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My first gun was a single shot 20 gauge H&R Topper with a full choke, exposed hammer that you had to cock, and a plain barrel. I used that for one season. My first new gun was a 20 gauge 870 'Wingmaster' with a 30" full choke. I've since purchased a 26" skeet barrel for it and had the 30" barrel fitted with Briley choke tubes. I still shoot it today and I still have both guns.


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I moved out (of my parents house) and started buying guns the day I turned 18. My dad prohibited me to have any sort of a gun (even bb guns) because he was involved in a shooting accident when he was a kid. (No one was hurt.)

My first gun was a Stoeger Luger .22 auto. :o Because I liked the ad that ran in the gun magazines at the time. I'm sure some ol' timers will remember it... It had a picture of a clock with bullet holes in it, and the caption said (something like) 10 shots... in less than a second. I thought that was so cool! I just had to have it. But I couldn't hit anything with it... so I traded it for a Colt Woodsman .22. Now that was a gun! Then it didn't take long for me to get a 6" S&W K22, with which I learned to cut playing cards in half with - sideways. (From Ed McGivern's book.)


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...so I traded it for a Colt Woodsman .22. Now that was a gun! Then it didn't take long for me to get a 6" S&W K22...

Wow...those are the same two handguns that got me going. Dad still has them. I was mostly death on cans and pop bottles and such. Then I went out west (Dinosaur, CO) and swithced up to shooting at anything that moved or was man-made. Serving equal duty was the Marlin Golden39M(A?). When dad didn't keep me stocked with .22 ammo I would take his Colt Python out and burn whatever ammo he had for that. :)

I got started way before that though, with an Anchultz bolt action .22 (nothing fancy). It was the first. I don't remember how old I was. Seems like it was a few years later that I got a single shot .410. That was the summer I turned 8 (and also learned how to water ski at Bean Lake near St.Joe, MO...behind a john boat with a 10hp motor).

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Had my brother buy me the Savage 12 ga. short barrel pump that they've been selling at Big 5 forever when I was 17. first legal purchase was a Marlin Papoose. That was a fun "college plinking" gun.

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13 years old. a 22 bolt action marlin, I still have it. It's 40 years old and still shoots well. I got daughters, no sons, and neither of them has any interest in shooting. Maybe a grandson one day.

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My Grandfather gave me a tube-fed .22 bolt action (like a 1912 vintage) when I was 5... He'd take me out every other day (for years on and off) to 1) teach me how to shoot a rifle by killing Nutria rats swimming in the ponds (for bounty... from the farmers/ranchers)., and 2) teach me how to track, read sign, and trap (again Nutria for bounty).

That rifle was followed within months by my second firearm... a Model 870 .410 that my Dad had cut down for me for my 6th birthday.... much to my Mom's chagrin and over her VERY vocal objections. ;)

The lessons my Grandfather and Dad taught me in those early years stood me in good stead when I joined the Infantry... My grandfather was gone by then, but I used to sit in hide and ambush positions in the jungles of Panama and "talk" with him while hunting Rangers at the JOTC... "We" had a great time on that assignment. :)

My Dad taught me my initial pistol skills (he was brilliant with a revolver). Right after my 6th birthday, Dad gave me a SA Colt .22LR pistol and a vintage Western rig to practice with. I've never been as good with a pistol as he was though. :)

I had great male role models as a child and young man...

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My first gun was a Winchester 12 gauge. My parents then took it to a gunsmith to cut down the stock. I still have the shotgun and the piece that came off. I decided to leave it be, and let my wife shoot it (if she ever will). It is about the right size for her.

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Companion single shot 12 gauge....with no recoil buffer. I would come home after duck/grouse hunting with bruises up and dowm my shoulder and arm. I was afraid of the kick and would hold it away from my shoulder rather than seat it...oops

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10 years old.

My first gun was a spanish copy of a Smith and Wesson Military and Police.

