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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. Provided the RO that dropped the gun didn't pick it up himself, it is not a DQ per 10.5.14 Retrieving a dropped handgun. Dropped handguns must always be retrieved by a Range Officer who will, after checking and/or clearing the handgun, place it directly into the competitor’s gun case, gun bag or holster. Dropping an unloaded handgun or causing it to fall outside of a course of fire is not an infraction, however, a competitor who retrieves a dropped handgun will receive a match disqualification.
  2. Currently in the middle of "Covert Warriors" by WEB Griffin. Next up is "Black List" by Brad Thor. FYI, since everyone in here seems to be eager book readers, I figured I would share my favorite book site. Every time I mention this to people, they've never heard of it. It's called Fantastic Fiction. You can find it at http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/ If you are looking for any book, this is a great site to find it. You can search by Author, or by title, or by subject. It lists the author's books in chronological order, by series. I like this because if you see a book that is interesting you can see where it falls in the series so you know which books may precede it. The other nice thing is at the bottom of the author's list of books, there is a very large "If you like this author...." section, showing you other authors that write similar genres. Anyway, just thought I'd share.
  3. CZinSC

    Max OAL for .40

    I figured someone would give you the info you needed. So I thought I'd just help stir the pot to get things going!
  4. CZinSC

    Max OAL for .40

    Calculating Glock .40 Max OAL
  5. Finally got around to taking pictures of my workhorse.
  6. I have never, ever, locked a slide back to hand it to the chrono man. Couldn't tell you how many times I have been asked, but I know it's more than one.
  7. I'm glad everyone else thinks this is a good thing. I'll start the posts saying I don't think it is. I did't think there was a problem with the rule before. I shoot production, I had no problem understanding the rules as they were written. If a new shooter didn't read the rules and was bumped to Open because he didn't understand, tough sh*t. Read the rules of the game before you play it next time. As Skydiver has already pointed out, this ruling opens up a lot of cans of worms for RO's to deal with because people are not automatically bumped to open with the mag in the front pocket. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and I respect what everyone has said so far, but I disagree. There are other rules that should be addressed before this one ever was. ( race holsters in production, paint in magwell to name just two ).
  8. I have always replaced that pin religiously every time I put the primers into the machine.....except for that one time! Thankfully I realized before I turned it completely over, so I only dumped about 60 of them. Found all but one.
  9. Did anyone notice the Gold medal winner of the Trampoline the other night in the Olympics? His name is Dong Dong. I am not kidding. Do you think he has a brother named Ding? Or Long Duck?
  10. +1 Further east would at least give the opportunity to drive. Sure gas is expensive, but sure beats airfare and 4-5 days car rental.
  11. I think I would ask him to show me where he was coming up with that in the rulebook. I looked pretty hard at the procedures and don't find anything about it. Even if he did make me use one of my other mags I should be OK as long as his scale is correct. I thought about that too. The only thing I can think of would be: Appendix C2 47. The Chrono Officer will inspect the competitor’s handgun and report any failure of the following to the Range Master: a. Proper function of the handgun’s primary safety mechanism(s) b. Safe condition and operation c. Compliance with the requirements of the declared Division He could tell you he is checking to make sure your gun and mags are in compliance with your division. It's a stretch, I know. Not even sure he can do that. That was why I said I wouldn't even do it. Being SURE you will pass Chrono is miles ahead of THINKING you're going to pass.
  12. That was my thought. I don't think there is anything in the rules that says you can't have that mag, but I also think there isn't anything stopping the Chrono officer from saying "give me one of those mags off your belt". Personally I wouldn't do it, because Chrono shouldn't be the stage you worry about the most at a match. I like walking in there knowing my ammo will make PF by enough margin and my gun will fit in the box and be within weight limits.
  13. My question to the OP is why? Explain to me why USPSA should grow? I'm actually asking, because you are not the first person I have seen propose this, but you are the one I have responded to. Why do you think USPSA should grow? Are your local matches not taking long enough? You want more members to show up and turn a three hour match into a six hour match? And like Sarge said, have you gone to a local gun show?? I'm not so sure I want half those people owning guns, much less coming to a match and waving a loaded firearm around me! FWIW, I have personally invited at least 5 people to our local club match that are gun owners, but not USPSA members. Not one has taken me up on the offer. Sorry if the second part sounds snarky. I apologize. But the first part still stands. Why does USPSA need to grow? I'm curious. Your answer may be the smack to the head I need to say "He's Right! USPSA does need to grow!"
  14. Cleaning out the garage today and this little fella decided to pop up and say hello. Anyone know what it is specifically? Harmless garden spider or Wolf Spider is what I am hoping. I've compared it to pics of Brown Recluse, and it just doesn't look similar to me. If it helps, it was ( yes, I killed it ) about the size of a Half Dollar, and I live in South Carolina. Ironically enough, about 10 minutes after taking this picture, I found a Black Widow. No assistance needed identifying that one! Talk about getting your heart rate up in a hurry! I've only been living in the South for 4 years, so I'm still not used to seeing a rather poisionus creature this up close and personal. Thankfully I saw one about 3 years ago, so I know when cleaning out the garage to wear gloves and not stick my fingers in to dark corners, or turn things over without checking around them and under them first.
  15. CZinSC

