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Everything posted by Round_Gun_Shooter

  1. Very sorry for your loss. For me, my Son knows where they are, what they are, and can do with them what he pleases when I am gone. The important thing is finances. I just went through this with a customer. His wife did everything for the family.Paid all bills, made all appointments, etc. The live away from here and have a local summer home. No one did anything about the summer home last winter. Heat went out, pipes froze, and guess what............ No insurance as the wife had died and no one realized the payment was due.
  2. Unfair for me to comment on this (Been married to same woman for 41yrs) except this, do what is right for you and your children. Best of luck.
  3. Get in touch with Steve Thomas A8 Director. He should be able to set you on the correct path
  4. http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
  5. Depends on if you have girly hands Personally, I prefer Jim Shanahan's SOCD Coating. I had him do a set of Sig P226 aluminum grips and the contact is fantastic but I have rough hands with a lot of feeling loss.
  6. Non resident MA permit is a PITA to get. $100 a year and a trip to Boston for no apparent reason other than to see your smiling face. Find BLUTO here and PM him. He has insight on the process.
  7. Blue Loctite http://www.amazon.com/Henkel-01-24200-Loctite-6-ml-Threadlocker/dp/B000I1RSNS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1439079490&sr=8-1&keywords=loctite+242+blue&refinements=p_85%3A2470955011
  8. That applies only if the pistol has the decocking lever to lower the hammer
  9. http://bfy.tw/16Ad Thanks, I already have the published weight. I find the actual weights vs published weight are different which is why I asked. Just like my Sig 229 is lighter than published weight.
  10. Now if someone could post weights of various optics, it would be a big help. My Sig 229 9MM is borderline after actually weighing the pistol. I have a Docter sight that will make weight but it needs a return trip to Docter for repair to allow it to zero before I have the slide milled. If I could get a weight on a Trijicon RMR, I would appreciate it. I have spare Sig slides so that is the only gun I am willing to use. After all, it IS my carry gun.
  11. If you want a standard trigger se If you want a standard trigger send me a PM with your address. I have converted my 226s and 229s to Short trigger and short reset and prefer them that way so I have a couple spares
  12. Please show the rule where it says that. That is what arbitration is for I guess. As for me and majors, I have probably worked more majors that you have and never had a complaint of any kind. Due to injuries I no longer work matches so no matter where you go, your should be safe unless I am the Chrono guy I can't provide a rule but perhaps Troy can clarify this as I sent him an email. Hello Troy, I had a question about rule 8.6.4. In a discussion on a Rules forum, there are a few experienced certified RO's who feel that the word "may" allows them a certain amount of latitude that I'm not quite so sure of. In the scenario of legitimate, unintentional contact with the RO, such as a shooter moving backwards to retrieve a mag on the ground, I was under the impression, from a recent RO class with <name withheld>, that the RO is obligated to offer a reshoot prior to scoring. And if the RO does not offer a reshoot, the shooter is entitled to ask for a reshoot due to the interference. There is one individual, that has extensive RO experience, RO'd many major matches, and is certified with NROI, that feels that they as the RO are entitled to deny the shooter a reshoot if they feel like it. Even if it was legitimately accidental contact. Can you please provide clarification on this matter as the word "may" does in fact suggest a great amount of RO latitude. You kind of read a lot into comments don't you. I never said "If I feel Like it" Please re read my comments and if you need them explained to you speak with an adult
  13. Please show the rule where it says that. That is what arbitration is for I guess. As for me and majors, I have probably worked more majors that you have and never had a complaint of any kind. Due to injuries I no longer work matches so no matter where you go, your should be safe unless I am the Chrono guy
  14. And the rules states the RO MAY offer. My statement shows what I would have considered in offering a reshoot. Tight spaces, poor run with poor equipment prep to me = I don't make the offer as the run was already in the septic tank before the shooter ran into the RO. That would weigh in on how I made my decision. As for your other statement, I have played this game for a while and have worked matches and I agree with proper use of the rules. The statement I made is proper use of the rules. Everything is not in writing as far as rules are concerned. How do you suggest a reshoot offer be determined, toss of a coin? The determination to offer or not comes from the RO and his/her experience. If you already crewed the pooch, don't expect a reshoot from me when you run back at me to recover gear you lost whether intentionally or accidentally. You will be disappointed.
  15. Not having been there and reading this, I would NOT have offered a reshoot to someone that had been having these problems. The shooter was already in trouble and the bump just compounded existing problems. If he was having a great run with no problems, that is another matter. In this instance, I side with the RO
  16. I had lamenectomy at L3/L4 on 12-26-14. Doc did NOT fuse. He felt it was unnecessary at this point. Age 64, and could return to competition if my damn ankle would allow it. I had the ankle fused before the back surgery same month. I am back to work in my Plumbing Business and my back is the least of my worries Good luck
  17. I had a temp delivery MAN say the package was too heavy for him. My daughter carried it to the house and told him to hit the gym.
  18. I guess it happens. At least you got half back. It happened to me at the last S&W IDPA Indoor nationals I shot several years ago. At 6PM with 5 stages to go I had to make the decision. Start my three hour ride home or shoot the last stages and start the drive home at 9 or 10PM. I chose to walk out at 6PM and never return after shooting the match for 6yrs in a row. I have never missed it
  19. "As good as this bar is," said the Scotsman, "I still prefer the pubs back home. In Glasgow , there's a wee place called McTavish's. The landlord goes out of his way for the locals. When you buy four drinks, he'll buy the fifth drink." "Well, Angus," said the Englishman, "At my local in London , the Red Lion, the barman will buy you your third drink after you buy the first two." "Ahhh, dat's nothin'," said Paddy Sheehan, the Irishman. "Back home in me favorite pub in Galway , the moment you set foot in the place, they'll buy you a drink, then another, all the drinks you like, actually. Then, when you've had enough drinks, they'll take you upstairs and see dat you get laid, all on the house!" The Englishman and Scotsman were suspicious of the claims. "Did this actually happen to you?" "Not meself, personally, no," admitted the Irishman, "but it did happen to me sister quite a few times."
  20. This won't last long http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8097
  21. This could be me writing. I have not shot a match in 2 years. Best of luck and if you want to come to Boston, my Neurosurgeon at Mass General is top notch. As is my ankle doctor and my hand surgeon. I think you get the drift
  22. A friend has started a new training company and is stressing front sight with a special target. Practice is done from 5 yards.
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