It was non firing, but the first thing that actually fires something was an air gun in .177 used to shot at toy soldiers, and neighbours flowers :unsure:

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I was 19 and it was a Marlin .22 lr rifle with a tube magazine.

At 7, I gave my son a Rossi Matched Pair - a single shot .22 lr and .410 combo. Great little long arm.

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12 years old.

A God awful ugly Colt Python revolver...nickle plated...6 inch barrel.

Used to shoot PPC (and to provide others the material necessary to "break my balls"). :P

It made such an impression...people still talk about it...27 years later! :angry:

Ah but.....I KNOW it was given with love. :wub:

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It probably doesn't count, but when I was seven, I saw the film version of Annie Get Your Gun. For next year, I drove my parents crazy asking them to buy me a gun and singing "Anything you can do, I can do better." I pointed my finger at everything, yelling <bang> until my mother's patience wore out. Guns were a no no in my family. They wouldn't even buy me a BB gun. My very first gun purchase didn't happen until much later in life. I was 26 and my first gun was a Colt Gov't Combat Commander in .45. Very first time I ever shot it was at a gun safety class (shot 96 points at 25 yard bullseye after two test runs of sight alignment, trigger pull on a blank piece of paper). Shooting was the first thing I ever found I had natural talent at. It was like finding home.

My 4 year old daughter runs the timer when I dry fire. There is nothing cooler than hearing her little voice say, "Shooter ready, standby." I'm looking into an airsoft to get her sometime in the next year. Four years of practice with it and I figure she'll be ready to take on the junior category. I just hope her interest doesn't disappear.

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I pretty much inherited an old Marlin o/u .410 shotgun at birth. My first gun that was bought for me after I was born was Chipmunk in .22lr (really small single shot rifle) that I got for my 8th birthday. I remember I got busted when I told my parents I was going to go shooting in the woods behind my grandmother's house. So I had gone out to where we always shot, set up some cans down in the ditch that was our back stop and started shooting. About 10 minutes later, my dad comes out freaking out...turns out, none of them believed me and they were pissed I was out shooting without supervision!

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  • 1 year later...

Love doing searches on this forum and finding something completely different than what I was looking for.

Firearms and I didn't come together till late in life. Dad was a gun collector but not a shooter and I never got a chance to shoot with him. Sometime in my late 20's I decided to get a gun for home protection. The advice I got was to get a gun that I will practice with. One that you'll get good with. One that is reliable. His advice was the Ruger MKII. Still have it 20 years later.

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First gun I ever *touched* was an AK, when I was 29. (!) I grew up in a completely anti-gun family, but when Kalifornia started passing laws saying I couldn't buy certain things, it pissed me off, so I went down to Turner's Outdoorsman in Costa Mesa, and asked them for "one of those things they're about about to ban". Got a Chinese AK and 2 cases of steel-case ammo for $389.

Brought it home, and was pointedly asked what I was going to "do with that thing". Being a competitive kinda guy, I figured I'd shoot rifle matches, so I dragged it out to the local range and shot in one of their NRA high-power matches. Yeah... 15 guys on the line with their shiny, hand-rubbed, numbers-matching, hand-loaded Garands, and me with my scruffy AK shooting crap ammo from a banana-mag, wondering why I was getting odd looks. Yeah, I fit right in B)

Anyway, I had plenty of time to ponder things while waiting for the others to f-i-i-i-i-n-i-i-i-s-h-h-h-h-h their overwrought strings (it took them, like, 10 minutes or something to shoot the "rapid fire" string. Heck, it only took *me* about 30 seconds, and I was a rank beginner!), and in the background I heard this rapid "bang-bang... bang-bang... bang-bang-bang-bang!" Wandered over to another part of the range and found what turned out to be a "combat pistol match".

Within a week, had traded the AK for a Springfield .45 and a Hornady reloading press, and never looked back. Still have the Springy... and the addiction for "combat pistol".


Edited by bgary
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