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Got an anonymous tip that our very own Flexmoney's birthday is coming up on the 13th. Or is, depending on where you live.

Wow, since that last sentence was somewhat poetic, because at least it rhymed, ;) let's have a Flexroast, in poetic fashion. Or whatever fashion you prefer. Because you know there are very few "rules" here on be.com...


So, I'll start -

What's plastic and black, 

(and often confused with kitchen storage ware),

is keen on making green

and goes bang when you flex it?

Answer - Our very own Flexmoney!

[My comment to anonymous tiper in PM]

Now that's terrible I know, but that's all I could come up with on short notice.

[/My comment to anonymous tiper in PM]

Her comment: [Opps, I might have given it away...]

That looks like a great start to me... Perhaps you could open a thread late, late tonight and everyone will find it long before Iwould be able to post one from the Pacific Coast tomorrow. And, definitely, Glocks would be a bit of fair game, to say the least. (Hmmm... seems like we just recently had a successful Glock-trashing fest on a Friday, didn't we.....?...... Heck, one good Glock-trashing fest calls for another!!!!)

Either way, that Admin dog deserves a good chase around the block on his birthday!!

So, let the Flexroast begin!

Flex -

Seriously, I can't even begin to thank you for your commitment, effort, and shared insights, without which this place would be nowhere near the place it is.

My best wishes to you!!!!



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Happy Birthday, Pal. Are you really old enough to be a section coordinator? I thought you had to be on the verge of over the hill for that one?

Seriously, my sentiments on this are right in line with Brian's. You've been a stable influence around here since the beginning; sold me a PACT timer a few weeks before Brian became a dealer; you've been quite the sh*t stirrer on occasion; have provided moments of rolling around on the floor laughing ---- usually because of GT threads that somehow got referenced here; and most of all have made us all think a little harder. In another fifteen minutes you'l probably be checking up on us --- as you often do in the middle of the night. May the next year bring you nothing but the best --- in shooting and in life. Happy Birthday!

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Everytime I shoot a personal best on something, I hear a little voice in my head:

"Not bad, but I think you can do it better."

Turns out it's not in my head...It's Flex pushing me in a way he knows I'll respond to with harder practice.

Happy Birthday,


(Hope you get a real holster for your BD, you need one bad! :))

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\\\\\\\\\\\ :P ///////////

The excuse is a birthday, you see...

That we rhymed-up again so freely.

Flex-time is at hand!

A rave has been planned,

And it's goin' on HERE, I mean really!

Hey! Many happy returns! We love ya'...! B)

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Happy B'day, Flex.

Too bad we did not know this last weekend for the Tri-State. We could have had banners strung up at your starting stage!!

But it is now on file for next year.... :D

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Happy Birthday, Kyle!

Since folks are starting a parts collection for you, I would like to offer a whole crap load of Tupperware containers that I have lost the lids for...

Maybe you could store the donated REAL gun parts in them while you're building it!

Or maybe I should just be quiet since you routinely kick my arse at PCSI matches...

Best Wishes.


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Thanks guys...you're alright!

BE...you're right, that poem was a little rough. LOL. Be I appreciate it none-the-less.

Thanks Julien!

Nik, I think they will let anybody be Section Coordinator that has enough loose marbles in their head to take the job. Oh, I remember sell that PACT timer to you...about the time you were moving to a new house? (I don't sell them anymore...everybody buy from Brian Enos.)

Thanks Jerome!

Spook, When I think of B-day cake, I think back to when I turned three (remember it plain as day). Mom had made me a cake that looked like a teddy-bear. She used cup-cakes for the ears...iced over them. So I am sitting in the back yard, on the pic-nic table with my cake...mom goes inside to get the next handful of stuff...along comes a squirrel, it hops up on the table with me and the cake, the varmit makes off with one of the ears to my teddy-bear cake! I start crying and screaming (when you are three...and don't have a Glock...mom is the best defense against rouge gangs of squirrels ;) ). It has taken me three decades, but I finally think I have mom convinced that I didn't eat the cup-cake/ear of that bear.

