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Precision Delta or Montana Gold


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I'm looking at either PD or MG for my 38 Super loads out of my Open gat.

My choices are between:

124 CMJ (MG)


124 FMJ (PD)

Which do you prefer and why? The cost difference is almost negligible, $360/3750(MG) and $352/4000 (PD), so I'm just looking for input on which one you like better. The guy I bought the gun from used PD, as a reference

Edited by nahanshew89
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I Perfer PD, they gave good accuracy l, fed in all my guns and there the cheapest JHP

I've found

I tried Montana golds and was not happy with them, the JHP gave me fits trying to get them to feed in all of my open guns, they took more powder to make PF and the hit to a different point of impact than PD and zeros

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I voted MG because that's all I have used. But I think my next bullet will be PD JHP. MG have a hard jacket and they always measure slightly undersized.(.3545). This leads to lower velocities so you really have to pour on the powder to get them up to speed.

BUT, if you want to use a RN bullet you should use the MG CMJ since there is no exposed lead on the bottom. The PD FMJ will have exposed lead base resulting in a little more smoke and more crap in the comp.

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The only reason I chose RN is because that's what I have the most experience shooting and that's what the previous owner said he made his loads with. I have heard HPs are more accurate, but I have nothing to quantify that with, short of anecdotes and stories. I figured since I'm going to buy in bulk I should stick to what I know. I suppose I could buy a small batch of HPs and check em out.

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Yes. A JHP has the jacket wrapped around the entire base of the bullet and then it's open at the tip (hollowpointy end).

The exact opposite of an FMJ round... on which the jacket wraps around from the front of the bullet, but leaves the base exposed to the hot gasses produced by the burning powder as it's pushed down the barrel. JHPs are often found to be marginally more accurate as well. I'm not an Open shooter, but I prefer PD bullets to FMJs when I'm not shooting a coated lead bullet. They're cheaper, faster for the same powder charge, and often a bit more accurate as they're closer to .356

Edited by MemphisMechanic
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If cost is negligible, I prefer Montana Gold. Of course, Zero comes first.

First choice is the 121gn Zero 38 super JHP, followed by the 125gn 38 super JHP.

At least during the last three months, Precision Delta was the best, price-wise, for orders over 2000 bullets.

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I have a .355 barrel, so I'll be using 9mm bullets. As far as price being negligible, I only say that because the prices are so close for similar quantities of similar bullets. I personally don't understand all the hype with JHPs, I've always had fantastic results with RN profile rounds, and I don't see much better accuracy with JHPs out of my Production gun.

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I have a .355 barrel, so I'll be using 9mm bullets. As far as price being negligible, I only say that because the prices are so close for similar quantities of similar bullets. I personally don't understand all the hype with JHPs, I've always had fantastic results with RN profile rounds, and I don't see much better accuracy with JHPs out of my Production gun.

Mainly because there is no exposed lead base on the jhp's. Won't lead up the comp on the open guns.

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Guess I am prejudiced due to a bad experience with Precision Delta. I bought a case of 180s (marked 180 on case) at a match and when I got home and opened them they were 200 grain. I contacted them and they went oh well. ????? I finally unloaded them but meanwhile I was out the $$$ & time & didnt have what I wanted. Not sure what I expected but maybe an apology would have been nice. So I buy montana Gold bullets instead.

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I have been using Montana Gold 124g JHP 9mm. I have loaded about 10k of them. I was recently considering trying PDs. I ran across this article and decided to stick with the MG. https://www.ar15.com/archive/topic.html?b=6&f=42&t=266934. I understand if guys using PDs are happy with them. I buy MGs in case quantities and just don't see enough difference in cost with the PDs to encourage me to change.

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