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Electric Toothbrushes

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I have done a couple of searches on the web for some reviews of the high end electronic toothbrushes, namely Sonicare vs Oral B. Couldn't find a damn thing that was useful. So since you guys are generally pretty savvy and if not entertaining....

Send all ye opinions of the above products.

Thanks, Craig

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I have no personal expertize but two different dental technicians that I know say to avoid them like the plague and my dentist told me to stay away. They do a pretty decent job on your teeth but no better than a good manual toothbrush BUT can do serious gum damage is what they ALL told me. If you are interested, I'd suggest a call/visit to your dentist to see what they say. I'd be interested to hear.

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I have been using Sonicare for some years now. I just went for a dental cleaning yesterday and the hygenist complimented me on the quality of my dental hygiene. BTW: She had Cookie Dough flavored toothpaste. :rolleyes:

Edit: It was recommended by a periodontist as a way to avoid gum loss!

Edited by ChuckS
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My dentist says he can tell the people that use the electrics by how much healthier and tighter their gums are.

A big part of it is the electrics with the 2 or 3 minute timer. It's a rare person that brushes that long with a regular brush.

I thought they were just goofy until I got one. Now I think they rock.

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I've been using Sonicare for years. Given to me as part of a $3,000 bone-loss major repair job package by a highly-reputable local periodontal surgeon. I've had no serious gum trouble ever since. I, too, have had subsequent dentists notice the care and cleanliness and congratulate me for using it.

Works for me. B)

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Used to use Sonicare, switched to Oral-B tiumph. Brushes are less expensive and you get pulse and movement.

Dental visits for years have been great. Dentist tells me I'm no fun....

Edited by vluc
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Oral-B Professional; not sure that model is made any more, but it's been durable & effective. It's worked >5 years and is still running. Brushes ~$20/3-pak. Recommended by multiple dentists.

I use a manual brush when I travel and can tell a huge (not good) difference.

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I've been using Sonicare for years. Given to me as part of a $3,000 bone-loss major repair job package by a highly-reputable local periodontal surgeon. I've had no serious gum trouble ever since. I, too, have had subsequent dentists notice the care and cleanliness and congratulate me for using it.

Works for me. B)

Same story for me. My event happened about 1988. Been holding the line ever since.



PS: But, when cleaning guns what I really wish for is a ultrasonic tank (or 2). Damn, that would be nice

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Sonic care they last a long time, and they are easier on your teeth. Most of us don't follow the rules and brush up and down, we drag them. So the electric's make it easier to do a good job. And you just mindlessly stand there moving around until it stops. In morning that's important.

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CostCo is sort of like a Sam's Club.

My dad is an orthodontist and the mails me a Sonicare every once and a while. Man I love those things. Just don't bother with getting the model with the toothpaste built in, it isn't worth it. Sonicare brush heads last a really long time and do a great job of cleaning. I have used my old ones to clean some guns on occasion but they will fling solvent everywhere.

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