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My daughter is joining the Army.


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My daughter Sara, aka "The Saranator", has joined the Army and is slotted to serve as a medic. I am proud of her for having the desire to serve in a capacity where she can do something positive for others. I hope the experience proves as valuable to her as her service will to those she helps.

Sara has been shooting since she was a little squirt and I think that has helped guide her into making this decision. The people we meet at the range are always of the highest caliber and I think that association has definitely helped shape her into the outstanding young woman she is today.


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Glad to hear it! At least she is going in and getting an education in something that can be used in the real world when she gets out. My sister joined the Marines when she got out of high school....I told her to get into something like medic or nurse, or even a translator. What does she do? She signs up in NBC as an instructor (to get the $5,000 enlistment bonus). Spent 8 years of her life training others to protect themselves against that stuff, then gets out and has no real world skills. Been living with my dad for the last 10 years, working at a bank as a teller.... :rolleyes:

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Larry, you're taking this much better than I would. As a parent we try to guide our children to the best of our ability, and then support their decisions.I think Sara will be the best Medic the Army has seen-thanks to her parents.

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Oh that bittersweet image of any of my girls leaving for life beyond our home. I know when it happens, I will be proud, and probably cry too. I just like having them around.

Congratulations on her decison. Good medics are not a dime a dozen. I'm sure she will make you and the Army proud. :bow:

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You should be very proud.

Yes you should. I am as well. Proud to live in a place where we don't have to serve and yet, even during wartime, there are those who choose it.

May God bless her and keep her safe.

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That is excellent. :cheers:

The Army will be better because of her service. Just be sure that she knows not to decide how she likes the Army until she is at her first assignment after her AIT. The initial training environment is not how the Army or the military works.

This little prayer applies, sometimes you just have to do what the Army tells you to do.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

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8 years (and Counting) Combat Medic. She'll love it.

Glad to hear it! At least she is going in and getting an education in something that can be used in the real world when she gets out

heh, I won't comment about this :P

Edited by DocMedic
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8 years (and Counting) Combat Medic. She'll love it.

Glad to hear it! At least she is going in and getting an education in something that can be used in the real world when she gets out

heh, I won't comment about this :P

No slight to anyone who may have been, or may still be in the armed services, but it's infinitely better to be trained as a medic and have use of it in the outside world, than as an artillery gunner.

I see artillery gun help wanted ads everyday! :roflol:

BTW, congrats, and thank her for me!

Edited by GrumpyOne
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My daughter Sara, aka "The Saranator", has joined the Army and is slotted to serve as a medic. I am proud of her for having the desire to serve in a capacity where she can do something positive for others. I hope the experience proves as valuable to her as her service will to those she helps.

Sara has been shooting since she was a little squirt and I think that has helped guide her into making this decision. The people we meet at the range are always of the highest caliber and I think that association has definitely helped shape her into the outstanding young woman she is today.



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Larry and Gail, Francisco and I are so very proud of our young friend! The army and our Country are better (and prettier) with Sara in it.

:cheers: WAY TO GO, SARA!! :cheers:

God bless!

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