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Favorite Revolver for IDPA?


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SSR - 4" S&W Model 67

until I get tired of chasing brass, then...

ESR - 4" S&W Model 625

going to try my 3" S&W Model 65 with 5 rounds loaded with mousegun loads in a BUG match this coming weekend, I think the M65 will almost be like cheating for BUG...

Edited by johnmac
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I run the 686 in SSR and a 625 in ESR. I like the extra barrel weight of the 686 to help reduce muzzle rise and I had a hard time finding a 66 that I could replace the front sight. Both of my revolvers have XS tritium front sights. The 66 seemed to reload a little easier, but with some practice the 686 goes just as fast.

I have a 610 the ICORE and USPSA with a 6.5" barrel, but the 3-7/8" 610 is harder to make major power factor than a 45 is with 230 grain bullets and the 610 is pushing some high pressure loads at that point. The 646 is a cool 40 cal if you can find one, but with major loads is a little abusive compared to the 625. I was one of the proponents of lowering the ESR power factor to allow more guns into the game. But to run anything other than the 625 you MUST reload and end up dealing with some hard to handle rounds. I know one guy using a 686 cut for moonclips and is running almost max loads in a 357 to make major. Needless to say, at a 180 round major match he does not have a fun day.

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S&W 329, downloaded to light .44 Special. I shot it once in competition, just for grins. Of course, there's probably some rule that says that I can't, but I did.

I also shot a 629 (4") in full power .44 Magnum at an ICORE match, just to say I did. I won a special award for abusing steel. I thought about shooting it in IDPA, as it's a legitimate CCW choice up here in the Last Frontier, but our backstop might not handle it well.

Fun with revolvers...

Edited by guns_and_labs
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I am considering getting a Ruger Speed Six with a 2.75" barrel for SSR. It will probably not be optimal as it has fixed sights and a short sight radius, but I just love the look and feel of them, and SSR gives me a reason to own one again :)

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I really like my 686 SSR for SSR, but the new rule book made it illegal. So I guess that makes it my 625 for ESR, which the new rule book made illegal. So now I'm shooting a 627 in the other game. lol.

It's legal again.

The published the rules clarifications yesterday and now the barrel measurement is from the forcing cone to the muzzle.

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