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Moving up in USPSA Class for 2003

Jon Merricks

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, as posted in other threads I felt this was coming if my calculations were correct, but it still feels great to have accomplished one of my goals.

After having been as high as 84.971% and 2nd A in the system before dropping to 83%, I moved into Master Class in Limited at 87.171%

A big thank you to Brian and everyone here for all of the help, for challenging me, and just for making me think (maybe some of the time so I can shoot without having to think so much?). I've enjoyed the journey so far and am looking forward to reevaluating my goals and continuing to learn and enjoy the sport in the future.

Bryant Chaffin


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Turns out the independant club I shot a special classifier match at didn't send in a note from their club president that it was OK to hold the classifier match. Of course the president was the guy sending in the scores, but Sedro likes their paperwork. Maybe next month.

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I went from 73.XXX to 80.030 and made A class in Limited! :D WooHoo

Also jumped up in production, but nowhere near A there yet.

Now if I can get some feeling in my hands I'll be knocking on M in both before the year's over..


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Way to go guys, moving up is so cool. Bryant, I know you have been soooooo close before but 84.971 must have been torture. I am glad you got over the hump. What's next on the agenda, GM in Limited or working on another division? Tom, welcome to A class, lol. Are you just passing through or planning on sticking around a while?

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With today's update, I moved "up" in Limited from barely over 40.000% to a whopping all time high of 40.376%. In Limited-10, I dropped to 44.481% from my high of 44.774 %.

B CLASS HERE I COME??? :blink::huh::unsure:

NOT!!! :rolleyes:

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I just started shooting IPSC in April of this year.. My first card is B in Limited with a G35.

Hopefully I will make A class in a few more months. - Happy and Safe shooting!

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Hello All,

This is my first post...so don't laugh if it sounds chessy. I just got moved up to B class in both Limited and Limited10 and C class in Production. I will be taking my new found pride to the Buckeye Blast tomorrow and see what happens :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just received a letter from Val at USPSA HQ informing me that as a result of my recent finish at the South Carolina Section match I had been moved to Master class in limited division. Was more expecting the bump as a result of the Area 6 finish than South Carolina, but whatever. You know, USPSA HQ does a great job. That match wasn't that long ago and the letter in no way looked like a "form" letter. Anyway....one of my goals was to make master in open, limited, Lim-10, and production division. I'm three quarters of the way there with production left to go....figures that's what I've shot the most of...? I'm hoping to make master in production by, or shortly after the FGNs. If I don't I may never make it because I've decided open is too much fun. After the FGNs it'll be open for a while. Can't wait.

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I have just started shooting USPSA in the last several months, and it is more fun than I could have ever thought. I joined in February and shot my first 4 classifiers in April (Production). 56.72%! Yeeehaaa! I can't wait for a reloader and some actual practice!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Waahoo! I am finally classified!!! :D "C" Lim-10. The log jam broke and a pile of classifiers for me landed at Sedro. I was getting rather tired of having shot all those classifiers and still being a "U". :wacko::blink::(

And now the trudge begins toward "B". Might not be so difficult if my classifiers lately have been dropping instead of improving. Oh well. B)

Of course now that I have some hi-caps I guess I need to get my Limited classification too. :P

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I just checked to see how I did with my revolver classifiers last month and behold 84.34% in Open. Just a little way to go...

The 4 classifier special that we shot only had one standing reload so my revolver scores are artificially high. The folks at USPSA headquarters really need to think about how they came up with the revolver hit factors. The scores from my four classifiers averaged out 88 per cent and that puts me right behind Ricard Bitow as second highest master. Frankly, it embarrasses the hell out of me...enough said.

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