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Drained the oil in a 4 Runner I have replaced the filter put 5+ qts of oil back in . Started it up and ran in for a minute or two then checked the oil to find out that I had drained the transmission fluid. Too say the least it was a costly oil change.

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Drained the oil in a 4 Runner I have replaced the filter put 5+ qts of oil back in . Started it up and ran in for a minute or two then checked the oil to find out that I had drained the transmission fluid. Too say the least it was a costly oil change.

Funny timing. Just yesterday I was telling a friend about one of my buddies from long ago that did the same thing.

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Remember the '80s and '90s Ford V-8s with the oil pan that has two drain plugs? Had a co-worker who changed his oil and only pulled the front plug. This lets about 1 quart out. He then added 4 quarts and started the Mustang up. Lots of smoke and no power from his 5.0 liter Mustang. He called me and my wife and I drove out to Fort Gordon where he lived on post with his parents. Conversation goes something like this: "Probably got too much oil in it, or you spilled some on the exhaust". "Nah, man, I added four quarts and didn't spill any." "Okay, what's the dipstick say is in it?" "I can't tell". "???" "It shows oil half way up the stick". "Did you drain both sections of the pan?" "It doesn't have two sections". "Get down there and look behind the crossmember". "Damn, when did they start doing that?"

And then there's the time the wife and I went to help him put front and rear pads on the Fiero that replaced the Mustang.(I had a 914 and he decided that mid-engine was cool) We jack up one side and I start on the front and he starts on the back. Ten minutes later the wife is doing the back brakes while I rag Josea about his lack of skill. Smart guy but would not read the directions first.


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When I had a tiny apartment in college I took to storing some kitchen utincils in the oven I rarely used. Sure enough Pre-heated the oven one day and burned the plastic handle off my spaghetti strainer, no problem, I just always grabbed it by the side edge when I used it.

Years later the day came when for some reason I picked up the strainer, cupped it in one hand from the bottom and proceeded to pour boiling water and scalding hot noodles straight throught the strainer into my palm :surprise:

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I dunno if I should stick this in Pre-Match or Operations but there were two main things I learned and won't try again the next time I'm the MD for a big match.

Even though heat transfer technology has WAAAAAYYYYYYY advanced since the advent of ink jet printers and heat presses and the designs can be so much more colorful...DON'T TO MAKE THE SHIRTS YOURSELF!!!! You're supposed to be out there on the ranges keeping track of what's going on not making shirts in the stats classroom. Thanks to Ray and Barry for helping me keep things together on Sunday.

Caterers Lie. Pans of food will feed at least 30 people normal sized portions not 15 or 20. Calculate what you think you'll need then subtract 4 pans of food. Otherwise you will be stuck taking home those extra 4 pans of food, and you'll be eating beef broccoli and chicken tonkatsu for weeks afterwards and then only if you have enough freezer space to store it all. If you're going to err on the side of too much food, at least have a place to donate the excess to set up beforehand.

Otherwise, it was a great match, maybe some year (odd numbered years on Maui) some of you mainland guys will come down and shoot it.

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Otherwise, it was a great match, maybe some year (odd numbered years on Maui) some of you mainland guys will come down and shoot it.

If you can cover airfare from MO, I'd be happy to RO! goof.gif

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On the automotive note, so you have drained the coolant and during the refill process you notice the growing puddle at your feet and remember the drain cock that you are somwehow staring at that very moment.

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Touch, scratch, or rub any part of my face (or anywhere on my body for that matter) whilst slicing any variety of hot pepper.

Will not remove my contacts at bedtime after cooking with any variety of very hot pepper (either fresh or dried)...must remove them and switch to glasses beforehand.

Multiple handwashing didn't prevent getting all snot-nosed and watery eyed reaction 5 hours after cutting those darn things...

I will never again put hydrogen peroxide disinfected contact lenses in my eyes until the catalyst has neutralized the peroxide.

I've done both of these. I had to have my wife take the second contact out. That's a high level of trust.

So many to choose from...

I'll never again go running down carpeted steps with a new pair of leather-soled dress shoes.