    good news

    Yep, our two rescues, Heidi and Marley, were very happy to learn of the arrest.
  16. CZinSC

    good news

    There should be an raffle. The prize is, the winner gets to duct tape this bastards legs and arms together and toss him in the same canal as the dogs. You figure $5 per raffle ticket, probably be able to raise a couple hundred.....grand! I know I'd be in for at least a C note's worth!!
  17. ...and I was that boy It's a good "Teaching Moment" to know what magazines will not cut the mustard in regards to length. Since I'm no good at shooting, the least I can do is be a lesson for others. Sad thing, is I prefer the CZ ones as they are more prone to drop free (in my experience), and I had 5 of them that fit, and two that didn't. Doh! I knew the feeling. At the IPSC Nationals I had the extended base pads shooting in Standard division. Problem was, they were the extended pads for the 16 rounders. I had them on the 18 rounders. Welcome to Open!
  18. I'm another Manny class alumni. And yes, when he first taught us to track the swinger, it went against what I had been told already. Like others have said, it started working right there in class, so I've kept it going since then. My results are very good. I hardly miss at all on swingers now, and I'm more comfortable shooting at them. I used to have a tendency to trap the target, and when I did, shoot three times at. Because three is better than two right? Needless to say, I used to have a lot of A-M, or C-M. Not anymore.
  19. I use this same mantra every morning before I leave for a match. I think I read about someone doing something similar on here months ago, that's where I picked it up. Have been doing it every since.
  20. 7 days into being unemployed and I can't f*cking stand it. And not for the reasons you think. My girlfriend now calls me whenever a thought crosses her mind! Why? Because I'm not working, how could I possibly be busy? In her mind I have time to talk whenever she wants. Did I mention we live together? We see each other ALL THE TIME. NOTHING short of a medical emergency is that important that can't wait until she gets home. ARRRGGHHH!! New tactic starts now....just not answering the phone when she calls. Will see how that works. I'm sure I'll get twenty questions when she gets home: "Where were you?" "What were you doing?" "I called three times and you didn't answer". I need a job fast so I can go back to the old stand by..."sorry honey, someone is at my desk, I have to go"
  21. I just caught the last 20 minutes of this documentary, very good from what I saw. Showtime is replaying it tonight at 11pm and then next Friday and Monday. It's about "the histories of Shea Stadium and Billy Joel intersect as they meet for a final concert performance". If you're a Billy Joel fan and haven't seen this, you should definitely watch it.
  22. Before every match, when I have the car loaded, I look around and visually confirm I have everything by saying in my head: Bullets go in the mags, mags go in the gun, mags and gun go on the holster belt, holster belt attached to the inner belt.
  23. This is why no one (scoring RO) or anybody else should pick up discarded mags on the COF until after range is clear...If a competitor goes back to get a discarded mag and its not there....reshoot! Yup, I've seen several ROs/other shooters pick up the competitors mags early. They are just trying to help but that competitor might want to come back for it! Only thing worse is when you are the RO and you see that guy picking up the mag out of your peripheral vision because they are so close to you. Trying to keep your eye on the shooter/gun and trying shoo the other guy back is always a treat. God forbid the shooter runs out of mags at that very moment, the ensuing dog pile when he backtracks to pick up the mag will be disastrous.
  24. I like the rule as written. I see no problems with it. I will be writing my AD to let her know I think she should vote against any proposed changes. I encourage all of you that think the same way to write your AD's that you think the rule is fine as is. If the AD's only get letters from people complaining, they will think it's an issue that needs to be addressed and the rule changed unless they hear from those of us that do agree with the rule. Yes, I shoot Production. No, the rule isn't unfair.
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