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I Am Legend


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I went and saw it again today. I liked it the 2nd time around.

I didn't have that "what the heck kind of ending is that!" reaction this time. Maybe that's why I liked it this time around.

I was in it just for the pure action aspect of it. That and I kept an eye out for all the other things that were mentioned on all the other shooting forums I frequent that discussed the movie.

(A'yup that was an M249 SAW he had in the Schrank, and a'yup, Ford must have shelled out some big bucks for product placement.)

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This movie left me with mixed feelings. I liked it but expected more. I generaly forgive a movie for the holes but I wanted the holes in this one filled in on-screen not in my imagination. Will Smiths performance as usual was first rate. I did like it enough to buy the Blue Ray DVD of the "Omega Man".

I believe the Dark Earth finish pistol was an H&K. Looked like a USP.

Edited by mpeltier
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I saw it yesterday, and i thought it was good.

Just a thought though, if a bullet to the head kills these things, and he managed to knock one unconsious with the butt of his m4, when he caught that female one, how come that when they are smashing there heads into windshields, and the plex glass in his lab, they dont have massive trauma and die.???

1 30rd mag.

no side arm on him. Fool.

why didnt he get in the tunnel with them and just toss the grenade.

just a few thoughts. other than that... a good film.

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Def an HK, paused the movie on that scene actually to inspect.

He could have done some things smarter.

What do you mean (Paused)? You got an industry prescreen DVD or


I love Death Metal but I dont shoot open!!!

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I'm thinking a Director's Cut on this one. Too much left unsaid or not addressed in this finished version. Example, when he trapped the one mutant and the male came out into the sun. He commented later that they were exhibiting odd behavior in doing that. I saw it as that was his mate who had been taken. I saw his entire pursuit of Neville as an attempt to get his "loved one" back.

The trap set for Neville as seen by that same person when his woman was taken. What a leap of intelligence to duplicate what he saw done on one of his Hive.

I was left unsatisfied by the movie, but thought Smith did well.

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I really liked it alot but found quite a bit not explained like, what was the stuff in the bottle that he squirted on the stairs and his jacket?

He used vinegar, you see a couple more bottles later in the movie.

Saw this movie tonight. Even though I really liked the movie it did leave me wanting more at the end. I thought the CGI was done well, not too over the top. I have to admit I did jump a few times. I saw this movie in a digital theater with great sound.

*** spoiler alert ***

The wife and I didn't care for the way the dog was killed. Was a little hard to watch when you have three of your very own dogs at home.

All in all it was a good flick, didn't mind paying top dollar for this one, which I don't do often. (netflix junkie)

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I watched it last night with my wife. We expected to enjoy it, but were both quite surprised with how quickly we both were taken in. Both of us were pretty emotionally attached to that dog (2 of our own at home didn't help).

I though it was great. lots of suspense, some decent action and a great actor. I just wish there was more of the Shelby!

Edited by Sethmark
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So I finally went and saw it today. Great film but the

silence, you could hear every popcorn crunch and people

acually started to tell each other to knock it off. The film

portrays his lonelyness well. But the ending, what was that,

I never saw the originals but I assume they changed a lot

in this one. Why not a little more, too abrupt, just wanted a

little more info after she got there. :unsure:

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Just watched it today with my daughter- she didn't make it through the whole movie. Too scary I guess. But I thoroughly enjoyed it. I did notice his M4 clicking when he ran out of ammo! :blink: But other than the small discrepancies it was worthwhile going to see it at the big screen. I will concur that it was dead silent. Nobody seem to dare make a sound and give away their position! :lol:

Edited by Rocket35
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Man, ya'll are some tough critics. How many of you realize that "I Am Legend" is a fairly old short story (a novella at best) and not a full length work? They had to do some major rework to bring it up to semi-current times and well as make it into a full length feature. I haven't gotten to see it yet, but I wonder what story line they threw out and what story lines they added in.

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It depends upon your definition of "full-length". The first edition paperback goes 160 pages. That's well beyond short story length, it is a novel, albeit a short one. I Am Legend the novel can be easily read in one sitting, which is one of its major charms, I think.

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Looking at my copy, I get 160 pages, 10 words to the line, 35 lines to the page, say 95% filled gives us approximately 53,000 words.

Since the accepted definition is 7000 words is a short story, 40,000 a novella, and over 40,000 is a novel, I will admit my error. It does qualify as a novel. My comparison was really to point out that it is much shorter than most literary works that become movies. The Bourne novels, Da Vinci Code, etc. are typically closer to 400-500 pages long, approximately 125,000-150,000 words.

Edited by JFlowers
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Liked the previews for this movie, and it seemed like it'd be a good one based on all the reviews here... So I recommended we go and see this with another couple last night - I had to apologize at the end for recommending it. Not as bad as the Village, but close. Slow, not smart enough at times, not dumbed down at other times, really lackluster ending...

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Guns in film (from what I can remember):

Couple of M4s


Berretta 92

S&W 4006?

Pump shotgun (couldn't ID the make).

Personally, if I'm the last man on Earth I'm going to find me some better toys! I would bet most members on this board are better equipped. Heck, Charlton Heston in the Omega Man better guns (M14, M1 Carbine).

The SCARIEST part of the movie was when he was pumping gas...$6+ a gallon?!!!

Edited by Filishooter
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Not as bad as the Village, but close.

Almost as bad as The Village? Man, that's bad. :blink:

Well not that bad, c'mon, it had guns and zombies...

The problem is when we see guns and zombies, we want a

blood bath. Slow is the word..

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  • 2 months later...
I rented this one on DVD tonight and was told the version you buy had an alternate ending. I went looking on the net for the alternate and found it here:


I think I like this ending better as it explains the "trap" that was set for him.

Thank you for posting this. I only got the original version yesterday and now wish I had gotten the version with the alternate ending. Thank you. I got to admit I liked it better too. :cheers:

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The SCARIEST part of the movie was when he was pumping gas...$6+ a gallon?!!!

Come to the UK its $10 a gallon today !!!!!!!!!

I paid £1.12p a litre for diesel this morning over 70% of that is taken in tax by the government.

Back on topic

Where does his M4 go when he gets caught in the trap, you see him drop it but when he gets back down the rifle is missing leading to the drama with the dogs, I was yelling pick up the rifle but it wasnt there, kinda spoilt the film seing as there should'nt have been anyone there to take it away in the daylight ?


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