I'll also never again go snow-tubing down a tree covered hill in the middle of the night. :goof:

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was about 19 and wanted to heat up leftover pizza in the oven. brainfart threw box and all in the oven and after a few minutes wondered where the smoke was coming from. :surprise:

playing frisbee at the edge of the river at the end of winter when huge pieces of ice are floating down river. frisbee lands on a piece of ice wedged up to the dock. i step one foot on the ice to grab it and suddenly am very cold and wet....and i cant swim. luckily my buddies sister heard it happen and grabbed me out before i drowned. :blush:

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When I was a kid I was walking in and out of my dads shop all day through a garage door. For some reason I had my skateboard with me that day in the shop and gave five hard pumps headed out of the shop down the driveway. Since I was wearing a ball hat I didn't know thAt me being 3 1/2 inches taller was going to be a problem. I smacked that garage door that was partially open that I had been clearing all day. Think cloths line meets hammering action. Two of my dads customers were out infront and had to walk behind there horses to laugh (he's a vet). Then everyone in the clinic came out to see the car wreck they thought they just heard. I had to do that pretend your not hurt and limp off to lick your wounds in private act.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When I was a kid I was walking in and out of my dads shop all day through a garage door. For some reason I had my skateboard with me that day in the shop and gave five hard pumps headed out of the shop down the driveway. Since I was wearing a ball hat I didn't know thAt me being 3 1/2 inches taller was going to be a problem. I smacked that garage door that was partially open that I had been clearing all day. Think cloths line meets hammering action. Two of my dads customers were out infront and had to walk behind there horses to laugh (he's a vet). Then everyone in the clinic came out to see the car wreck they thought they just heard. I had to do that pretend your not hurt and limp off to lick your wounds in private act.

OMG i am not the type to laugh when someone hurts thier self but i can't stop laughing. I have hit my head on so many garage doors and such that this hit right at home.


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  • 1 month later...

On the automotive note, so you have drained the coolant and during the refill process you notice the growing puddle at your feet and remember the drain cock that you are somwehow staring at that very moment.

Did something similar just the other day. I got in a hurry changing the oil in my diesel truck, and remembered I'd forgotten to put the drain plug back in as I was finishing dumping the second gallon of fresh oil in. That was a lot of money running off the driveway.

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Don't know if this one has been mentioned before, but I used to be a hardcore Sporting Clays shooter.

For a while in the late 90's, the really hot thing to do was to have your Beretta AL-390/391 tricked out by Briley or Seminole, and then get a custom painted stock. I saw some painted like WWII aircraft, fishing lures, American flags, you name it.

I remember at one particular shoot a guy had his new 391 out with a bass-boat metallic green finish. This particular course had a pretty decent swamp on the property, and mosquitoes were a constant problem. So the shooter sprayed down with 100% DEET bug dope, and then proceeded to start shooting. The DEET reacted with the expensive paint job, and the shooter ended up wearing metallic green paint on their cheek, right forearm, and both hands. The DEET did a pretty thorough job of stripping that paint off the stock.

Never saw it happen again. ;)

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Came home from my part time job and grabbed a handful of cookies before meeting a friend who had "fixed me up" for a date with a new girl at school.

She was ok to start but developed a severe headache and we had to take her back to the dorm. Found out later that the Oreo cookies sure looked like rot in my front teeth.

Brush or at least rinse before you go out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1) "Tight roping" on the edge of a flower bed that's elevated 2-3 feet off the side walk, with my gloved hands shoved tightly into my pockets to avoid the cold. I believe I was about 10, and despite the narrow surface, decided it was a good idea to do some side stepping and tip toeing. Missed a step at the end, pitched forward and couldn't get my hands out in time to catch myself. Landed flush on my chin with most of my weight. I managed to keep all of my teeth and didn't split my chin enough for stitches, but I nearly bit my tongue in two.

2) Lighting a sparkler for someone else. This happend this past 4th of July. Full of beer and pig, I managed to avoid the inevitable firework battles (thanks to past experiences), and was hovering at the edge of the crowd. A gorgeous 20-something with a sparkler was searching for a light. As I started to strike it, she had the sparkler tipped down-- so I grabbed her wrist and made sure it was angled up and away from my hand. Of course the instant it lit up, she jerked away and pointed the thing directly at my thumb-- at about an inch distance. Mostly second, but a spot of 3rd degree burn-- through the quick. And just in time for a cruise! I looked great with it bandaged the whole time.

3) On that cruise... Using spray sunscreen nearing the end of its life. Spray a swath, rub it down. Spray another, rub some more. "I grew up in Florida, I live in South Louisiana-- and it's 30 SPF! I always get red before I tan!" Suffice it to say that tiger stripes are not sexy, but they WILL get you a lot of attention. And the stories you can feed people about how it happened are almost worth the brutal agony of having missed SO MANY spots. (My favorite was, "It's tourist camo. I'm actually a Mexican local, but I like to blend in.")

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  • 3 months later...

How did we survive being young and dumb?

