't seeing this. All the guys getting this ring haven't made any changes to there set up because they figured it's not really hurting anything. It'd probably bug me so I'd recommend a new die, or new seating stem as linked above.

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Same goes with their 125's. Good thing I noticed the profile before doing a batch run. I emailed BB and they told me that they did change their mold and will not come back to their old profile. 


I use Lee sizing and there's no problem with the profile change.




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47 minutes ago, Cuz said:

Did they say why they changed their profile?  There must be a reason. 

Yes. It was covered above.


A more agressive taper on the bullet moves the ogive back: their new bullets let you load longer and still fit them into a gun like a Gen 5 Glock or a Shadow 2.


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Molds were out . So if your customers are asking for a different profile. That's the time to replace the molds.

This is what has happen.     Also son smurf is shooting a cz now. Not good for the owners son not to use your


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5 minutes ago, AHI said:

Molds were out . So if your customers are asking for a different profile. That's the time to replace the molds.

This is what has happen.     Also sun smurf is shooting a cz now. Not good for the owners sun not to use your



Good point!



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Here are pics of mine. The finish on my new ones is jus fine and i didn't have any issues through my press, a Dillan 550 with Dillan carbide dies (about 20k through the press). Also I have used them in 2 matches and all is fine.


There new boxes are cool!

new BB profile flat.jpg

new BB profile stand.jpg

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BB was very responsive to my questions about this. The reason for the mold change was their molds were wearing out and their vender for new ones was 1-2 years out. They have had some customers using the RN claiming they needed shorter OAL to cycle (Tangfo) like 1.09 or shorter and there is no load data shorter than that. Since they were going to have to design their own cutter for a new mold they decided to change the profile to help these customers. 


Using a Dillon seating die with the RN seating stem the nose of the new design doesn't allow the ogive of the bullet to contact the stem and instead contacts at the nose. Here's how I fixed that problem with a Dillon die.


The Dillon seating stem has a hole in it. I started drilling that hole out a few 1/1000ths at a time on my drill press and seating a bullet. After sneaking up on it after about 8-10 tries the circular dimple went away at about .196 or 7/32.  No need to buy another die. Dillon also said they would update their website pic to reflect the new profile.


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