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When to disclose to your new girlfriend that you shoot guns ALL the ti

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I recently became single and I am now dating. I have made it my mission to not disclose that I shoot 5 times per week until I get a feel for the girl. It is hard to bring up guns without them asking why. Any tips on how to broach this subject?

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I'd go the other way. Immediately tell.

I remember telling my girlfriend (now wife). Something like.....This is who I am, I shoot competitively, blah, blah, blah. I was just up front and honest.

The other way, could be setting yourself up for future disappointment. Plus, now you are duping her. That's no way to start a relationship. IMHO.

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One wonders if all that shooting was a reason that you recently became single. :devil: Bring her to the range and show her what an important part of your life shooting is. Hiding this part of your life will only come back and kick your ass later.Just sayin'.

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I recently became single and I am now dating. I have made it my mission to not disclose that I shoot 5 times per week until I get a feel for the girl. It is hard to bring up guns without them asking why. Any tips on how to broach this subject?

Irecommend you give up one, or the other :roflol:

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ANYthing that competes with her for your attention will probably be seen by her as something to be eliminated. Attention is the fuel that runs the Female Universe. Introduce her to shooting, then decide whether they are compatible or if one has to go.


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It seams like just a year or two ago. But I have been married since 1987 to a woman that used to have more first place trophies than I did.

Any way I dated competitively for several years,,, before I meet her. before I meet my wife I asked my self this question years ago.

Why waste any time on girl/ woman that you cant be open with? your ether spending time or your wasting time. That can be included to your shooting . Do you spend your time or do you waist your time ? you cant buy one second of your time back at any price = spend it wisely.

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I met my girlfriend at the pistol range when we were both practicing for an upcoming match... So It wasnt a problem HA.

BUT, I'm 26, and usually its not the guns that girls have a problem with.... its just that I'd spend that much time doing ANYTHING that does not include her. And lets be honest, most girls (even the ones that dont mind guns) dont want to spend hours and hours at a hot shooting range while we shoot and cut up with our friends. It takes a special woman. Thankfully I found one of those!

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Just ask a guy I work with how things go when you don't tell them up front. After hanging out with me for awhile he got bit by the gun bug. He bought a new G17 and did not tell his girlfriend. She found a text on his phone about the gun and last time I heard they were still not speaking. :goof:

Don't know which was worse. The fact he bought a gun or that he lied to her about it.

Either way, I'm of the opinion that it needs to come out right now. Guns are one of those things that not everybody is comfortable with.

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After you get lucky.

All good advice, but that has to be the best! Thanks guys. I don't think it's weird but, most of my non-shooting friends have no idea why I spend hours dry-firing, reloading, cleaning, modifying, practicing. I have brought it up right away in the past but, it does not always get a warm reception. It is hard to change someones mind about something when you have just met them.

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