Riding a motorcycle in the snow, laid it over hard and slid. 25 years later I still have a purple mark mid right thigh where the handle bar jabbed me. Snow tubing behind a quad or three wheeler on logging roads. Luckily we put a helmet on the tubers. Huge paint chips in the helmet from trees, branches, and sign posts. A friend did lose a lot of skin off his face once so we quit doing that.

Buying reservation fireworks. How long do you wait for the quarter stick to blow before you look into the stump? Or blowing up 5 gallon buckets and spreading burning plastic all over the cars and bushes in the neighborhood.

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Never... Never EVER...!! Stand real close, crotch forward, in front of one of those FREAKIN' truck spring mounted, Cast Iron sea-horses at the playground,

while watching your niece's & nephew's run around like lunatic hunyock's... Never, NEVER, Never EVER con-TINUE to stand there while one runs by and yanks

it back nearly to the ground... Oh my LORD in HEAVEN... You will NEVER ever ever forget that lesson...

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Never pitch to or stand anywhere near short human beings when they have a wiffle ball bat in their hands.

You WILL get hit right in the brass ones and it WILL hurt and everyone WILL see it and laugh.

It WILL require icing it down which WILL provoke more laughter.

Next time hand the ball to the Mrs and tell her to teach them to bat...we'll stick to safe stuff like explosives and firearms.

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How did we survive being young and dumb?

Riding a motorcycle in the snow, laid it over hard and slid. 25 years later I still have a purple mark mid right thigh where the handle bar jabbed me. Snow tubing behind a quad or three wheeler on logging roads. Luckily we put a helmet on the tubers. Huge paint chips in the helmet from trees, branches, and sign posts. A friend did lose a lot of skin off his face once so we quit doing that.

Buying reservation fireworks. How long do you wait for the quarter stick to blow before you look into the stump? Or blowing up 5 gallon buckets and spreading burning plastic all over the cars and bushes in the neighborhood.

A rope towed car hood, going down a pipe line that is terraced about every 20'. It was fun for about 1 1/2 terrace. Then it just hurt.

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On a firearms note: never do ANYTHING AT ALL firearm related without glasses. I've been aerosoled in the eye with rem-oil, shot in or near my eyes more times than I'm willing to admit with springs, etc, etc,... I've found that if I'm going to get injured in any way shape or form, it will be my poor, defenseless eyes. Or my junk, but that's a given.

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Once was enough. Go out through the garage door to move the truck in for the night. After climbing into the truck hit the button to open the door (which is already open). My friend the garage door guy reminds me of this every time he sees me.

Don't bother with safety glasses and just close your eyes. An eyelid provides no protection from a 3" staple. Guess who got to switch dominant eyes?

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Never, ever grow up on a farm with two older brothers. Least of all, be the "test pilot" for a homemade airplane because you are the smallest and "it will fly". 8 years old and launched from the haymow barn door.

Never chase your brothers across the rafters of the holding barn for cows in the spring before having the barn spring cleaned. Missed the rafter and ended up neck deep in cow manure. Brothers had to get a rope to me and haul me out before Dad found out.

Golden rule...never snitch!! Sister did and got hit with an electric cattle prod while doing dishes.

Funniest thing I ever saw...brother took a chicken and shoved its head up our horses a_-hole just after it took a dump and its tail was up. Chicken started kicking and the horse took off like a rocket.

Never underestimate the swiftness of a cows kick...right in the nads. Swollen up the size of grapefruits at age 8.

Never take your new BB gun and shoot the bull in the "sack" while he is "sleeping". Brother did this and found that the race to the fenceline is too close for comfort.

Just a few stories from the 50's.

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Never, ever grow up on a farm with two older brothers. Least of all, be the "test pilot" for a homemade airplane because you are the smallest and "it will fly". 8 years old and launched from the haymow barn door.

Never chase your brothers across the rafters of the holding barn for cows in the spring before having the barn spring cleaned. Missed the rafter and ended up neck deep in cow manure. Brothers had to get a rope to me and haul me out before Dad found out.

Golden rule...never snitch!! Sister did and got hit with an electric cattle prod while doing dishes.

Funniest thing I ever saw...brother took a chicken and shoved its head up our horses a_-hole just after it took a dump and its tail was up. Chicken started kicking and the horse took off like a rocket.

Never underestimate the swiftness of a cows kick...right in the nads. Swollen up the size of grapefruits at age 8.

Never take your new BB gun and shoot the bull in the "sack" while he is "sleeping". Brother did this and found that the race to the fenceline is too close for comfort.

Just a few stories from the 50's.

Holy crap - that cracked me up!

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