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Steve RA

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About Steve RA

  • Birthday 12/08/1939

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Richardson, Texas
  • Interests
    Cars, Guns & Women
    (too old for girls anymore !!!)
  • Real Name
    Steve Alexander

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Burned Out (10/11)

  1. Get a paint stirring stick, cut to proper length and put inside spring.
  2. Or, looking at the pics it looks like a fair percentage of the powder is discolored and could have been something in the case which contaminated a portion of the powder. It's the primer or the powder that was the problem.
  3. May have been a primer which did not fully ignite the powder charge.
  4. If the bullets are not the same length, you will have an inconsistent depth in the case if the overall lengths are the same. As long as all the cartridges fit in the magazine and in the chamber I would not worry about the depth of the base of the bullet in the case.
  5. MOA did the work on my 3000, everything looks good and works.
  6. I like the small primer .45 ACP cases as I only have to get one size primer for 9mm, .45 ACP and .223/5.56. I use small rifle magnum primers and have never had a problem with them.
  7. Unless you use small primer brass, like I do. The main reason is that I only need one size primers for everything I shoot.
  8. Try it without and if it runs without jerking etc, then you are good. If it seems to grab or jerk, then try some lube and see which seems to work the best for you.
  9. Neglected to mention that they are Tula SRMP primers. Not available at the present time.
  10. My 9mm and .45 ACP are both 1911s. 18LB mainsprings but standard length firing pins.
  11. North American Arms .22LR. Most problems occur at short range so you don't need a large gun/caliber if you can hit with what you've got.
  12. I run SRMPs in 9mm, .45ACP and .223/5.56 and they work well in all. Tula primers which are unobtainable now but I'm sure any will work.
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