Steve, you know...shooting the El Prez in under 4 seconds isnt the challenge for you any more...now you gotta shoot it clean. :P (and thanks buddy...you da man!)

Pat, thanks. (My b-day present for you would be to get you shooting some matches. But I know you have to climb a different mountain first. Keep riding the edge.)

SL, I knew it was you when BE mentioned the poems. Thanks!!!

vluc, I needed some kind of present over there (Tri-State match). I sure couldn't earn anything with my shooting. (Good match, btw)

jhgtyre, I might have to start working on that hang-over soon B)

Thanks Jim! (Jim has the good taste to shoot the tupperware. :) )

Thanks Tom!!

BigDave...you are from Indy. How can you cheer for that team from "the state up north"??? (thanks)

Patches, I like the way your think...and the way you allocate resources. B)

SigLady...and extra kimber spring? I think I have an extra Para spring around here...it fell out of the gun too. LOL! LOL! LOL! :P;):D

TL, Those Phythons are nice. :PB) (thanks!)

Marvin, that tupperware is good for a few things. (thanks!)

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Happy b'day Flex,

What can I say?

I think the IPSC sport needs more people like you and BE.

You know, your only flaw is you shoot a Glock (and you enjoy it ! :wacko: ).

If I could ever wish you something, it would be...

A 1911! :lol::lol::lol:

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Long ago, in a land far, far away, there once was a man named Fleximus Maximus. He yearned to expand the conquests and treasury of the empire and sought to arm the legions with the finest weaponry available. He wielded a sword of unusual substance, later to be dubbed polymer. As his concepts and weaponry was centuries ahead of his time, all he got for his good intentions was scorn, ridicule and constant stable duty assigned to him by the Centurians. Not to be deterred, and confident in his beliefs, Fleximus issued a challenge to a champion gladiator known as Grandis Masterus. The challenge was accepted and the legions gathered in the coliseum to witness the spectacle. Grandis Masterus arrived in his metallic splendor, armed with his sword that had prevailed in 1,911 victories to date. Fleximus arrived to the jeers of the crowd, armed with his futuristic, toy-like sword and equally comical scabbard called the Ghost. Fleximus knew this was the moment of truth as he loosened the retention pin tension on the scabbard. The two combatants faced each other and awaited the emperor's start signal. The start trumpet sounded and both combatants went for their weapons. Fleximus was like lightning. His catlike reflexes combined with the lighter weight of his weaponry allow him to bring his sword to bear before Grandis Masterus could get his iron monstrosity out of his custom Milton Sparticus scabbard. Fleximus, being the consummate gentleman could not bring himself to smote the ignorant champion, instead choosing to disable him with surgically placed blows upon the champion's armored head and unprotected backside. The crowd fell silent as Fleximus confidently sheathed his futuristic wonder back into the Ghost and accepted the champion's laurels. The emperor declared the day Fleximus Maximus day, and decrees Augustus 13, be commemorated and celebrated henceforth and forevermore as the day Fleximus Maximus brought the empire out of the dark, iron age.

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I guess I'm getting to the party a bit late (definitely doesn't have anything to do with "fashionably" late), but Happy Birthday Bro! Jenn taking you out for the big celebration? It may have been mentioned before, but how old are you now?

Patches, how in the heck did I get volunteered for a slide? I may have a bunch of spare 1911 parts lying around, but a slide ain't one of them. How about a firing pin stop? Mainspring? Reverse plug? Mainspring housing (as long as it is a plastic flat, I have several of those)?

Actually, I don't think Flex needs a 1911. He has one in fact, without sights no less, that he does quite well with when he wants. But he prefers to kick it with the (nearly stock) plastic fantastic, and having been humbled by it (along with many others) with him at the helm, I can say he needs nothing more. Many ought to look at him and realize "it's not the wand, but the wizzard" so to speak.

If he put as much effort into practice as he puts into the forums, I think he might give TGO a run for his money. ;)

I appreciate the hard work though, and I've benefitted greatly from talking shootin' with ya. I'm a bit jealous of Steve and those that get to shoot with Flex often. He's good as helping to push you beyond what you thought were your limits.

Best wishes and Happy Birthday!


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