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Mom In The Hospital...

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Even though I hate it, this didn't seem appropriate for a hate post...

My mom was admitted to the hospital today, after suffering from a stroke due to an aneurysm. Its not clear how bad it is, at this point - she's lucid, but slurring her words, and her breath rate is variable and sometimes slow. Some loss of use of the left side - but hard to tell how much, as she's been paralyzed from the waist down for about 10 years, now, so they can't do a full work up on her. More tests tomorrow morning to isolate how bad the bleed was, and if its truly stopped or not.

I'm flying out tomorrow morning... much to do in between, to make sure things work smoothly while I'm out.

I'm glad you guys are here to distract me when I need it ;) Many thanks in advance for being here...

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So sorry to hear this Dave. My brother in law recently had a stroke, and I just saw him today at Easter gathering .... he is doing GREAT now, but after much therapy and whatnot.

Keep the spirits & hopes alive and all will be well. You will be in my prayers this week.

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So sorry to hear this happened to your mother, and I can truly empathize with your feelings and what you are going through. My 84 year old Mom had a severe stroke in Feb 2006 which left her right side paralyzed. Strokes are funny things, for some people the effects are transient and they bounce back after a while with therapy and treatment. Hopefully, this will happen with your Mother.

Best wishes to you and your family, and I’ll keep her in my prayers tonight.

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Even though I hate it, this didn't seem appropriate for a hate post...

My mom was admitted to the hospital today, after suffering from a stroke due to an aneurysm. Its not clear how bad it is, at this point - she's lucid, but slurring her words, and her breath rate is variable and sometimes slow. Some loss of use of the left side - but hard to tell how much, as she's been paralyzed from the waist down for about 10 years, now, so they can't do a full work up on her. More tests tomorrow morning to isolate how bad the bleed was, and if its truly stopped or not.

I'm flying out tomorrow morning... much to do in between, to make sure things work smoothly while I'm out.

I'm glad you guys are here to distract me when I need it ;) Many thanks in advance for being here...

My thoughts are with you bro... my mom had a stroke after her bypass surgery. She now has aphasia. She understands everything, but has problems talking. So I understand where you are... I'll say this, she may get everything back. The doctors can't tell you anything, but wait and see. The next three months will tell the tale. My thoughts are with you both and I'll include you in my prayers.



Edited by JThompson
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Your mother, you and your family are in my prayers Dave. I'm sorry to hear what happened. My mother suffered a minor stroke a few years ago. It affected her somewhat, but not paralysis. I was with my kids when we visited her at home and my daughter gingerly tossed her a ball (my daughter always tossed the ball with grandma). Her reactions were affected and very delayed and the ball bounced off her shoulder, it was like she never reacted, but I knew she had tried to.

I almost broke into tears after seeing that and how much it had affected her. I have a family history of stroke, but those who have had it didn't really watch their health/workout/ and eat right.

My God be with you!!

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