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you ever have anything stolen out of your bag at a match?


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I cast and load my own slugs that I used in 3 gun. They load in a AA hull and you can't tell them apart from a shot load. I shot a slug stage and I started with 25 loaded in a normal shotgun box. After we scored the targets whats was left of the box, maybe 15 rounds was missing from the table were we started. No was paying much attention to me that my rounds was missing till I said they were slugs and someone was going to shoot a steel target with them. One guy all the sudden started going through his round trying to sort out the slugs. Lesson for me too. I started loading slugs in gold hulls. Shot red.


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I lost a magazine one time and after looking everywhere, I started mentally accusing everyone. I began looking at everyone as if thay were guilty. It wasn't till the next stage that I discovered it in my gun :surprise: . Yea Don't even know how that is possible or could happen except I was handed a mag during scoring and must have forgot where I was and just did an administrative reload while looking at my hits. Many hundered ULASC's before and after and that has never happened. Yes, that will get you DQ'ed. Since then I refrain from going full "who dun it?" till all the evidence is in. :ph34r:

Lesson learned!

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Ga. State IDPA 2011 shot a stage. Looked for my mags found one, kicked under a prop. The other gone. We stopped the stage looking. The prop had to be picked up so I could look & find that one. WTHell. Just ask I would have gave it to you. Oh well the guys I shoot with watch out for each others mags now. Gremlins

With the state of things now, AMMO might be disappearing or lost to those Grenilns. Lol

Edited by a matt
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The case for my eye pro fell out of my bag. I went back to the stage where it happened within 10 minutes. I looked, asked around, nothing. I found out a week later someone was asking who lost this eye pro case? Since no one piped up, they took it home. Maybe not stolen, but it wasn't theirs and they knew it. The Match Director and office staff knew I was looking for it.

I don't know who it was, but I know they were out of town SOs for IDPA Nationals.

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My thought is a lot of theft is mistaken identity. A lot of bags, ammo, and magazines look like. I have found myself reaching into the wrong bag while having a conversation with someone. I equate it to walking up and sticking your car key in a car that is not yours but looks exactly like yours.

Still, it never hurts to keep your stuff where you can see it.

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I have had the opposite happen to me three times. I forgot my IDPA belt twice and my case gauge once. I have found my belt laying on a table after I returned to practice at my range and I realized it was missing from my bag. The two other times the items were waiting at the stack shack.

I tend to believe that most people in our community are very honest.

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One of the clubs I shoot with here in the Houston area has a Thur night match at an indoor range. We start getting there from about1730-1800 hrs and hammer down about 1830 hrs. This range has two bays and they allow non-match individuals to shoot until we start.

The other night, there was 2-3 guys and one lady that had shot and were standing around talking and watching us as we were gathering, gearing up, etc. Our bags were scattered around on tables, chairs, etc. Well, when it was time for this group of people to leave.....up and leaving building. Thankfully one of our group noticed that one of the guys had picked up his bag and was just going through the door. When stopped, he mumbled something about thinking it was one of their bags. Not even close in similar look, etc.

Honest mistake or sticky fingers? No way to really tell, but the guy that almost lost everything sure did not think it was an honest mistake by the way the guy responded. Can tell you, I now keep my bag under observation much closer when there are those that are not of our group around.

I have never lost anything when around shooters of organized matches.

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We have had a few cases where some stuff has gone missing. It is an easy fix get rid of the "cold range" just kidding.

Most new cars have childrens seat brackets you can run a cable with a lock on it. If you are staying in a hotel and worried run it up through your guns and lock it all together. There is always other points in a vehicle to secure this way. Place some jackets or something over them to hide it of course. With my two rifle drag bag I can lock it all up and keep them in the bag then cover with a blanket. Just some ideas. I have seen the tennis club case idea work for a broken down AR. It is cheaper to make sure all your stuff is locked up then to worry about it being stolen. I have always left my gear out and never worried about people stealing it, figure most shooters are honest hard working people but in the recent months we have seen some new faces and people "Hanging out" who are not shooting at all just watching, they are the ones I would be watching for. Sorry to hear about more people losing items.

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but in the recent months we have seen some new faces and people "Hanging out" who are not shooting at all just watching,

I think they are with the Illuminati. Trying to see how good we are.

Seriously usually they are lurkers just wondering if they should give the sport a try.

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but in the recent months we have seen some new faces and people "Hanging out" who are not shooting at all just watching,

I think they are with the Illuminati. Trying to see how good we are.

Seriously usually they are lurkers just wondering if they should give the sport a try.

Illuminati, men in black suits or something :) There is always the ones watching to see about the sport but they are the ones asking questions and wanting to understand what the shooting language going on is. These ones I am talking about hang out and keep to themselves.

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I have never seen anything go MIA from any match. At IHMSA matches I've shot, I have seen guns, spotting scopes, and range boxes left in truck beds, at the clubhouse, and even left at the clubhouse overnight at a 2 day match. Shooters in general seem to have more integrity than the rest of society, IMHO...

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Not at a range, but have been at shoots were cars and hotel rooms were targeted. Have heard a car was followed from a match and when the people went in to eat their car was broken into.

Seems most shooters are a very honest bunch.

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I have had a stapler and a timer mysteriously disapear in the last couple months. They vanished after shooting at a weekly match that has a steady rotation of people in and out the whole time with everyone keeping their bags at the back of the room (well out of sight when going to paste and score targets). I like to think i made a mistake and lost them, but they have lived in my bag for the last 3 years without an issue until recently.

Needless to say, when ever i go there now, I only take the bear essentials: Glasses, hearing protection, 3 mags, gun, holster, pouches, and 100 rounds. I also keep a close eye on my bag now.

Have never had any issue at a match when you shoot with the same squad the whole time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We had one "gentleman" who decided to keep the money from "open shooting". He was the Range Officer and just pocketed the money collected from the shooters. In another instance, he was found with new light bulbs in his range bag. The same brand and wattage as the ones in the storage area.....

He eventually broke enough safety rules that he was brought up on charges in front of the Board of Directors and permanently banned from the club.

His casual attitude toward concealed carry laws finally pissed off a judge that threw him in jail. I just heard that he recently completed his three year sentence.


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I have never had anything stolen at a match but I shoot with 10 friends of mine at all local matches. At major matches I have never heard of stealing going on but you never know about people today. Honor and integrity seem to be fleeting virtues.

Mike you must be real old if you have been shooting IDPA for 112-13 years. Hope I make it that long.

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