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How many guns do you have?


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Today I was interviewed by a lovely young lady who was interested in what my shooting club (Dallas Action Pistol Shooters, or DAPS) does.

We were having a great discussion about IDPA and USPSA, and what fun sports they are, and what kind of guns people can use in both sports. I had a Ruger SR9 on the table and an STI Lawman (1911) for her to look at and learn from.

She then asked me, "so, how many guns do you have?" I looked at her kinda cross eyed and asked, "is the mike still on?"

She said "oh yeah, I know some of ya'll are reluctant to let the government know how many guns you have."

My response was "screw the government, I'm more worried about my wife knowing how many guns I have!!"

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The one thing I have going for me is that she doesn't know one from the other. She rarely even wonders where they came from. I guess that is the lovely state of denial in my marriage. Don't ask about the guns, I won't ask about the shoes! :closedeyes:

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When I piled up what I needed for the Chute n Shoot it looked like I was moving out, not going to the range. Two handguns, two rifles, two shotguns, one parachute. Ammuniton, mags, shooting mat, jumpsuit, helmet. Wife looked at the pile and asked, "Is there anything left in the gunsafe?" Before I could come up with a good BS answer she interuppted with, "No! Don't answer that. I don't want to know what you have in there."

Whew. Close one.

When someone asks how many guns I have, I give a stock non-answer, "More than I need, less than what I want."

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When someone asks how many guns I have, I give a stock non-answer,

Same here: "more than one". It is a true answer :roflol:

it looked like I was moving out, not going to the range. Two handguns, two rifles, two shotguns

Heh. Here's a pic of my Expedition, loaded (floor-to-ceiling, from the liftgate to the back of the front seats) for a simple "3-gun" weekend with a friend. I think when we were done we counted 16 guns, something upwards of 5k rounds of ammo, and that didn't include the primers and powder we ended up dragging back from the vendor tent.




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Have you ever looked in a safe and thought Hmmmm, I dont remember that one.

I like More than One as an answer.

When asked why do you need so many, I ask, why not play golf with just one club and one ball?


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I think I am about ready to get married now.

I have about all the toys I need, except for a few more guns. I guess I should just add that in as a condition of our marriage....I am allowed to buy 5 more guns and then I will just have to replace the ones I already have. 30+ should be enough.

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When someone asks how many guns I have, I give a stock non-answer,

Same here: "more than one". It is a true answer :roflol:

it looked like I was moving out, not going to the range. Two handguns, two rifles, two shotguns

Heh. Here's a pic of my Expedition, loaded (floor-to-ceiling, from the liftgate to the back of the front seats) for a simple "3-gun" weekend with a friend. I think when we were done we counted 16 guns, something upwards of 5k rounds of ammo, and that didn't include the primers and powder we ended up dragging back from the vendor tent.




You call that alot for three gun? We have that many on any given weekend for a pistol only match. I always just hope we don't get pulled over for speeding. I don't care what kind of badge you have it's hard to explain 15+ guns(some loaded/carried) and enough ammo to take over a small third world country speeding through Florida on I-95 :surprise:

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it's hard to explain 15+ guns(some loaded/carried) and enough ammo to take over a small third world country

ROFL. OK, now I gotta tell a story... let's call it a "fictional" one :ph34r:

I...uh... I mean, "a friend of mine" was getting ready to go to a 3 gun match, and for timing reasons it made sense to leave from work. Only problem is, employer has a policy that says possession of a firearm on company property is a firing offense. So arrangements were made to put all the gear in traveling-buddy's truck, and meet at work. That way, *I* wouldn't have any firearms in *my* vehicle, and they can't fire him since he doesn't work there.

Traveling buddy arrives at the building, calls on the cellphone and says "I can't drive into the parking lot where you told me to meet you. There are all kinds of state patrol cars and blacked-out suburbans at the building entrance, and uniformed guys blocking access. What do you want me to do?" So, arrangements were made to meet at another spot, and off we went.

After leaving, I ... uh, I mean, "my friend" called the receptionist at the building to see what was going on. Turns out that the president of a fairly significant 3rd-world country was in the building for a briefing on something or another, and between the state patrol, the state department and his own security team, the place was pretty tightly clamped down.

I think that, if they had happened to get a glimpse of all the stuff in the back of the truck ("assault weapons", "sniper rifles", "high-capacity pistols", etc), we...uh, I mean "they"... probably could have been the lead story on the evening news... Film at Eleven!!!


B (I think the statute of limitations is up... isn't it?)

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Fictional Story (.....right!)

A friend of mine and his wife are big time into SASS. She was teaching a class at the 200x SASS Convention, which is held in Las Vegas every Dec. He was between jobs at the time, so he thought he would drive out, shoot a major match in Tombstone, AZ the week before and then meet her in LV. She was planning to fly in. So off he goes with a truck full of guns, ammo, and clothing. He reaches the Hoover Dam and they ask him what is in the back of the truck. His answer includes "Ball Gowns" and "firearms". At first they tell him he can not cross the Dam, then finally they relent but have to inspect his vehicle. Needless to say, a truckload of very high-dollar Victorian Ball Gowns and vintage firearms creates a lot of conversation, mostly ohhhs and ahhhs. So he shoots Tombstone and then the SASS Convention. His wife flies home and he is driving back. When he reaches the Hoover Dam, the female guard asks him what is in the truck and his answer includes "Ball Gowns" and "firearms". To his surprise her answer is "Oh its you again!". They pull him over to inspect his vehicle, but he said the female officer could have cared less about the firearms but was ohhhing and ahhing over the Ball Gowns!

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Hmm..i heard a story about some guys who got pulled over for speeding in a non-resiprocity state carrying concealed with the back of the suv loaded to the ceiling for a 3 gun match.

There may be some info left out to protect the innocent.

I'm just glad i dont know who those guys are :ph34r:

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